Category Archives: News

Sound of Harmony Entering Sweden Performance successfully held in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 13(Greenpost)– Sound of Harmony Entering Sweden Artistic Performance was successfully held in Stockholm on Sunday.

The event was hosted by China International Cultural Communication Center and Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association.  It was supported by the Chinese Embassy in Sweden and China Kongwah Group as well as Sweden Rongtai Investment AB.

Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou spoke highly of the event.

“I believe that many of tonight’s program are the best program of Chinese art, we didn’t see them easily in China. Thanks to Long Yongxiang, Chairman of China International Cultural Communication Center and Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association. ”

He said Sweden was the first western country that established diplomatic relations with China. This event can be seen as an important event in celebrating 68th anniversary of Sino-Swedish relations which fell on May. 9th.

He believed that this performance will surely be conducive to the friendly relations between Sweden and China and pushing bilateral friendship into a new development phase.

He highly commended Long Yongxiang’s action in promoting Sino-Swedish cultural and sports exchanges.

He issued an award certificate to Long Yongxiang, Zhang Qiaozhen, Li Xiaoying and Shi Yanbao for their contribution to Sino-Swedish friendly relations.

Long Yongxiang said his center is confident in spreading Chinese culture to the world and introducing advanced technology and culture to China.

Zhang Qiaozhen said her association likes to promore Sino-European and Sino-Swedish communication both in culture and in life science, environmental protection, new energy and innovation.

Meanwhile, Shenzhen International Exchange and Cooperaiton Fund’s Swedish office has unveiled its plaque which will sit in the office of Sweden-China Entrepreneurs Association in Stockholm.

The performance was excellent since they came from China love Art Troupe–Beijing Soul Calling Disabled Art Troupe.

Professional singers and Shaolin Kungfu were also welcomed and impressed the audience.

The performance ended with the One Thousand Hands Bhudda, the best classic program among Chinese and even in the world.

About 800 audience filled the theatre and gave warm applauses to the artists.  Since Chinese artists included disabled people, there are some disabled people among the Swedish audience too.

Boel Lindberg from the International Press Center said the artists are really good.

Many Chinese audience also thumbed up their thumb for the wonderful performances.

Ambassador Gui said the performance was a great success and he hoped the art troupe can visit Sweden again.

Text /photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson




北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典沈阳同乡会5月6日在斯德哥尔摩举行老乡座谈会,中国驻瑞典大使馆领事部主任张磊出席座谈会。

出席座谈会的还有领事部罗锦生领事,同乡会副会长普华永道审计师高级经理赵丽杰,秘书长尹畅博士,严红梅博士,于新博士后, 杨红倩博士和在爱立信工作的瑞典皇家科技学院硕士栾徳涵。大家自我介绍了各自的领域,并表示愿意为促进瑞典和沈阳的合作做出自己的贡献。


会议在医药学博士于江会长主持下开始。他介绍了瑞典沈阳同乡会成立的背景和主要目的以及过去两年的活动。 他说,瑞典沈阳同乡会是在2016年8月8日在斯德哥尔摩成立的。当时,沈阳市副市长王翔坤一行访问瑞典出席成立仪式并慰问了华人华侨老乡。
















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2018斯德哥尔摩和平与发展论坛5月7日在斯德哥尔摩开幕,主办单位斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所理事会主席60届联大主席资深外交官扬.埃利亚松主持开幕式。
































北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2018中瑞中小学文化艺术交流演出4日晚在斯德哥尔摩诺贝尔颁奖大厅成功举办,为中瑞观众献上了一出中国文化大餐,尤其是学生们表演的京剧《春色满园》和《孙悟空斗罗汉》赢得观众阵阵喝彩。



瑞典诺贝尔文学奖得主诗人托马斯. 特朗斯特罗默三次到中国访问,回来后,他说,虽然他不懂得那里的语言,但是,他的每次访问都有实实在在的收获。我想我们的学生和老师都有同样的感受,每次出来都学到很多。诺贝尔曾经说自己是世界公民。我想这也是我们共同的愿望,就是全世界人民一道建立人类命运的共同体。共同放飞梦想,拥抱未来。




蒙特梭利国际学校的学生演唱了中文歌曲《天蓝蓝》和《我们是世界,We are the World》。




















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典首相社民党党首Stefan Löfvin (斯蒂凡·洛夫文)4日上午在斯德哥尔摩中央大街68号社民党总部和移民大臣Helena Fritzon(海莱娜.佛里从)一起发布了新时代安全移民政策。




2. 新的更严格的难民法将继续执行。我们的法律不能超越欧盟其他国家或者与之有很大不同。在欧盟层面我们的政策和其他国家类似。瑞典将履行欧盟规定范围内的瑞典部分的职责,而不再勉强自己。

