Category Archives: Life

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang “-serien (10) Gobi bytte till oas med Gebao Apocynum Venetum

STOCKHOLM, 23 oktober (Greenpost) – På eftermiddagen den 27 augusti gick journalisterna till Gaubau Kender bas i Burqin County i Altay-regionen med intervjupersonen i Silk Road Economic Belt i Altay-området.

På vägen, genom fönstret, kan folk se många av affischerna till generalsekreterare Xi Jinping och olika etniska minoriteter. Bildtexten är att Xijinping och Xinjiang människor är hand i hand och hjärtat av hjärtan.

När bussen körde till fruängen i Gebao såg ett vackert landskap framför reportern. Här är den oändliga tillväxtbasen av Gebao. På en rad planteras en stam Ge Bao enligt forskarnas vägledning och enligt en viss växtavstånd och linjeavstånd

Vad är Ge Bao Apocynum Venetum? Det är underförstått att Gebao kenaf är en ny variant av Apocynum venetum. Apocynum venetum var den sena jordbruksekonomen Dong Zhengjun som genomförde en jordbruksforskning i Luobu Plain i Xinjiang sommaren 1952.

Det visade sig att den lokala vildhampen växte särskilt kraftigt och fiberkvaliteten var särskilt utmärkt. Samtidigt med tanke på det faktum att det kinesiska folks mat och kläder ännu inte har lösts, under den sociala bakgrunden och de materiella förhållandena vid den tiden, genomfördes oleanderens röda och vita vilda hampa i alla delar av landet kallas apocynum, vilket bidrar till industrialiseringen av främjande och avveckling av bomullsgrödor och förvärv av växter. Fiberbehoven kan spela en betydande roll, det här är den ursprungliga avsikt Apocynum namnges av Mr. Dong Zhengjun.

Men, tyvärr, på grund av mänsklig förstöring, klimatförstöring och andra orsaker, har Apocynum venetum inte artificiellt planterats i enlighet med Dong Zhengjuns önskningar och drabbats av ett stort antal arsenikodlingar. Större framgång och oordnad utveckling resulterade i att kenaf var på gränsen till utrotning.

Luobu eller Rob kenaf, i Tangdynastin “Ny granskning av gräset” och Mingdynastin “Frälsning av gräset” boken kallad “Ze Paint”, kallade de moderna “kinesiska högre plantorna” teblomman. År 1977 inleddes Rob Kenaf och Robb White officiellt i “Chinese Flora” och Apocynum venetum Linn (Apocynum venetum Linn) betecknades som Apocynum venetum L. Samma år registrerades Rob Kenaf i Folkrepubliken Kina, och den totala flavonoiden av de ikoniska ingredienserna var 0,6%. Gebao röd hampa är en skatt, hampfrön kan göras till te, stjälkar och löv kan tillverkas i fiber och bli material av underkläder. Det kan också göra Gobi grön.

   Från 123 mu(8.2 hektar) till 30 000mu(2000 hektar)

Ursprungligen bestämde Liu Qitang (Liu Ban Ge), ordföranden för Huatian Textile Fashion (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. att bli knuten till Apocynum yepa för att förverkliga sitt drömda liv. Sedan 2002 har forskargruppen, tillsammans med Kinas berömda experter på vilda växter, gräsmark ekologi, fjärranalysmätning, kinesisk medicin kemi och andra områden relaterade till Apocynum venetum, varit i Yellow River Basin, Hexi Corridor, Qaidam, Tarim reserver och värden av 29 apocynum historiska distributionsområden som Zhun Geer undersöktes och utvärderades upprepade gånger.

Det visade sig att det ligger 87 grader i altitud, 47 grader nordlig latitud, och den nordligaste delen av världen ligger längst bort från kusten. Altays Alahaq East Gobi har fortfarande 123 mu apocynum. På grund av den speciella temperaturskillnaden, vind och ljus, värme och vatten, producerar växten mer aktiva ingredienser som är relaterade till stressmotstånd och skiljer sig från morfologin från apocynum som växer på andra områden, vilket har uppmärksammat auktoritativa experter.

