Category Archives: News

Sweden has been fighting the most severe fire in history

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Aug. 1(Greenpost)– Sweden has faced the prolonged heat and drought in most of the areas in the country.

The prolonged heat and drought have had significant consequences for society. At present, forest fires are raging around the country and agriculture has been seriously affected by the drought. The high temperatures can also have an impact on people’s health, particularly the sick and elderly. The Government is following developments carefully and has continuous contact with the responsible authorities to manage the situation.

In view of the forest fires around the country, the widespread drought and the ongoing heatwave, intensive efforts are under way among rescue services, government agencies and municipalities.

Efforts to stop the forest fires

At present, several forest fires are raging around the country and the rescue services are making tremendous efforts to protect people, property, forests and the functioning of society.

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency is coordinating relevant agencies and supporting municipal rescue services, together with the Swedish Armed Forces and the county administrative boards, by providing reinforcements in terms of equipment, staff and expertise.

Via the EU, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has requested assistance in the form of firefighting aircraft from other European countries.

The work of the authorities is crucial to combating the fires. But everyone also carries a personal responsibility. In many parts of the country, fire bans are in place. Remember to check whether a fire ban is in place where you are.

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Information about the forest fires at

Information about the forest fires on the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency website

Efforts to support agriculture

The Government is closely following developments in the agriculture sector and continues alongside government agencies and other actors to seek solutions to the challenges emerging so as to alleviate the situation for farmers. For example, the Government will provide national funds to strengthen the liquidity of our farmers. Sweden is in an active dialogue with the EU about exemptions and other solutions to alleviate the situation for Swedish farmers.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture is working actively to find solutions to alleviate the situation for the farmers affected. These include exemptions from regulations, higher advance payments from support funds to help liquidity, and more. For example, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has granted an exemption allowing farmers to take feed from grassland that otherwise must not be harvested.

Heatwave and health

The heatwave can cause problems for people’s health. Exposure to heat carries with it different risks for different individuals. Risk groups are above all elderly people, the chronically ill, people with disabilities, young children, pregnant women and people on medication.

The Government has ongoing contact with the relevant government agencies and local authorities. The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs holds weekly meetings with the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. These meetings bring the Government up to date on what the government agencies are doing to help older people and others cope with the heat. The meetings will continue as long as the current situation persists.

Private individuals can contact their county council and 1177 Vårdguiden for information and advice about various heatwave-related health risks.

Advice about the heatwave (in Swedish) on the 1177 Vårdguidens website

The Public Health Agency of Sweden provides advice for different target groups that can be used by municipalities, county councils, regions and private actors in health and medical care services.

High temperatures can influence the growth of bacteria in drinking water and food. The National Food Agency website has information and advice.

Water levels and water supply

The Government is closely following developments in groundwater levels and water supply and has continuous contact with the responsible agencies. Municipalities are responsible for the public supply of drinking water.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency provides general information about water shortages, drought and what measures people can take themselves.

Information about water shortages (in Swedish) on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency website

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the Geological Survey of Sweden collaborate and provide continuous updates about the risk of water shortages in their ‘water shortage risk’ service.

Sir David Attenborough receives honorary prize in Sweden presented by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson

IMG_4220.JPGSir David Attenborough together with the founders of The Perfect World Foundation, Ragnhild Jacobsson & Lars Jacobsson.

Sir David Attenborough is possibly the world’s most famous presenter of nature documentaries. On September 6th. The Perfect World Foundation will be hosting a gala in Gothenburg, in support of earth’s nature and wildlife. Sir Attenborough, the evening’s guest of honour, will be awarded the foundation’s honorary prize presented by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson.

Sir David Attenborough has become internationally renowned for his characteristic storytelling in nature documentaries such as, among many, Planet Earth and Life on Earth. On September 6th the 92-year-old Sir Attenborough will be visiting Gothenburg to receive The Perfect World Prize during the foundation’s yearly gala in support of nature and wildlife.

“Through his work, Sir David Attenborough has given wildlife a voice and raised interest for nature and wildlife world over. It is a great honour to have him as our guest,” says Ragnhild Jacobsson, CEO and founder of The Perfect World Foundation.

The non-profit organization The Perfect World Foundation annually organizes a support gala in Gothenburg, to address concerning nature and wildlife issues. This year’s focus is on polar bears, climate change and the ever faster melting Antarctic ice. Each year The Perfect World Prize is awarded a person who has made a significant contribution to the conservation of nature and wildlife. Sir David Attenborough will become the fifth honouree to be awarded the prize; previous recipients include Dr Sylvia EarleDr Jane Goodall, Dr Richard Leakey and Mark Shand.

Celebrities gather to pay tribute to David Attenborough

The British Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson entered the limelight in 1986 when she married Prince Andrew. Today she is one of The Perfect World Foundation ambassadors and will be presenting Sir Attenborough with the foundation’s honorary award. Also, Shannon Elizabeth, who performed with a role in American Pie (1999), Nobel Peace Prize winner (2007) Rajendra Pachauri and The Game of Thrones-star James Cosmo will go on the red carpet to the support gala at Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.