3. 将来接收难民将有序进行。那些有权受到保护并留在瑞典的必须学习瑞典语,接受教育,进行工作,自力更生,这个过程将来要比现在快。遣返回国的人数也会更快更多。



  1.  新的符合欧盟标准的难民政策已经存在。新的更严格的难民法继续执行。人们寻求欧盟许可,申请和认证都要符合欧盟标准,然后在瑞典进行操作。就是说,瑞典的政策与欧盟的完全一样,没有更宽松的问题。
  2. 边界控制严查要继续,在边界继续严查身份证。瑞典政府从2015年开始边防身份证检查,现在该政策将延长到2018年11月。我们认为瑞典为了秩序和安全起见,只要需要,我们将继续进行身份证检查。这也符合欧盟法律,我们有这个权力。我们现在在机场和大多数码头都有检查。现在看来我们还不用增加码头的检查,但如果有必要,将会增加。
  3. 我们会集中一些地方接收难民,这样好管理,也可以保证安全,并提高遣返率。
  4. 为防止种族分离,现在移民自己居住一个地方的政策将被取消。
  5. 加大力度辨认难民身份,警察和移民局有权去访问或从TT提取难民申请者的身份证明,目的是加快处理过程。
  6. 加大安保力度。政府可能在更多的地方布设安保人员。
  7. 那些被遣送回去但又想重新申请的时间增加了一倍,延长到4年到8年。我们也会延长遣返时间,如果该离开的人没有离开,
  8. 市政府曾经给那些等待许可的游民补助和支持,现在这个补助取消了。因为这不符合权利社会的信仰。如果你想赶紧回国,这种支持有可能继续。
  9. 如果你是来申请难民身份的,那么获得工作许可的可能性大大降低,甚至取消了。原来的转换轨道政策取消或大大减少了。难民许可的发放就是因为你需要保护。工作许可的发放是因为有一份工作需要你因为瑞典缺你这样的人。这样分开是为了防止贩卖人口,或者是用工作许可来买卖人口。
  10. 增加对欧盟以外的难民安全和人道主义支持。国际上的安全法和人道主义援助需要更多支持。我们瑞典将加大这方面的支持,当然,这也要看欧盟和联合国要优先考虑哪些方面。
  11. 所有得到瑞典援助的国家如果瑞典需要遣返,他们都需要接回自己的公民。每个国家都应该从人权责任角度带回自己的公民。但是,有很多国家拒绝如此。因此需要签署有关协议。
  12. 严厉打击国际人口贩卖。每年都有几十万移民是被贩卖来的,我们将加大与国际刑警组织的安全合作。
  13. 国际社会在接收罗姆人的问题上应该有比例设置,这样大家可以分担责任和负担。
  14. 瑞典和欧盟将支持那些接收了更多难民的国家以改善人权,教育和工作状况。





北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 五月一日,斯德哥尔摩天气晴朗,蓝蓝的天空让人感觉十分清爽,春意盎然,万物复苏.









北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 在瑞典每年4月30日,既是瑞典现任国王的生日,也是著名的Valborg篝火节。

在国王的公园里的Svulkan, 每年人们都在这里放篝火,朗诵诗,赞美春天,同时进行合唱。

乘火车后,骑自行车到Svulkan. 这里彷佛是天然网吧。

















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心日前正在展出瑞典著名翻译家佩尔.伯格曼翻译的长篇巨著《红楼梦》。


Pär Bergman, född 2 juni 1933, är en svensk lärarelitteraturhistoriker och översättare. Åren 1962–1998 var han lektor i svenska och historia vid Rudbecksskolan i Sollentuna. Hans enda översättning är ett storverk, den kinesiska 1700-talsromanen Drömmar om röda gemak av Cao Xueqin, utgiven av Atlantis i fem band 2005–2011.




Pär Bergman, född 2 juni 1933, är en svensk lärarelitteraturhistoriker och översättare. Åren 1962–1998 var han lektor i svenska och historia vid Rudbecksskolan i Sollentuna. Hans enda översättning är ett storverk, den kinesiska 1700-talsromanen Drömmar om röda gemak av Cao Xueqin, utgiven av Atlantis i fem band 2005–2011.

Pär Bergmans rikt annoterade tolkning av den kinesiska 1700-talsromanen “Hongloumeng” är ett storverk, som måste betraktas som en betydande milstolpe i den svenska översättningslitteraturen, jämförbar med Gunnel Vallquists översättning av Proust och Carl August Hagbergs tolkning av Shakespeares samlade dramer. Översättningen, som omfattar 3543 sidor, bär huvudtiteln “Drömmar om röda gemak” och utgavs på Atlantis förlag under åren 2005–2011 i fem volymer – “Guldåldern”, “Silveråldern”, “Kopparåldern”, “Järnåldern” och “Stenåldern”.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 5月2日上午,数百名来自北京的中小学生齐聚诺贝尔殿堂–卡罗林斯卡医学院诺贝尔医学奖的大讲堂听了一堂生动的有关诺贝尔奖的大课。首先是北京市教育学会会长罗杰发表讲话。他说,中国学生经过万水千山来到瑞典,目的就是要学习这里的科学精神。卡罗林斯卡医学院在博士获得博士论文的时候,要升旗,人们要注目,说明在这里重视向科学家致敬,向科学精神致敬。科学精神是人类必不可少的思维指向。他感谢诺贝尔医学奖评审委员会主席韦德尔和2014年诺奖得主莫塞尔的讲座。














莫泽教授了解到早起发现是鸽子如果能给它喂食奖励,它就能打乒乓球。就是说,动物如果在适当时间给予适当奖励,它就会得到很好的训练。 例如,一只鸽子如果赢了一个球,就给它吃的,它就会打的很好。