Enligt nationella behörighetsbyrån var det genomsnittliga effektiva mässingsinnehållet i anläggningen 2,38%. Det undersöktes av Xiao Zhengchun, chef för det tidigare kinesiska apocynum forskningscentret, och Zhang Weiming, en forskare vid Nanjing Wild Plant Comprehensive Utilization Research Institute och den internationellt berömda växt taxonomin Professor Li Bingtao. De alla välkomnade denna växt som “Gobi Skatt” och hette det Altay Gebao Apocynum Venetum Red.

För att spara Gebao kenaf, sedan 2007, har Gebao Company artificiellt planterat 26 000 mu(1800 hektar) av Gebao kenaf i över 10 år, vilket står för 90% av den totala mängden kinesiska kenaf. Under 2012 genomförde Beijing Skog Universitet en ekologisk miljöbedömning. Resultaten visade att samhället var mycket fyrdubblade, vegetationskolagret ökade med 4 gånger, jordmikrobiell biomassa ökade med 76% och effektiviteten i vatten ökade med 60%. Jordens erosionsmodul reduceras med 80%. Planteringen av Gebao kenaf kan kraftigt förbättra Gobi-ökens förmåga att förhindra vind och sand. Äntligen kan Gebao-plantans toppfrukt vara berusad som te. Jag såg många havtorn i det allmänna berget. Seabuckthorn träd kan sägas vara ett slags grönt träd som växer mot dricka. Gebao kenaf är ett bra sätt att förvandla Gobi-öknen till gräsmark.

Under 2012, för att rädda den ekologiska miljön vid sjön Aibi, baserat på det framgångsrika genomförandet av räddningsprojektet av Gebao kenaf i Altay, ökenbyte-oasprojektet, med inbjudan från Jinghe County People’s Government, Aibi Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration, genomförde Gebao Group gemensamt den första fasen av Aibi Lake-projektet och planterade 100 000 mu (9999 hektar) av Gebao-växter.

Efter 10 år av biomimetisk plantering, var området rankat som 3A turistattraktion av Altay Gebao hav av blommor i Xinjiang, som grundades på Gebao kenaf ekoindustrin, med Gebao kenaf te för att förbättra sömnen och integrera kinesisk medicin för att upprätthålla hälsa. Folklore show, fritid semester, sightseeing tour, vetenskap erfarenhet samlas alla i en miljö turism cirkel.

Stå på GI-tornet med 123 steg för att spara pärlor och stenar, du kan känna sin entusiasm för att välkomna besökare från hela världen.

Enligt rapporter har Gebao kenaf-projektet stor praktisk betydelse. Först och främst är det ett framgångsrikt fall för att förhindra ökenspridning. Här är det perfekta att göra Gobi till en oas. Bland annat investerade Gebao Company mycket pengar, arbetskraft och materialresurser. Samtidigt deltog många forskare och akademiker i det, och genom vetenskaplig forskning blev Gobi en oas och utvidgade sjöområdet. För det andra är Gebao kenaf också en slags traditionell kinesisk medicin. Det sägs att Gebao kenaf hälsovårdsprodukter kan förbättra människors hälsa.

Enligt Kina Center for Disease Control har Kina mer än 300 miljoner patienter, och mer än 200 miljoner människor har hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar. I genomsnitt dör en person av kardiovaskulära och cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar var 30: e sekund, och en tredjedel av friska människor har sömnhinder, vilket resulterar i en sub-sund population så hög som 76%. Gebao kenaf kan vara en naturlig hälsokost för personer med högt blodtryck, högt blodfett och sömnstörningar.

Liu Qitangs dotter Liu Xiaoyu berättade för reportrar att detta projekt var hans pappas hårda arbete. Efter många års lång sökning hittade han äntligen Rob Kenaf. Sedan genomförde de storskalig konstgjord plantering av Rob kenaf och realiserade 30 000mu (2000 hektar) grönt gräsmark. De planerar också att plantera 50 000 mu (3333hektar) och förvandla Gobi-öknen till en oas. Den närliggande vattennivån i närheten brukade minska.