“Many want to join the celebration of Sir David Attenborough. We’ve already received several offers from well-known artists who want to perform, free of charge, during the gala evening,” announces Ragnhild Jacobsson.

Sir David Attenborough’s visit to Sweden on September 6th will not solely involve festivities. The Perfect World Foundation is also organizing and hosting a climate conference, at which Sir Attenborough will lecture around lunchtime the same day. The funds raised from the climate conference and the gala evening will aid The Perfect World Foundation in their pursuit to preserve the earth’s nature and wildlife. Both the gala and the climate conference will be held at the conference centre Gothia Towers in Gothenburg on September 6th.

“We want to raise awareness around the seriousness of the climate change. Our oceans are filled with plastic waste, coral reefs are dying and soon several of our great mammals are extinct. Through the conference and gala we want to inspire, people and companies, and encourage involvement in the climate issues,” concludes Ragnhild Jacobsson.

Short about the gala

The Perfect World Foundation has since 2014 organized three support galas in Gothenburg, which have all raised significant funds for animal and nature projects worldwide. Dr Sylvia Earle, Dr Jane Goodall, Dr Richard Leakey and Mark Shand are previous recipients of the foundation’s honorary award. The prize is each year awarded a person who has made a significant contribution to the conservation of nature and wildlife.

Prince Charles receiving The Perfect World Prize 2014, on behalf Mark Shands.


Jane Goodall The Perfect World Prize recipient in 2015.


Last years award recipient Dr Sylvia Earle, accompanied by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson (left) and the swedish artist Martin Stenmarck (right).


The Perfect World Prize, a crystal rhinoceros statuette made by Orrefors.


Press Contacts

Daniel Wilke PR & Communication Manager +46736329827

Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson CEO & Co-Founder +46768669940


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Contact persons

Daniel Wilke

Daniel Wilke

PR & Communication Manager
Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson

Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson

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 01.08.2018  jpg  DownloadSir David Attenborough together with the founders of The Perfect World Foundation, Ragnhild Jacobsson & Lars Jacobsson.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadPrince Charles receiving The Perfect World Prize 2014, on behalf Mark Shands.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadJane Goodall The Perfect World Prize recipient in 2015.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadLast years award recipient Dr Sylvia Earle, accompanied by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson (left) and the swedish artist Martin Stenmarck (right).
Skärmavbild 2018-07-26 kl. 13.06.55.png
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadThe Perfect World Prize, a crystal rhinoceros statuette.

Narendra Modi, Xi Jinping vow to maintain ‘momentum’ on sidelines of BRICS; Chinese defence minister to visit to India in August

Modi, who is in Johannesburg to attend the BRICS Summit, met Xi for the third time in nearly three months on Thursday evening after their two-day informal summit in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late April and a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit in Qingdao, China in June.

“It is important to maintain this momentum and for this we should, at our level, regularly review our relationship and give proper instructions whenever required,” Modi told Xi in his opening remarks.

File image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. AP

File image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping. AP

He told the Chinese leader that their recent meetings have given a new strength to bilateral ties and also provided new opportunities for cooperation.

Xi said that the Chinese side is ready to work with the Indian side to carry forward the fresh impetus of bilateral relations since their informal meeting in Wuhan, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

He called on the two sides to strengthen strategic communication, increase mutual trust, promote practical cooperation, as well as cultural and people-to-people exchanges, strengthen dialogue and properly manage differences, it said.

At Wuhan, Modi and Xi had decided to issue “strategic guidance” to their militaries to strengthen communications to build trust and understanding, a move aimed at avoiding a Doka La-like situation in the future.

Modi said the Johannesburg meeting has provided one more opportunity to them to strengthen their closer developmental partnership.

Briefing the reporters about the meeting, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said the two leaders reaffirmed their readiness to give the necessary direction to their militaries to enhance communication between them and to maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas.

“They were satisfied with the efforts being made by the officials of the two sides to strengthen bilateral engagements and to implement some of the understandings and decisions that the two leaders had reached at Wuhan,” he said.

Modi also expressed his willingness to send National Security Adviser Ajit Doval to China this year for the Special Representative-level boundary talks, he said.

Gokhale said the two sides had agreed at Qingdao that the Chinese ministers for defence and public security would travel to India this year.

“It was decided that these two visits would take place in August and October, respectively,” the foreign secretary added.

In Beijing, Chinese defence ministry spokesman Senior Colonel Ren Guoqiang confirmed that State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe “plans to pay a friendly official visit to India” at the invitation of his Indian counterpart Nirmala Sitharaman.

“We have provided a top-level design for bilateral ties in a macroscopic perspective and a timely fashion, which is conducive to mobilising the positive elements of all sectors in both countries and uniting the wills of the 2.6 billion people of the two countries, so as to form a force that would push bilateral ties into the future,” Xi told Modi.

Gokhale said both the leaders also remarked that in the last few months mutual trust has increased between the two sides.

Xi once again conveyed to Modi that he is very happy to accept his invitation to visit India for an informal summit, the second one, next year and both sides also agreed to follow up on a number of issues, the foreign secretary added.

They also agreed that the high-level people-to-people mechanism which would be established between the two sides will also meet this year, he said.