去年也有近600名中学生来瑞典交流,除了在诺贝尔大讲堂上课外,还在斯德哥尔摩音乐厅,诺贝尔奖颁奖的地方进行演出。 他们中很多人都有文艺方面的一技之长。或者是舞蹈,或者是乐器,都会两招儿。






Ambassador Gui Congyou on Green Development with Swedish Magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said China has proposed and thoroughly implemented the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone.
 On 26 February, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview with Mr. Björn Anderberg, senior journalist from the Swedish magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet, at the Embassy. Ambassador Gui first extended Chinese New Year greetings to all the staff and readers of Aktuell Hållbarhet.
Ambassador Gui said that the concept of sustainable development was first put forward in Sweden in the 1970s and soon received a positive response from the international community, which fully reflects Sweden’s uniqueness and pioneership in sustainable development concepts. It can be said that the Swedish government and people have made important contributions to the sustainable development of the mankind. Today, sustainable development has become the theme of human development that the entire international community is giving serious thoughts to. In its effort to promote sustainable development, China has proposed and thoroughly implemented the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone. The concepts and goals of sustainable development between China and Sweden are highly compatible. The two sides are well positioned to learn from each other, exchange good experience and practices, and jointly make greater contributions to promoting sustainable development of the mankind.

Following is the full text of the interview:

1. Q: Despite the differences between China and Sweden, the two countries share much common understanding on environmental and climate policies. How should they support each other and jointly promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change?

Gui Congyou: I fully agree that China and Sweden should support each other and jointly promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Climate change is a global challenge that requires the unity and cooperation of the international community to tackle. The Paris Agreement embodies the broadest consensus of the international community and clearly defines the direction and goals of global cooperation in addressing climate change. The major trend of green, low-carbon and sustainable development across the world promoted by the Paris Agreement is consistent with China’s goal of building an ecological civilization. No matter how other countries change their positions, China will continue to implement the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone. Based on the inherent needs of our own sustainable development, we will take practical measures to enhance domestic actions to combat climate change and fulfill our obligations 100%.

In implementing the Paris Agreement, China and Sweden share common goals and visions. China is willing to work together with Sweden to jointly safeguard and promote the multilateral governance of climate change and promote green, low-carbon and sustainable development across the world.

2. Q: As I understand, the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) has developed into a successful forum for exchanges on climate and environmental issues since its foundation in 1992. In the past 20 years, what achievements have been made in China’s international cooperation through CCICED?

Gui Congyou: The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was founded in 1992 with the approval of the Government of China. It is a non-profit, high-level international advisory body composed of Chinese and foreign senior officials and experts on environmental protection and development. Its main task is to exchange and disseminate successful international experience in environmental protection and development. The current chairman of CCICED is Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of the State Council of China. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Climate and the Environment Ms. Åsa Romson is a council member.

Since its foundation, with the strong support of the Chinese Government and international partners, and aimed at promoting the implementation of sustainable development strategies and building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society in China, CCICED has carried out hundreds of research projects in many areas of environmental protection and development, and put forward hundreds of policy recommendations on wide-ranging issues such as pollution control, cleaner production, biodiversity conservation, energy efficiency, circular economy, low-carbon economy, ecological compensation, the social dimensions of environmental protection, sustainable consumption, media and public participation policies, corporate social responsibility, green supply chain, green finance, management of ecological system and environmental governance capacity. Many of the proposals have been highly valued by the Chinese Government and the international community and have yielded important outcomes. For example, China’s State Environmental Protection Administration was upgraded to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In 2014, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting approved the establishment of an APEC green supply chain cooperation network. Green finance was put on the agenda of the 2016 G20 Summit. The Chinese Government will continue to work closely with relevant international partners to make full use of the CCICED platform to strive for more achievements in global climate and environment governance.

3. Q: In recent years, many Chinese companies have developed very well in Sweden. A few years ago when Geely bought Volvo Cars many people were worried, but now the Swedish automobile industry has established close ties with China through Geely Automobile and National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS). During my recent trip to China, I visited the Tianjin project of NEVS and saw good progress there. What does China think of the development of Chinese-funded enterprises in Sweden?

Gui Congyou: When it was bought by the Chinese private company Geely Group in 2010, Volvo Cars had been suffering losses for years and facing a bleak market prospect, and some Swedish people had doubts and concerns about the acquisition. Your question indicates that you were optimistic, not worried about the acquisition at that time. Eight years later, we now see that Volvo Cars has undergone a tremendous transformation with a significant increase in its market share in China, North America, and Europe. Last year, its sales volume reached a record high of 570,000 vehicles, among which more than 100,000 were sold in the Chinese market. Nowadays the Geely-Volvo project has become a successful exemplar of win-win cooperation between EU and China’s auto industries and is widely applauded. We appreciate the positive attitude of the Swedish side towards Chinese investment, and the Geely-Volvo project also has exerted a positive impact on promoting China-Sweden investment cooperation.