Men efter mer än 10 år av sanering och grönning har ytan av sjön expanderat. Det kan ses att artificiell plantering kan uppnå miljöförbättringar. Samtidigt kan Gebao kenaf utveckla avledda industrier samtidigt som man kontrollerar ökenspridning och skapa en demonstration för omvandling av lokalt traditionellt jordbruk och djurhållning. Det har direkt ökat inkomsterna från bönder och herdsmen och förbättrat sin kulturella kvalitet, uppnått hållbar ekonomisk utveckling. Konstruktionen av ekologisk civilisation är en nationell strategi, och Gebao kenaf-projektet återspeglar verkligen begreppet grönt berg är också det gyllene berget. Gebao kenaf produkter inkluderar mat, te, hälsa underkläder, strumpor, hattar och andra kläder produkter.

President Hu Jintao och Xi Jinping lyssnade på introduktionen av det ekologiska restaureringsprojektet av Xinjiang Altay Gebao kenaf respektive 2010 och 2012.

Under 2012 gav FN: s fredsambassadör, den internationella pianostjärnan Lang Lang och Gebao Group, VD Liu Qitang, baserat på det gemensamma miljöskyddskonceptet, det officiella namnet på Langlang Shenzhen Concert Hall som “Langlang Gebao Concert Hall”. Lang Lang och Ge Bao har gjort en olöslig obligation i projektet för att gynna landet och världens folk. För att stärka stödet till projektet bidrar Lang Lang, som alltid har varit oroad över miljöskydd, att bidra till att främja Gebao kenaf. Gebao varumärkesannonser kan ses på både Altay och Kanas flygplatser. Naturligtvis ger kommunen också stort stöd till detta projekt. De tror att detta inte bara förbättrar miljön utan också ökar inkomsterna hos bönder och herdar, så det är en bra sak till förmån för landet och folket.


De utländska medier som deltar i denna intervju inkluderar NHK från Japan, Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Tolo News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency i Kirgizistan, media i Bangladesh, NET TV i Indonesien och Indien, Egypten, Pakistan, Malaysia , Turkiet och Uzbekistan journalister. De är journalister från länder längs Silk Road Economic Belt och kommer att utforska mysterierna kring kärnområdet i Sidenväg Ekonomiska Bältets Kärnområdet–Xinjiang.

Foto och Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (13) –Burqin’s Agriculture and Fruits Are also Attraction for Tourists

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 29(Greenpost) –On August 28th,  over 30 Chinese and Foreign journalists visited the core areas of Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt — Burqin county in Altay City in Northern Xinjiang.  The village we visit is called Tuokumut No. 1 collecting area.

According to the local official, this is an area where people can pick up the fruits themselves and buy it.

Xinjiang is famous for its various melons, honey melon, water melon and other melons which are all very sweet and delicious.

This white melon is very sweet.  This is with the help of the Xinjiang Agricultural Academy’s researchers, local famers and herdmen can grow the fruits very well. It is said that they can have an income of 3000 yuan per mu. They also have farm house hotel or restaurant, or animal husbandry. All together, they can have a percapita income of 50 to 60 thousand yuan .

This is blue Gouqi Bar.

This is a free market where farmers can sell their products.

Photo and text  Xuefei Chen Axelsson.




Utländska journalister Besök Xinjiang-serien (14) – Xinjiang Grand Theatre och Kanas Theatre

STOCKHOLM, 30 oktober (Greenpost) – Den 26 augusti och 27 blev utländska journalister inbjudna att titta på professionella föreställningar i Xinjiang Grand Theatre och Kanas Theatre för att visa Xinjiangs kultur och folklore.

Någon som är intresserad av historien har en fascination med västra regionen. “I den stora öknen kan man se solen som ligger mycket runt vattenflödet.” “Du borde inte skratta åt dem som blev berusade och föll i slagfältet. Tänk på det, hur många som kämpade i slagfältet hade kommit tillbaka? ” Den blåsa sanden, den gula sanden har täckt den gamla sidenvägen, men det kan inte dölja drömmen om att gå tillbaka till västra regionen under de senaste tusen åren längs silkesvägen.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre har hållit det stora dramatret Impression of Western Region som var ett av byggprojekten på den internationella kulturturism industriparken. Den totala investeringen var 1,76 miljarder yuan med en yta på 280 mu och en total byggyta på 100 tusen kvadratmeter. Det har listats som ett viktigt projekt under den 12: e femårsplanperioden av Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre har tagit sånger och danser i västra regionen som kärna, mot den strategiska positioneringen av Kina, Västeuropa och resten av världen. Den integrerar olika inhemska och internationella fördelaktiga kulturresurser och utforskar djärvt det nya sättet att driva och hantera den kinesiska teatern. Det högst upptagna konstpalatset har blivit det framträdande skedet av enastående konstnärer från hela världen.