One of the important issues which Modi raised with Xi at his previous meetings is of how the two sides can enhance Indian exports to China particularly agricultural exports.

“It has been decided that an Indian trade delegation will be travelling to China on August 1 and 2. Among the issues they will discuss are exports of soya, sugar and non-basmati rice and they will also look at the possible import of urea from China,” he said.

Modi also mentioned about the pharma sector and cited a Chinese movie titled ‘Dying to Survive’ which is based loosely on the role that the Indian cancer drugs play in saving the life of the main character of the movie, Gokhale said, adding that it was decided that an Indian pharmaceutical delegation will visit Shanghai, China on 21 and 22 August for talks.

Xi said that as major emerging market economies, as well as vindicators and contributors of the current international order, China and India should strengthen bilateral cooperation, while exploring a new model for regional cooperation, upholding multilateralism, championing economic globalization and striving for a more just and rational international order, Xinhua reported.

Xi and Modi will meet again at the margins of the G20 summit in Argentina at the end of 2018.

Source: Firstpost in India.


北欧绿色邮报网斯德哥尔摩报道(记者陈雪霏)– 7月27日,中国驻瑞典使馆陆海空军武官徐俊大校在使馆举行招待会,隆重庆祝中国人民解放军建军91周年。












北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典南部ELM圣经夏令营于7月21日圆满结束。 今年参加夏令营的有380多人,其中孩子有155人。








Ambassador Gui Congyou Gives Exclusive Interview with Expressen

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, July 26(Greenpost) — On 17 July 2018, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview with Arne Lapidus, journalist of Expressen, at the Embassy. Following is the full text of the interview:

Gui Congyou: Welcome to the Embassy. Our embassy is open to all Swedish friends. Instead of an interview, I would like to see our meeting today as a frank and friendly conversation. Since taking office, I have talked extensively with friends from all sectors of the Swedish society, and they all wanted to know more about China.

However, certain Swedish media and journalists, with their bias, stereotype and hostility, described China as a country without any merit. The truth is that China is developing rapidly, the life of its people is improving and China is making increasing contribution to global peace and development.

As an old Chinese saying goes, “Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.” It means that one can only reach a comprehensive and objective understanding of a subject after listening to all sides, whereas hearing from one side leads to a biased conclusion.

My colleagues and I, as ambassador, are willing to communicate with Swedish journalists and media, including Expressen. Some of you say that I am an ambassador with a mission. Indeed, all ambassadors from all countries have their missions.

My mission is to present Sweden to the Chinese people and China to the Swedish people in an objective, accurate and comprehensive manner, to promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between our two countries, and to build a bridge of friendship, communication and cooperation between our two peoples. That is exactly what my colleagues and I have been doing. I am encouraged by the outcomes of our efforts, and I am confident that friendly exchanges and cooperation between our two countries will be deepened.

Q: Thank you, Mr. Ambassador. It is my honor to visit the Embassy. You mentioned many areas of friendship and cooperation between China and Sweden and that you are ready for open dialogue. However, recently you and the Embassy criticized the Swedish media. Do you think that helps open dialogue?

Gui Congyou: As I said, one of my main missions is to present China to the Swedish people in an objective, accurate and comprehensive manner. Most Swedish media and journalists are friendly toward China. They cover China’s development and contribute to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.

However, a small number of media and journalists are hostile to China. They see China as a country with no merit. It is not true at all. After our efforts to remind them have failed and for the friendship and cooperation between our two peoples, we have no choice but to point out their bias and hostility. We hope they will follow the professional ethics of journalists and stop viewing China through colored glasses. These efforts are to help these media and journalists to abide by journalistic ethics.

Q: My Impression is that the Embassy stepped up its media offensive since last Autumn. Why?

Gui Congyou: The main task of every ambassador of every country is to reach out to all sectors of the host country, including the media, to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation through open dialogue. Since becoming Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, I talked to friends from all departments of the Swedish Government, Parliament, political parties, local governments, universities, and the business community. We discussed how to tap into the enormous potential of bilateral cooperation and facilitate the development of each other. Through talking with friends of the press, I found that though aspiration for friendship and cooperation is the norm, some certain media and journalists harbor prejudices against China. Despite significant progress achieved by China, we do not deny that some problems are yet to be resolved. To secure further development of the country and improvement of people’s life, a lot more needs to be done. We welcome constructive suggestions and criticism from friends from Sweden and other countries, but firmly oppose the attempts, by certain media and journalists with hostility and bias against China, to undermine the friendship and cooperation between China and Sweden, as it is not in the fundamental interest of our two countries and peoples. We are obligated to point out their mistakes, and hope that they will join the team for friendship and cooperation between our two countries. This is our goodwill.

Q: You talked a lot about friendship and cooperation, but we noticed that you warned if Sweden keeps pressuring China over the Gui Minhai case, the two countries’ relations might be affected. Do you believe what you said promoted friendship and cooperation? It sounds like a superpower pressuring a remote and small country.