In June 2012, National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS) acquired Saab Automobile, a Swedish company with a history of nearly 75 years, and launched a new brand “NEVS”. After several years of integration and market development, NEVS focused on developing new energy vehicles. On 5 December 2017, the NEVS 9-3 Electric Vehicle model, which was developed on the basis of the advanced Phoenix platform, officially went into production in Tianjin, China. In the second half of 2018, NEVS’ s factory in Trollhättan, Sweden is planned to start production of NEVS 9-3 targeting the European and American markets. By then, the company will have an annual production capacity of 500,000 high-end pure electric vehicles.

The above two projects could be regarded as fine examples of complementary cooperation in technology, capital, production, and market advantages between Chinese and Swedish auto industries which has led to strong competitive edges and win-win development. We need to actively support their cooperation, and also look forward to more such successful examples of cooperation in other fields.

4. Q: In Sweden, or even Europe, there are still some voices that question Chinese investment. For example, some Swedish media recently questioned plans by Chinese companies to build a new port in Lysekil. What is China’s attitude towards such doubts?

Gui Congyou: We have noted recent reports by the Swedish media on Chinese companies’ participation in Swedish port construction. I would like to emphasize that the essence of China-Sweden trade and investment cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. The friendly exchanges between China and Sweden goes long back, and their economies are highly complementary with great potential in two-way investment. Strengthening trade and investment cooperation between the two countries is in the common interests of both sides and brings tangible benefits to the two peoples. It also brings to the Swedish side capital, jobs, and channels to the Asian markets, as is best illustrated by the Geely-Volvo project. Like Swedish companies, Chinese companies act independently as market players and fully comply with commercial principles while making outbound investments.

At the just-concluded 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at Davos, many leaders of European countries stated that protectionism is not the choice for the future. Opposing protectionism has become the mainstream of the international community. Sweden has always been an active advocate and defender of free trade and open economy. The Swedish government and many insightful people have repeatedly welcomed foreign investment including from China. China also firmly opposes protectionism. As a beneficiary as well as a firm supporter of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, China will open its economy further to the outside world. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has clearly stated that China’s open door will not be closed, but only be opened wider. China will continue to improve domestic business environment and also encourage capable Chinese companies to carry out investment and trade activities in Sweden. It is hoped that Swedish people from all walks of life can objectively and rationally view the market behaviors of companies and create a stable business environment and public opinion atmosphere for foreign investors including Chinese companies. On the issue of opposing protectionism, we must not only speak loud, but also do well.

5. Q: From another perspective, how can Swedish industry help China develop in an environment- and climate-friendly manner?

Gui Congyou: As has been stated at the 19th CPC National Congress, building an ecological civilization is vital to sustain the Chinese nation’s development. We Chinese people must implement our fundamental national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, cherish the environment as we cherish our own lives, implement the strictest possible systems for environmental protection, and develop eco-friendly growth models and ways of life. We must pursue a model of sustainable development featuring increased production, higher living standards, and healthy ecosystems. We must continue the Beautiful China initiative to create good working and living environments for our people and play our part in ensuring global ecological security. At present, China is fully implementing the direction and objectives of development set by the 19th CPC National Congress and, as it strives to build an ecological civilization, will make greater contributions to the global effort in addressing climate change and protecting the environment.

Sweden’s industrial development has undergone a process of pollution, treatment and finally sustainable development, and has advanced experience in developing industry in an environment- and climate-friendly manner. The Swedish Smart Ecocity of Hammarby is a typical example. Through applying a variety of clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection technologies, the district has formed an environment- and climate-friendly development model and set an example for global sustainable development.

Hammarby’s experience is very useful to China. In March 2010, the then Vice President Xi Jinping made a tour of Hammarby during his visit to Sweden. He commended the development experience of Swedish Smart Ecocities, and personally pushed forward the signing of cooperation agreement between China’s Wuxi City and Hammarby, which China and Sweden are actively implementing. Shortly after I assumed office in Sweden, I visited Hammarby to promote the implementation of the important cooperation consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. After this interview, I will visit Hammarby again to inspect the construction of the “upgraded version” of the Ecocity. Nowadays, there are many Chinese delegations visiting Hammarby every year, to learn Sweden’s advanced experience in energy conservation, environmental protection and circular economy, and Sweden’s concept of sustainable development, and to seek cooperation with Hammarby. We hope that through such cooperation, more Swedish companies will bring to China Sweden’s advanced experiences, technologies and products related to promoting development in an environment- and climate-friendly manner, and play a greater role in helping China to achieve sustainable development and build an ecological civilization. We also hope that China and Sweden will make new contributions to promoting global sustainable development through bilateral cooperation.

6. Q: I visited Beijing not long ago. During the 10 days of my stay the sky was blue every day and the air was quite good, which was completely different from my last visit several years ago. The changes were very obvious. I really want to know how China has made it. As far as I know, China is vigorously promoting non-fossil fuel vehicles and ready to invest heavily in the development of electric vehicles and electric buses. When did China start implementing this policy? What are the most important political considerations behind this development?