Inredningsstilen för Xinjiang Grand Theatre kombinerar en mängd olika kulturer, med hjälp av rumsliga symboler i den historiska ramen inklusive Indiens Mughal-dynasti, Irans persiska imperium, Turkiets ottomanska imperium och Allawi-dynastin i Marocko. Bland dem koncentrerar sig träskärningstekniken, metallbronskonsten, snigelinsättningen, målningsprocessen, etc., på uttrycksteknikerna i den västerländska arkitekturhistorien.

På den 33 meter höga kupolhallen har dussintals noggranna målningar blivit handmålade i flera månader, vilket symboliserar väckelsen av Silkvägs vackra arkitektoniska kultur och folket omges av vackra och bländande kulturella element och övertygad av det unika hantverket.

Xinjiang Grand Theatre är för närvarande den högsta kupolstilbyggnaden i Kina. Teatern på 30 000 kvadratmeter rymmer 2 100 personer för att titta på föreställningar; Den 27 meter långa centralstationen och det 86 meter breda prestandaområdet är de största inomhusföreställningsstegen i Asien. Det finns 36 tredimensionella riktiga scener installerade i teatern. Arrangemanget är utrustad med världsledande tekniker specialdesign laser, digital vattenridå, kallt dimma vattenfall, fyrverkerier, fontäner och andra stora mekaniska scenutrustning samt multi-kanals ljudsystem och prestanda integrerat styrsystem är i allmänhet jämförbar med Operahuset i Sydney. Även inredningen av toaletten är så magnifik. Det är inte längre tillräckligt att ta bilder. Om du inte tittar på den lilla videon är det svårt att känna lyxen på Xinjiang Grand Theatre. Den är full av chock och charm. Föreställningen är cirka 130 minuter lång och är uppdelad i sex kapitel, nämligen “Big Love”, “Jade Soul”, “Dream Back to Loulan”, “Life”, “Love”, “Love of the Grassland”. ”

Under den rika nationella färgåtergivningen och den magnifika fantasinscen, isbergets fader på den mystiska sidenvägen, historien om den nationella enheten, glädjen och freden och skapandet av ett vackert hem i byggandet av den moderna civilisationen av Yaochi, och historien och kulturen i den antika västerländska musiken och dansen, Silk Road, Xinjiangs olika nationella sång- och dansstilar är organiskt integrerade för att bilda en unik och innovativ rymdutställning. “Vi skapade partiet” Återvänd till västra regionen för tusen gånger “kring det historiska och kulturella sammanhanget av Silk Road, berättar historien om en gammal mystisk Silke Road och återkommer den. De är scenerna för människor från alla etniska grupper i Xinjiang lever i harmoni på detta stora land.

Festen bestod av sex kapitel inklusive “Isbergs Fader” och “Himmelsk Skapelse”. Mer än 360 skådespelare från Georgien, Ryssland, Frankrike, Ukraina och andra länder i Guangdong, Shenzhen och Henan deltog i föreställningen. Zhou Qunsheng, regissören för “Återvänd till västra regionen för tusen gånger”, introducerade att partiet har ordentligt arrangerats i två år. För närvarande är alla aspekter av arbetet redo. Repertoaren är i nedräkningsövningen. Skådespelarna skulpterar och koncentrerar sig på musik och dans. Inomhus storskalig verklig nationell sång och dansshow, som kombinerar Silkes väg och historia med sånger och danser från olika etniska grupper i Xinjiang, har blivit ett världsklassmärke av Xinjiang sång och dans.

Kanas Theatre.