Gui Congyou: I don’t quite agree with you calling Sweden a remote and small country. Though the Swedish population of 10 million may not seem very big, its 450,000 km² of land is the 5th largest in Europe. More importantly, it is a great power in terms of industry, science and technology, innovation, national defense and diplomacy. Sweden and China are both firmly committed to protecting free trade and addressing climate change. As early as 1972, Sweden proposed the notion of sustainable development. It is the first and most successful country in carrying out green and environment-friendly development. In terms of quality of development, Sweden is no small country at all.

On the Gui Minhai case, we have been in close communication with friends from the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. We meet at least once every week to discuss how to properly handle the case. We positively consider the Swedish side’s requests for consular access and a Swedish doctor’s visit to him. Though Gui Minhai has stated publicly that he does not want to meet anyone from the Swedish side, considering the Swedish side’s concerns, the Chinese officers are working to persuade him. I’d like to take this opportunity to give you an important update. We are working on a visa for the Swedish doctor, and we hope he will come to China as soon as possible. A certain Swedish journalist, without making efforts to learn about the close communication between the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and me, made irresponsible claims that China rejected a medical consultation by a Swedish doctor for Gui Minhai. These claims are totally inconsistent with the facts. I hope to pass the information to this journalist through you. He should stop making irresponsible claims and accusations before knowing the facts.

As for the case itself, I stressed many times when I talked to Swedish friends, that he committed serious crimes in both China and Sweden. How Sweden handles the serious crimes he committed in Sweden in the 1990s is up to Sweden, which we do not seek to interfere. But China is a country ruled by law and everyone is equal before the law. The crimes he committed in China must be dealt with under the Chinese law. It is natural for countries to have differences. But what is important is for the differences to be handled through friendly and equal-footed negotiations, instead of one side pointing fingers at the other. When some people try to pressure China to immediately release Gui Minhai, we cannot help but ask whether it is consistent with the principle of rule of law to have someone that committed such serious crimes released without trial. It is important that we deal with this case on the basis of mutual respect and equality and in accordance with the principle of rule of law. Such an approach will only improve the friendship and cooperation between our two countries, instead of damaging it.

Q: Gui Minhai has been jailed for more than 1,000 days and he was forced to make three confessions on TV. The Swedish Government said it was unacceptable. In this context, how can this case be dealt with appropriately?

Gui Congyou: Did Gui Minhai say he was forced to make confessions on TV? I have not heard of it. With a criminal like him, as long as the two countries handle the case based on the spirit of rule of law, there will not be any disputes. Chinese authorities have been investigating and dealing with his other crimes in China according to law. There is a strong concern of the Swedish Government to arrange a medical consultation for him, and we took it in consideration during the investigation process. The Chinese authorities will surely investigate and deal with the Gui Minhai case in accordance with Chinese law.

Q: Not only Swedish journalists criticize the media environment in China, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also says that China’s media environment is worsening every year. What do you think?

Gui Congyou: I have never heard of that. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. During the past 40 years, a large number of foreign journalists came to China to work. Their coverage helped the outside world to know about China, which is an important contribution to the friendship and cooperation between China and other countries. As for the foreign journalists, including some from Sweden, who complain that the working environment in China is worsening, I suggest they reflect on their own behaviors first. Any journalist who works in another country should abide the law of that country and follow the professional ethics of journalists. To those journalists who complain about China, we might as well ask whether they have followed the journalistic ethics and the Chinese law.

Q: I am not quoting from some individual journalist, but quoting from the IFJ report, which also said China is restricting foreign journalists’ work through not giving visas to them. It seems like China is hiding something from the world, doesn’t it?

Gui Congyou: Over the past 40 years, thanks to reform and opening-up, China achieved significant progress in its economic and social development and substantially improved people’s living standards. China will continue to pursue high-quality development and deliver a good life to its 1.4 billion people. China will carry on with opening-up and our door will open even wider. We welcome more journalists to work in China and cover its development. We are open and aboveboard, and we do not try to hide anything. When you talk to the people of IFJ, please tell them what I said. We welcome foreign journalists to work in China, but they need to abide by the Chinese law and journalistic ethics. If they do, they will not have any problem working in China.

Q: Besides IFJ, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) also said that the work of foreign journalists is obstructed in China. In their report, China ranks 176th out of 180 countries, almost at the bottom. What do you think of freedom of the press in China?

Gui Congyou: My suggestion is that you go to China to see for yourself our policies and attitudes toward foreign journalists. I also have some personal thoughts on freedom of the press. Undoubtedly, there is something universal about freedom of the press, but absolute freedom of the press does not exist in any country. The prerequisite of press freedom is that the coverage needs to be based on facts that are verifiable and obtained in an honest way. These are minimum requirements of journalistic ethics. We hope that journalists can base their criticism of China on facts. To my knowledge, all countries have different degrees of restriction on freedom of the press. Take the US, the country that claims to be the most tolerant of speech, for example. There are at least nine restrictions on freedom of speech, including restriction on desecrating the national flag or burning draft-cards; restriction on jokes endangering public security; restriction on jeopardizing public order and causing riots; restriction on disturbing quiet school environment; restriction on spreading false information; restriction on hindering others’ rights; and restriction on obstructing urban traffic and violating traffic rules under the name of freedom of speech and association. These are the restrictions on freedom of speech in the US. In Sweden, I do not think there is absolute freedom of speech and press either. Sweden is preparing for its parliamentary election, where many political parties and people are calling for restriction on speeches of violence, hatred, extremism and racism. It is a subject that you know more about than me, and I hope you will share relevant information with me. As for the irresponsible comments from the so-called IFJ, they need to change their mentality first, as they cannot enjoy freedom of speech that is beyond the law or freedom of the press that goes against journalistic ethics. If one judges freedom of the press without regard to the law of the host country or journalistic ethics, one can only reach a biased and subjective conclusion.