Gui Congyou: What you saw in Beijing is the result of the Chinese Government’s determined efforts to treat environmental pollution. The report of the 19th CPC National Congress has emphasized that we will speed up reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization, and build a Beautiful China. Beijing’s air quality will be better and better. This positive change has benefited from China’s efforts to develop green transportation and promote green mobility. Bike-sharing has swept the country, and high-speed rail networks have basically taken shape. With the continuous development of electric vehicles, in the future, China is expected to achieve a short-, medium- and long-distance non-fossil fuel transportation model composed of bicycles, electric vehicles and high-speed trains.

China started to develop new energy vehicles as early as the beginning of this century. China has successively introduced and revised relevant policies for new energy vehicles, batteries, and charging facilities for electric vehicles, strengthened industry norms, and promoted energy conservation and emission reduction. At present, new energy vehicles have become China’s national strategic emerging industry and key areas of the “Made in China 2025”. China’s new energy vehicles has ranked first in the world for three consecutive years in production and sale. In 2017, sales registered a year-on-year increase of 56.8% with 777,000 vehicles sold, of which pure electric vehicles accounted for 60%. In September 2017, the Chinese government announced it would begin studying when to ban the production and sale of cars using conventional fuels.

The development of non-fossil fuel transportation will, on the one hand, be conducive to energy conservation and emission reduction and improvement of the environment. On the other hand, it will ease the pressure of oil shortages and improve the energy structure. It will also promote the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry and promote the sustainable development of transportation . Sweden has world-class concepts, experience and technologies in the field of non-fossil fuel transportation. We are willing to strengthen cooperation with the Swedish side to jointly promote the development of non-fossil fuel transportation.

7. Q: How can China maintain its industrial competitiveness while addressing air pollution? How will China handle its dependence on coal for electricity production?

Gui Congyou: We are looking for the best model to coordinate pollution control and industrial development. First, we must increase the use of clean energy and drastically reduce our dependence on coal. China is leading the world in terms of nuclear power capacity under construction and the installed capacity of new energy power plants such as solar and wind power.

China is vigorously implementing the Coal to Gas Conversion Project to change its coal-based energy system. Since 2015, the gas-fueled heating system has been adopted within Beijing’s 5th Ring Road. From 2017 onwards, the whole city, including the suburbs, no longer use coal as fuel. So the good weather you saw in Beijing during your 10-day stay was not accidental. It is estimated that China’s installed capacity of renewable energy power generation will reach 620 million kilowatts in 2018, and 710 million kilowatts in 2022 with an average compound annual growth rate of 3.57% in the next five years. While developing clean energy, China will also strengthen inter-provincial supply support and reserve sharing of the power grid, and coordinate the allocation of peaking resources in the region to collaboratively consume renewable energy power.

The report to the 19th CPC National Congress has stated that China will spur the development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries as well as clean production and clean energy industries. We will promote a revolution in energy production and consumption, and build an energy sector that is clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient. You have seen with your own eyes that haze has been greatly curtailed in Beijing. It has been proved that rising electricity demand in China will not lead to further dependence on coal. China’s demand for coal will continue to decrease, and the energy demand of industrial production will be met mainly by the development of renewable energy.

8. Q: In Beijing we attended a large conference organized by the EV100 network. The impression from that meeting is that China soon will have a world-leading industry for electric cars and become a major producer and exporter of electrical vehicles across the world. However, in some countries, there is still a huge traditional automobile industry. The political power is strong to implement industrial protection rather than support the development of electric vehicles. How will China deal with this risk?

Gui Congyou: China supports the electric vehicle industry out of strategic considerations, mainly to mitigate tail gas pollution, improve air quality, and enhance energy security. After years of rapid development, China’s electric vehicle industry is moving from the start-up stage to the growth stage, and China has become the world’s largest manufacturer and seller of electric vehicles. But there is absolutely no need for European countries to worry about this, because China needs to first meet domestic demand for electric vehicles. China has begun studying when to ban the production and sale of cars using conventional fuels. China has 1.37 billion people from about 400 million households. If every family buys an electric car, the current production capacity is still far from enough. What we worry about is not whether China’s electric vehicle production capacity will affect other countries, but rather its inadequacy to meet the needs of the domestic market.

China will not produce electric vehicles behind closed doors, but stands ready to jointly develop and sell electric vehicles and share profits with all capable and willing countries. In recent years, many developed countries, major automobile-producing countries, and large-scale automobile manufacturers have reached extensive consensus on developing electric, low-carbon, informationalized and intelligent automobiles and have made greater efforts towards this goal. China has always pursued an open policy for cooperation and is willing to conduct win-win cooperation with manufacturers all over the world to provide good and affordable electric vehicles for global consumers, including in China. If consumers of other countries buy Chinese electric cars by their own choice, it is entirely market behavior, and we should let competition based on market economic rules come into play. Competition brings progress. Closing the door and isolation only protect backwardness and will never bring about progress.

Source:Chinese Embasssy

Ambassador Gui Congyou says China to be the world’s largest consumer market by the end of this year

 On 20 April, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview at the Embassy with the program Ambassadorial Interview Series of the Swedish Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP). Ambassador Gui answered questions on China-Sweden relations, international trade, China’s foreign policy, China-Europe relations and other topics from Dr. Lars Vargö, distinguished fellow of ISDP and former Swedish Ambassador to Japan and South Korea.