Q: You are right. There is no absolute freedom of the press. However, almost all journalists associations criticize China, and a foreign correspondents association in China also said reporters face more and more harassment from China and that it is increasingly difficult to work in China. This seems to be in contradiction with your opinions that China is more and more open and that the working environment of foreign journalists in China is getting better and better. What is your comment?

Gui Congyou: First of all, all major countries and major media outlets across the world have resident reporters in China. I suggest you go to China personally and ask these foreign journalists working in China whether they share the same view as these so-called journalists associations. We welcome more foreign journalists to work in China, but just like any other country, we require foreign journalists to abide by Chinese law and follow the professional ethics of journalists. As to those so-called journalists organizations seriously prejudiced against the freedom of the press in China, you may ask if they have complied with relevant Chinese law and whether they have followed journalistic ethics. If not, I hope they will change their approach.

Q: IFJ also said that China has arrested more reporters than any other country in the world. In recent years, there have been altogether over 900 incidents where reporters in China were impinged upon, including more than 250 press censorship incidents, over 190 arrests, and over 80 incidents of harassment with threats. What is your comment on this?

Gui Congyou: I am not aware of the situation you mentioned. As I said, it is hoped that foreign reporters working in China will abide by Chinese law and follow journalistic ethics. They should first examine their own behaviors, instead of blaming others or even making unfounded accusations.

Q: A journalist from Expressen, Mr. Jojje Olsson, had worked in China for many years and has been covering China and written four books on China. But according to our information, his visa application to China has been denied. We would like to know why China refused such a respectable journalist who reports on China?

Gui Congyou: I don’t know this person. Is he truly a journalist? Does he have a certificate in journalism?

Q: I don’t know if he has a certificate in journalism or not. But he does publish articles on newspaper and has written books about China. Usually, we regard such people as journalists. Since he has written books, we may also call him an author.

Gui Congyou: As far as I know, since 2010, Mr. Olsson has repeatedly used invitation letters issued by Chinese business agencies to apply for visas to China for “business and procurement”. But every time he went into China, he conducted neither business nor procurement, but news reporting. In the last time, he still used an invitation letter for business and procurement to apply for a visa. We told him that his activities in China were seriously inconsistent with what he had claimed, and that if he wanted to go to China for reporting, as an international practice he should apply for a Journalist Visa. But he refused to apply for a Journalist Visa. Then of course, we refused to grant a visa to him, which is also an international practice. Now, although he is not in Beijing, he still uses the blog site “InBeijing” to publish articles. If you have a chance to meet him, please tell him we recommend that he rename his blog in accordance with his actual address. If he is in Stockholm, use “InStockholm”. If he is in Chinese Taipei, use “InChineseTaipei”. This is what we call honesty. He claimed to be an expert on China in Sweden and published a large number of comments and articles to maliciously attack China. As long as someone in Sweden makes a statement different from his point of view, he attacks that person viciously. Do you call this freedom of the press? ! We also learned that in early 2014, when Dagens Industri (DI) was recruiting a reporter to be stationed in China, Mr. Olsson applied for the job. But the night before the interview he got too drunk to be able to attend it, so he asked a friend to pretend to be him. His friend successfully passed the interview, but when DI found in the second interview that he was not the same person as they previously interviewed, they sternly refused to hire him. Do you think what Mr. Olsson did is appropriate? I’m talking about facts now, verifiable facts. You may go check their authenticity if interested. I hope that journalists will follow professional ethics and work in an honest manner. If you see him, you can tell him that I am willing to meet him. I hope he has such courage.

Q: If he comes to the Embassy to apply for a visa again, will you grant it to him?

Gui Congyou: It depends on how he reflects on the dishonest things he has done in the past. In fact, he has cheated many times to get visas in the name of doing business and procurement. According to my knowledge, there are sanctions in Sweden against those who have lost credibility for many times. Whether he can get a visa to China depends on whether he can be an honest person.

Q: You just said that China is more and more open and welcomes more foreign journalists to work there. But now almost all international journalists organizations and reporters working in China are criticizing China, saying that China is becoming less and less open and that freedom of the press in China is worsening day by day. How do you explain it? Is this a conspiracy against the great China by all reporters in the world?

Gui Congyou: As I have said, I have not heard of such comments by any international journalists organization. All major countries and major media outlets across the world have many resident reporters in China. If you would like to know foreign journalists’ work in China, I suggest you do not listen to what others say first. Go to China, have a look around, and learn the truth through your own personal experience. Of course, I am not surprised at all if these criticisms come from Mr. Olsson.

Q: Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for doing such a long interview. Do you have anything else to tell us?