Following is the full text of the interview:

1. Q: China and Sweden have long maintained friendly relations, the basis of which is mainly trade. The continuous development of China presents important opportunities for Sweden. If China’s economic growth slows down, what impact will it have on China-Sweden economic and trade relations ?

Gui Congyou: In recent years, China-Sweden relations have maintained steady development, and practical cooperation in all fields has continued to expand. For many years China has been Sweden’s largest trading partner in Asia and Sweden China’s largest in the Nordic region. Bilateral trade volume reached USD15 billion last year, a year-on-year increase of nearly 20%, while export from Sweden to China grew by 27%. For the first time in 25 years, Sweden has shifted from deficit to surplus in trade with China, which has fully reflected China’s strong demand for premium Swedish products and the great potential in cooperation between the two countries.

In the 40 years since the reform and opening up, China has scored great achievements in economic and social development. Over the past five years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has unswervingly pursued the vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development that is for everyone, accelerated the transformation of the growth model, and improved the economic structure. The 19th CPC National Congress held last year emphasized that China’s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. The lowering of China’s economic growth target is for the purpose of transformation and innovation, which leads to improvement in the quality and returns of development. In the first quarter of this year, China’s GDP increased by 6.8% year-on-year, and the national economy has maintained steady performance with a good momentum for growth. The basic role of real economy and consumption in economic development has continued to strengthen. China is expected to surpass the United States as the world’s largest consumer market by the end of this year.

President Xi Jinping has solemnly announced that China will adopt a series of new and major measures to further opening up, including significantly broadening market access, creating a more attractive investment environment, strengthening protection of intellectual property rights, and taking the initiative to expand imports. In order to meet the demand of the vast Chinese consumers for high-quality foreign products, China will hold its first International Import Expo in Shanghai this November. While many other countries have held export expos, few have held an import expo. China holding the Import Expo fully demonstrates that it is dedicated to further opening up and willing to import more products. We look forward to the participation of Swedish companies to bring premium and competitive products to the Chinese market and expand two-way investment, so that China-Sweden trade and investment cooperation will develop towards greater breadth, deeper levels, and higher quality.

2. Q: What should policy makers in China and Sweden do to help defuse friction in global trade? What role can companies play?

Gui Congyou: At this stage of economic globalization, all countries in the world have already been bound together for good or ill. Frictions in trade are natural due to structural differences among different economies. The key is that all countries should uphold the principle of openness and win-win cooperation and resolve disputes through constructive dialogue under the framework of the multilateral trading system. As all WTO members have solemnly pledged, “should any dispute or friction occur, they will not seek unilateral actions that may heighten confrontation but will rather seek remedies through the dispute settlement system, and observe its rules and its rulings.”

Therefore, not only China and Sweden, but all policy makers in the world should stay rational and refrain from politicizing trade issues. Instead, they should act responsibly and bring trade issues back to the multilateral trading system for consultations and resolve them in accordance with business rules through negotiation. Punitive tariffs imposed outside the WTO framework are very likely to lead to a trade war. History has proved and will continue to prove that such a practice will harm both others and self.

To adjust trade imbalances, it is ultimately necessary to use market instruments and allow companies to be the main player. Most of the trade, investment, and technology transfer take place among multinational corporations, therefore they should actively take part in the discussions on global governance and the formulation of global trade rules. At the same time, companies should strengthen their awareness of avoiding trade frictions by taking proactive measures, and be given more play in dealing with trade frictions.

3. Q: At the 19th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping outlined the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. What does China’s role as a major country mean to Sweden?

Gui Congyou:The 19th CPC National Congress established the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Its most remarkable highlight in foreign policy is the call for promoting the new form of international relations and championing the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, in the pursuit of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have believed in the values of harmony among nations, a world of equality and peace, and brotherhood among peoples. After the founding of the People’s Republic, China initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which have become the basic principles for the development of state-to-state relations that transcend social systems and ideology, and have been accepted by the vast majority of the countries in the world. The report of 19th CPC National Congress emphasized that China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit and uphold its fundamental foreign policy goal of preserving world peace and promoting common development. China remains firm in its commitment to strengthening friendship and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and to forging a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. China will develop itself in the process of stepping up cooperation with the rest of the world, and benefit the world in the process of being further integrated into the world.

China and Sweden are traditionally friendly countries with no historical dispute or conflict of interests. We share many common topics and interests in areas like maintaining world peace and stability, globalization, free trade and climate change. China’s development means opportunities for Sweden. It is hoped that the Swedish side will seize the historic opportunity to continuously strengthen coordination and cooperation with China, so that we can jointly make more positive contributions to the world on the way toward building a new form of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. As I said to my Swedish friends, cooperation between China and Sweden can produce the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

4. A: Innovative technologies have great significance for both China and Sweden. China aims to become a scientific and technological leader by 2030. Sweden has similar ambitions. Stockholm hopes to become the Silicon Valley of Europe. How can the two sides cooperate to achieve these goals?

Gui Congyou: President Xi Jinping emphasized in the report of 19th CPC National Congress that China must firmly implement the strategies of invigorating China through science and education and innovation-driven development, and set higher targets for future international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation.