Gui Congyou: As the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, my mission is to promote China-Sweden friendship. Therefore, shortly after I took office, I wanted to publish an article in the Swedish media to introduce my mission and promote China-Sweden friendly cooperation. We contacted several media outlets and were rejected. I hope that Expressen will actively consider publishing the article. About 270 years ago, the merchant vessel “Götheborg” made its first trip from Sweden to China and opened China- Sweden cooperation and peaceful trade along the Maritime Silk Road. China-Sweden friendly cooperation has a long history.

Q: Yes, and Sweden has built another “Götheborg” ship which visited China in 2007. It was a famous voyage. Many large Swedish companies participated and many young Swedish people learned about the historical exchanges and cooperation between China and Sweden.

Gui Congyou: Therefore, we must carry on the friendly cooperation between China and Sweden from generation to generation. I have reached a consensus with many Swedish friends that there are 100 reasons for China and Sweden to strengthen cooperation, but no single reason to hinder cooperation. There is neither historical dispute nor modern geographical conflict between our two countries. China is implementing the new concept of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone in an effort to achieve high-quality development. Sweden is a world leader in innovation and sustainable development, and Sweden’s successful development experience contributes to China’s pursuit for high-quality development. China and Sweden have identical positions in supporting free trade, opposing protectionism, and tackling climate change. The Swedish companies, local governments and universities I have visited all expressed the hope to export high-quality products to China, deepen friendly exchanges and cooperation with China, or recruit students from China. We are actively providing assistance for them. By the end of last year, the number of Chinese people studying in Sweden exceeded 8,000, among which about 7,000 are self-funded students. Last year, Chinese tourists registered about 400,000 bed nights in Sweden, and this number is still growing at a double-digit rate. Bilateral trade volume between China and Sweden reached USD15 billion in 2017 with a growth rate as high as 37%, and Sweden shifted from deficit to a surplus of USD900 million in trade with China for the first time. As China steers toward high-quality economic development and seeks to meet the demands of Chinese people for a better life, we need to import a large amount of premium products. We welcome the Swedish side to expand exports to China. Quality goods exported from Sweden to China will bring good profits to Sweden and help China in pursuing high-quality development and meeting Chinese people’s aspirations for a better life, which is a win-win result. Our conversation today is very meaningful, and you are welcome to the Embassy again in the future. Please also tell other friends of the media that China is more and more open and welcomes more journalists to work there. We also welcome more Swedish friends to go to China for travel, study, business, and investment.

Source: Chinese Embassy.

Kinesiska ambassadör Gui: Att främja den traditionella vänskapen för att fördjupa vårt gemensamma intresse

 STOCKHOLM, July 26(Greenpost)– Kinesiska ambassadör Gui Congyou har skrivit den här artikel om hans jobb i Sverige.  Full text är nedende:
Jag har arbetat som den tjugonde kinesiska ambassadören i Sverige i nästan ett år.

Fast Kina och Sverige är geografiskt långt ifrån varandra, är vår vänskap långvarig och väletablerad. Så tidigt som 1739 seglade Ostindiefararen Götheborgs till Kina och kinesiska porsliner, silke och te fick komma till Sverige längs den maritima sidenvägen. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige inte deltog i västmakternas invasion och plundring i den tid när Kina var svagt och sårbart. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige är det första västlandet som upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med Folkrepubliken Kina. Det politiska modet och den strategiska visionen av dåtidens svenska ledare är mycket beundransvärt. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige stöttade Kinas rättsliga plats i FN, och efter Kinas reform och öppnande, blev Sverige en gång till det första västlandet som undertecknade handels-och investeringsavtalet med Folkrepubliken Kina och därefter aktivt utförde ekonomiska och tekniska samarbeten, vilka bidrog mycket till Kinas ekonomiska och samhälleliga utveckling.

Nuförtiden går relationer mellan Kina och Sverige ständigt framåt. I juni 2017 reste Sveriges statsminister Stefan Löfven till Kina för World Economic Forum, och träffade Kinas president Xi Jingping och premiärminister Li Keqiang och nådde viktiga överenskommelser om att vidare främja kännedom om varandra och fördjupa pragmatiska samarbete med hänsyn till principerna av ömsesidigt respekt och jämlikhet. De viktiga överenskommelserna ska utforma framtidens kinesiska-svenska relationer. Samtidigt fanns det frekvent bilaterala besökt på olika nivåer i 2017. 6 svenska ministrar besökte Kina och 26 kinesiska delegationer på vice-ministers eller ministers nivå kom till Sverige.

Samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige håller fart i olika område. I många år har Sverige varit Kinas främsta affärspartner i Norden och Kina Sveriges största i Asien. I fjol steg handelssiffran mellan Sverige och Kina med 29 % till 15 miljarder US Dollar. Sveriges export till Kina ökade med 24 % och redovisade ett överskott av 690 miljoner US Dollar. Volvo och Geely:s “äktenskap” har skapat tiotusentals jobb och blivit ett framstående exempel på samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa.