Sweden, a world leader in technological innovation, has made important contributions to human scientific progress. The Swedish scientific research community has always been committed to open cooperation. China and Sweden have great potential in scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

The leaders of the two countries reached an important consensus on strengthening China-Sweden scientific and technological innovation cooperation. When he met with Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven in June 2017, President Xi Jinping stressed the importance to associate China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, innovation-driven development strategy, and “Made in China 2025” with Sweden’s “Smart Industry” strategy, to strengthen cooperation in fields such as clean energy, smart cities, life sciences, green finance, high-speed rail and aerospace. This important consensus by the two leaderships has set a clear direction for Chinese-Swedish scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

Last August, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang visited Sweden, and co-chaired with the Minister of Higher Education and Research Helene Hellmark Knutsson the 4th meeting of China-Sweden Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. The two sides agreed to conduct “2+2” cooperation, or joint research projects that involve a scientific research institution and a company from each side. This shows that China-Sweden scientific and technological innovation cooperation is not a one-way flow of technology, but rather joint development of new world-class technologies with the participation of businesses from both countries. In this way, results of joint research can be transformed into productivity more quickly, to better serve economic and social development and enhance the well-being of the two peoples.

5. Q: Sweden is a member of the European Union. The relationship with EU is one of the most important foreign relations for Sweden. The EU is also an important partner of China. How does China look at China-EU relations?

Gui Congyou: The China-EU relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. It is of strategic significance to both China and Europe and world peace and development. During his first visit to Europe as the Head of State of China in 2014, President Xi Jinping proposed the development of partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization and a comprehensive strategic partnership with a stronger global influence, which has pointed the direction for the development of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership under the new situation.

At present, China is deepening reform in all areas, and advancing the modernization of its national governance system and governance capacity. It is accelerating the advancement of new-type industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, and speeding up the development of the socialist market economy, democratic politics, advanced culture, harmonious society, and ecological civilization. We will work tirelessly to realize the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. The EU is undergoing governance, industrial and social transformation, promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and striving to lift its international competitiveness. China’s rapid development has become a good opportunity for Europe’s development and prosperity, while Europe with its economic strength and time-honored civilization is also one of the most important partners for China’s reform and development. China-EU cooperation has never been more urgent. We hope Europe will take a long-term perspective, surpass differences in social systems, cultural traditions and ideologies, respect the development path chosen by China, and regard China’s development as a major opportunity, to work together with China for common development.

6. Q: Another important issue for Sweden is Russia. Due to Ukraine, the “Salisbury incident” and other issues, the relationship between the EU and Russia has become increasingly tense, and Sweden is highly concerned about this. How does China view the tension between the EU and Russia?

Gui Congyou: The EU is undoubtedly an important pole in the multi-polar world. China has always attached great importance to Europe and regarded developing relations with Europe as a priority of China’s diplomacy. China continues to support the process of European integration. As a global power and permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia is also a pole and has important influence in international and regional affairs.

China has consistently advocated that disputes between countries should be properly resolved through friendly negotiations. All countries should obey international law and the basic norms of international relations and avoid taking any actions that intensify contradictions. As the international community is facing many challenges, all countries should reject the cold war mentality, give up confrontation, and work together to safeguard world peace, stability and tranquility, to jointly build a new type of international relations of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. The EU and Russia are neighbors that cannot be moved away. The only right choice for the two sides is dialogue and cooperation.

7. Q: In recent years, conflicts have increased across the world. Sweden is concerned about this. China sticks to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Can China and Sweden cooperate to promote world peace and stability?

Gui Congyou: Absolutely. No matter how powerful it becomes, China will always safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and uphold international order. China firmly remains committed to the path of peaceful development. It will be more active in maintaining international and regional security, and contribute more of Chinese experience, Chinese wisdom and Chinese approaches to improve international governance. China is firmly dedicated to political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues and strives to play a constructive role in bridging disagreements and promoting peace talks.

Sweden is also committed to safeguarding world peace and stability and advocates the settlement of disputes through diplomatic means. We appreciate this. China and Sweden can certainly strengthen cooperation in international and regional issues, and step up communication and coordination on dealing with global challenges, addressing regional hotspot issues, combating terrorism and promoting international development, so as to jointly make greater contributions to global peace and stability.

8. Q: What advice do you have for Swedish youth who want to learn about China? What should they do and what kind of opportunities do they have?

Gui Congyou: In the past 8 months as China’s ambassador to Sweden, I’ve found that young people from both China and Sweden are becoming more and more interested in each other, which is a good thing. As of the end of last year, there were more than 8,000 Chinese students studying in Sweden and nearly 400,000 Chinese tourists to Sweden, most of whom are young people. For Swedish young people who want to learn about China, I have the following suggestions for their reference.

To understand China, one must first understand China’s development path. China follows the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The 19th CPC National Congress declared that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a new era and has embarked on a new journey of building a great modern socialist country. Second, one must understand China’s system of political parties. China has CPC as the ruling party, but it’s not “one-party dictatorship” as referred to by some Westerners. Instead, it adopts a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation, specifically cooperation and consultation with eight democratic parties. Third, one must understand China’s history and culture. China has more than 5,000 years of civilization and history and has created a splendid Chinese civilization. But in modern times, it has also experienced deep misery caused by aggression, enslavement and plunder. Only by knowing the journey of the Chinese people in the past can one understand the pursuit and dream of the Chinese people today. Fourth, I suggest that young people in Sweden read the book The Governance of China by Xi Jinping. This is the key to understanding contemporary China. This book records the thinking and practice of President Xi Jinping on governing the country and embodies the essence of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It provides a window for comprehensively sensing and understanding China today and is the most authoritative book for in-depth comprehension of Chinese path, concept and approaches in the new era.