Mellan Kina och Sverige har man etablerat 31 par vänorter, där utbyte förstärkt och samarbete fördjupade. Enligt SCB:s statistik är antal hotellövernattningar av kinesiska turister i Sverige 203 000 i 2014, 258 000 i 2015, 323 000 i 2016 och mer än 400 000 i 2017. Kinesiska turister är nu den största kundgruppen av tax-free handel i Sverige. I juni 2017 undertecknades det första mellanstatliga utbildningsavtalet och antalet kinesiska gäststudenter i Sverige steg till 8000. Det kinesiska kulturcentret i Stockholm spelar en viktig roll i att förmedla den kinesiska kulturen och traditionell konst.

Sedan jag anlände i Sverige den 18:e augusti i fjol har jag haft omfattande kontakt med den svenska regeringen och samhället. Jag känner att de goda relationerna mellan Kina och Sverige ännu kan förbättras, det finns verkligen stora möjligheter.

Vi har liknande utvecklingslinjer och är ekonomiskt komplimenterande till varandra. Den 19:e nationella kongressen för det kinesiska kommunistiska partiet har framgångsrikt avslutats och nya utvecklingsambitioner fastställts. Under President Xi Jingpings stadiga ledarskap har Kina sjösatt 5 nya utvecklingskoncept som är innovation, balanserad tillväxt, en grön ekonomi, öppnande samt inkluderande utveckling. Det kinesiska folkets önskemål för det goda livet kommer att förverkligas och arbetet för moderniseringen av Kina ska träda intill en ny epok.

Inom 5 år kommer Kina att importera mer än 8 biljoner dollar av varor, och investera 750 miljarder dollar utomlands. Antalet turister som reser till utlandet kommer att vara fler än 500 miljoner. I de kommande 10 åren planerar Kina att investera nästan 600 miljarder dollar inom den gröna ekonomin. The Belt and Road initiativet kommer att öppna upp en ny betydelsefull möjlighet för att utveckla samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige.

Vi har också omfattande överenskommelser och mycket gemensamma intresse i internationella frågor. Vi är fast beslutna att upprätthålla det globala frihandelssystemet. Vi motsätter oss protektionismen och främjar en öppen världsekonomi. Vi aktivt deltar i multilaterala handlingarna för klimatfrågan och främja genomförande av Parisavtalet. Vi är starkt engagerade i världsfred, stabilitet och säkerhet, förespråkar dialog i konfliktlösningen och vi både motsätter oss alla former av terrorism.

Att främja en sund, stabil och hållbar utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och Sverige gynnar inte bara oss själv, det kommer också att främja en allsidig utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och EU samt världens fred, stabilitet och välstånd.

Relationer mellan Kina och Sverige står inför en ny historisk startpunkt. Som Kinas ambassadör till Sverige vill jag, tillsammans med mina svenska vänner, implementera våra ledares viktiga överenskommelser, med ömsesidigt respekt, för gemensam nytta. Vi skall fördjupa samförstånd och utvidga samarbeten, främja kulturella utbyten och främja överläggningar i globala och regionala frågor. Tillsammans ska vi skapa en bättre framtid för det kinesiska svenska samarbetet, och ett bättre liv för våra folk.


 北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)– 7月17日,桂从友大使在使馆接受瑞典《快报》记者拉比都斯专访,采访要点如下。






















































他指示物业也是不断地拖延,先说是春节,然后说是夏天,然后说元旦,一年四季,拖来拖去,托了10个年头。 我买天泰新景的原因是因为那里说有温泉。后来,打了温泉井,但发现成本太高了,人们说,还不如到外面去洗温泉澡。于是集体毁约,就没有温泉了。可是家里的水管子可是连温泉管都装了。









北京市侨办副主任李长远(前排左三)、北京市侨办政策法规处调研员/秘书长李晓卫(后排左四)、北京市侨办经济处副处长姚兴国(前排右一)、北京市石景山区侨办副主任韩 娜(后排右三)、华助中心主任王建荣(前排右三)、华助中心常务副主任/北欧国际交流协会会长季展有(前排右二)、瑞京华人协会会长柳少惠(前排左一)、斯德哥尔摩大学商学院房晓辉教授(前排左二)、瑞典华人工商联合总会副会长夏海龙(后排右四)、瑞典中国烹饪文化推广服务中心主任周岳酉(后排左三)、瑞典华人工商联合总会顾问张静(后排左二)、瑞典华人工商联合总会顾问袁放生(后排左一)、北欧国际交流协会秘书长丘潇卉(后排右二)、致公党北京海外联络委员会副主任周斌(后排右一)。


瑞典华助中心主任王建荣致欢迎辞,他代表斯德哥尔摩华助中心和瑞典侨领侨胞们热烈欢迎北京市侨务办副主任李长远率领访问团来到瑞典和华助中心考察访问。王建荣主任简单介绍了2017年9月国侨办授牌斯德哥尔摩“华助中心”、华助中心正式揭牌成立以及2018年工作重点,这是国侨办和大使馆对瑞典的侨务工作的肯定和鼓励,是瑞典侨界的荣誉,更是一份责任和使命。王建荣主任表明斯德哥尔摩华助中心一贯推行 “融入功能、帮扶功能、关爱功能”三大华助精神,大力支持瑞典侨团和侨胞们与当地的经济文化交流合作,支持帮扶华侨华人融入瑞典主流社会,今后要团结更多有公信力的侨团和热诚的侨胞们纳入到华助中心来,集中华侨华人的智慧力量、整合资源,更好地为侨胞们提供服务。