Seeing is believing. I also sincerely hope that young people in Sweden, whether as students or tourists, will go to China and take a look around to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China’s past, today and the future. With sincerity and good faith, Swedish friends certainly could truly appreciate the Chinese story, Chinese miracle and Chinese spirit. I myself and the Chinese Embassy in Sweden will definitely do our best to help Swedish friends from all walks of life to better understand China.

Source , Chinese Embassy.

Ambassador Gui Congyou speaks at the Eco-Transport 2030

Stockholm, April 28(Greenpost)–Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said China is expected to achieve a non-fossil fuel model combining short-, medium-, and long-distance transport with bicycles, electric vehicles, and high-speed trains.

I am very pleased to attend the 2018 Eco-Transport 2030. This year’s session chooses China as the focus country, which shows Sweden’s recognition of China’s development in green transport and of China’s contribution to promoting sustainable development of the whole world. It also reflects Sweden’s expectation to further strengthen practical cooperation and bilateral relations with China. Hereby, I would like to sincerely thank all the Swedish friends who have organized and participated in this year’s conference, and warmly welcome the Chinese entrepreneurs, experts and scholars who have come from afar.

Green transport is a necessary way towards sustainable development, and is gaining more and more attention from the international community. Countries around the world have listed transportation as a key field for conserving energy, reducing emissions, and preventing and treating pollution. All countries are improving energy efficiency through technological innovation and industrial policies, optimizing development approaches, and striving for sustainable development of transportation.

Sweden is a world leader in sustainable development and green transport. As the first country in the world to have proposed the concept of sustainable development, Sweden has advanced technology and abundant experience in green transport. The Swedish government has set the target to become the first fossil fuel-free country by 2030, which demonstrates its determination in developing green transport and shows the international community the prospects of achieving sustainable development.

China regards the building of an ecological civilization as vital to sustain the Chinese nation’s development. In his speech at the recent Boao Forum for Asia, President Xi Jinping pointed out that we need to respect nature and treasure our planet, develop a vision of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, and share experience and jointly meet challenges.

Developing green transport is a strategic measure for China to implement the concept of green development and facilitate the building of an ecological civilization. In recent years, China has achieved remarkable results in developing green transport. China has been the world’s largest manufacturer and market of new energy vehicles for three consecutive years, with an accumulated total of 1.8 million vehicles, accounting for more than 50% of the world’s total. Bicycle sharing has swept the country. A nation-wide high-speed rail network have basically taken shape. The total length of the comprehensive transportation network exceeded 5 million kilometers. The total number of passengers in urban public transport exceeded 90 billion annually. Efficient transport models such as multi-modal transport boomed. Big data, cloud computing, mobile internet and other technologies have greatly improved transport efficiency and the results of energy-saving and emission reduction efforts. In the future, China is expected to achieve a non-fossil fuel model combining short-, medium-, and long-distance transport with bicycles, electric vehicles, and high-speed trains. By 2020, China will have basically established a green transport system which is well-planed, eco-friendly, clean and low-carbon, and highly efficient.

China and Sweden have highly compatible concepts and goals for sustainable development and green transport. Both sides have their own advantages in technology, capital, market, etc. They are highly complementary and have great potential for cooperation. We are willing to further strengthen cooperation with Sweden in green transport, clean energy, green finance, smart cities and other areas, so as to jointly make more contributions to the sustainable development of mankind.

In the future, China will continue to comprehensively deepen reform, expand opening-up, and accelerate the building of ecological civilization, which will provide broader cooperation opportunities for the international community including Sweden. We will significantly broaden market access, create a more attractive investment environment, strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, and take the initiative to expand imports. We welcome friends from all over the world to ride on China’s Economic Express and share the achievements of China’s reform, opening-up and development. We hope that both Chinese and Swedish entrepreneurs will be able to make more progress and achievement in the new journey of reform and opening-up in China.

All of you here are participants and promoters of China-Sweden cooperation in green economy and sustainable development. You are the main force for the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. I hope that all of you will respond to the trend and seize the opportunity to expand cooperation for win-win results in the spirit of equality, mutual benefits, openness and innovation. The Chinese Embassy in Sweden will create more opportunities and provide better service for exchanges and cooperation between our two sides.

In conclusion, I wish this conference a complete success!

Source: Chinese Embassy website.




因此,中国领导人是清醒地认识到中国的挑战和问题的。但是,对于一些先富起来的人来说,可能觉得挣钱很容易,成功很容易。 其实,中国的问题是贫富差距很大,发展不平衡,环境污染严重。要想治理出一个蓝天来,就得一直坚持少生产,否则,蓝天就打折扣。但是,如果企业都关门了,就业压力又很大,因此,需要搞好各种平衡。