北京市侨办副主任李长远感谢王建荣主任和各位侨领侨胞代表的热情接待,并表达北京市侨办对侨胞们的亲切慰问。他充分肯定了6000万海外侨胞为祖国经济建设所做的贡献,“侨” 是中国的一种独特资源,有着雄厚的经济实力和广阔的人脉资源,是国家发展不可或缺的重要力量。水立方就是唯一一座由107个国家和地区的35万余名港澳台同胞和海外侨胞捐资建设的奥运场馆,表达了中华儿女“百年奥运,中华圆梦”的良好愿望。李主任介绍了北京的现状和未来发展远景。北京新总规明确了“四个中心”功能建设:全国政治中心、文化中心、国际交往中心、科技创新中心,提高“四个服务”水平,河北雄安规划建设智能新区,高水平规划建设北京城市副中心;筹办好2022年北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,确保办成一届精彩、卓越的奥运盛会;“文化中国·水立方杯”海外华人中文歌曲大赛连续举办七届,已经成为海外侨界的一件文化盛事;持续推进大气污染防治工作,环境治理初见成效;北京”侨梦苑”落户石景山区,发挥侨务资源优势,吸引侨智侨资,重点发展科技创新、工业智能研发设计、文化创意、现代金融等高精尖产业,将成为侨商产业聚集区和华侨华人创新创业基地;发展旅游和文化还有餐饮服务、中医推广等等,北京作为首都,也有着更大的平台并承担了更多的责任和工作。李主任祝愿侨胞们在瑞典安居乐业、为当地的社会和经济文化发展做出贡献,也希望瑞典华侨华人为中国和瑞典两国的经济文化交流与合作能向更深层次、更大范围拓展,使合作成果更多的惠及两国人民。










(撰稿:华助中心 丘潇卉;摄影:丘潇卉、王正国、王建华)

编辑 陈雪霏


  北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国驻瑞典大使桂从友7月4日在观摩“哥特兰政治周”期间,接受《瑞典日报》资深财经记者福斯贝里专访时说,美国政府对中国企业的销售禁令是出于一己私利,与人权无关。采访全文如下。











































The China Europe Water Platform gathered in Qingdao for a workshop and for a Joint Steering Committee Meeting

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, July 3, (Greenpost)–European and Chinese stakeholders of the China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) met last week in Qingdao, China for celebrating the official start of a new series of projects funded by the European Union’s Partnership Instrument in support of the CEWP and for a Joint Steering Committee Meeting. Both meetings were held in connection to the Qingdao International Water Conference.

In the kick-off workshop on 26th June the stakeholders discussed the different objectives and actions planned within the frame of the projects funded by the EU (2018-2021). The support from the EU will enable the CEWP to strengthen its leading role in the field of China-Europe water cooperation which includes e.g. river basin management, rural water, the links between urbanization, energy and water, international water policy and business and innovation issues.

On 27th June the stakeholders gathered for a Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the CEWP. The meeting ended with a renewed commitment on both the Chinese and European sides towards the Water Platform, whose work is based on mutual interest and mutual benefit.

The CEWP also held several events during the Qingdao Water Conference, including three business related Access Program Events on 27th and 28th June. CEWP’s Access Program provides insights and future market requirements for water tech solutions.

The next high level dialogue will be held in Beijing

Considering the particular role of water as a crucial natural resource and its impacts on the environment and on the social and economic development, the objective of the CEWP is to promote policy dialogue, joint research and business development in the water sector. Since the CEWP was introduced in 2012, four annual high-level dialogues have been held respectively in Zhengzhou, Budapest, Beijing and Copenhagen.

The 2017 CEWP High-level Dialogue Conference was held in Turku, Finland with high-level representatives from 11 countries, from the EU, World Bank and OECD and over 400 delegates present. The conference was concluded by the Turku Declaration, which promotes China–EU cooperation on water resource management, green growth and circular economy  with a particular focus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goal on water. The conference was also concluded by the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding, establishing formally a Water Policy Dialogue between the EU and China.

The next high level dialogue is planned to be held in Beijing in November this year. In Beijing the focus will be on the global promotion of water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the exchange of policies and practices related to water security, on the river and lake governance and on the environment restoration.

On 4th December 2018 CEWP will organize a business side event for technology start-ups, investors and established water tech companies in Slush Helsinki, Finland. The topic of this Access Program event will be digitalization as a game changer in the water sector.

Background information:

The China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) aims at strengthening water cooperation between the EU and China. The EU–China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation explicitly supports the EU–China Water Platform so as to “promote water policy dialogue, enhance joint scientific research and business cooperation with a view to addressing water challenges such as water quantity (water scarcity, drought, ground water, urban water systems, water and security nexus), water use efficiency (water recycling, industrial water use, water and food nexus, water and energy nexus), water quality (pollution reduction, river basin management), and water disasters.”