Kanas dansen om jordbruk.

Kärlek i Kanas.

Vacket klänning och scenen.

Bra spel.

These are mongolian dance and music. The costumes are also mongolian.

Beautiful clothes.

On the night of Kanas, hot air balloons are almost every night blown in front of the Grand Theatre. But it doesn’t fly to the sky, it’s just a sailing show, but it’s a real show!

Night scene of Kanas Theatre.

Night life of Kanas.

Beautiful silk jade!

Various stone souvenir!

Xinjiang poplars tree carving art!

Time is treasure, this is a fossil tree!

An unforgetable evening!

Utländska Journalister Besöker Xinjiang-Serien (12) – Burqins Mat är väldigt gott

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 29 oktober (Greenpost) – Den 28 augusti gick journalisten till Burqin County med de kinesiska och utländska journalisterna för att komma in i kärnområdet i Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt. Från General Mountain ner till Gebao Ma basen, sedan till den färgglada stranden. Under denna period smakade man också ett annat skyltbord på turistindustrin i Burqin County, vilket är den läckra maten parallellt med det vackra landskapet. Maten är gjord av lokala ingredienser, ren natur och original, så det smakar väldigt gott.

Chinese dumplings. Kinesiska Dumplings.

Real dumplings.

Hot chicken. Kyckling.

Pumpkin, Zhongzi och böner.


Xinjiang Hand-picked mutton. Lamb.

Cow stomack as a cool dish. Kos magen.


Horse sausage, very delicious. Hästar korv.

Xinjiang food always include pepper and onion. pepper och lök.

They also like to eat a lot of garlic which is very healthy. Vitlök kyckling.

Fried dumplings! Dumpling.

Cooked fish with sugar, soysauce and vinegar. Fiskar.

Cold dish with peanut and onion. Salad.

The case is both Chinese and foreign style. Kakor.

Lamb steak! Lamb!

Black mushroom or fungas. Svamp!

Pepper is always loved by Xinjiang people all of them, Han, Hui, Ugyors and many others.  Alla Xinjiang människor gillar paperika!

Foto and text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (12)- Burqin’s food is very tasty

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 29(Greenpost)– On August 28th, the reporter went to Burqin County with the Chinese and foreign journalists to enter the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt. From the General Mountain down to the Gebao Ma base, then to the colorful beach. During this period, one also tasted another signboard of the tourism industry in Burqin County, which is the delicious food in parallel to the beautiful scenery. The food is made from local ingredients, pure natural and original, so it tastes very delicious.

Chinese dumplings.

Real dumplings.

Hot chicken.

Pumpkin, Zhongzi and beans.


Xinjiang Hand-picked mutton.

Cow stomack as a cool dish.


Horse sausage, very delicious.

Xinjiang food always include pepper and onion. pepper och lök.

They also like to eat a lot of garlic which is very healthy. Vitlök kyckling.

Fried dumplings! Dumpling.

Cooked fish with sugar, soysauce and vinegar. Fiskar.

Cold dish with peanut and onion. Salad.

The case is both Chinese and foreign style. Kakor.

Lamb steak! Lamb!

Black mushroom or fungas. Svamp!

Pepper is always loved by Xinjiang people all of them, Han, Hui, Ugyors and many others.

Photo and text    By  Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang” Series (9)- Xinjiang’s Altay – Tourism Becomes A Pillar Industry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23(Greenpost) — It takes more than an hour from Urumqi to Kanas Airport in the Altay region. On August 27th, more than 30 reporters from China and abroad took the opportunity to come to the Altay area. When we got off the plane, I felt that the temperature dropped immediately. Cloudy and drizzle, 14-27 degrees, the temperature difference was relatively large. Yet, your reporter found that the weather forecast was quite accurate.

At this time, we changed the bus, because when we arrived in Altay, we came to the real mountain area. To get to the top of the mountain, we need to drive a rugged mountain road. Of course, it is just rugged and the ground is still flat. Because this is just a few years after the central government invested 200 billion yuan or about 33 billion US dollars. The slope is like a terraced field. I thought to myself that only the Chinese Communist Party has truly changed its land with great enthusiasm. Because he has a large number of party members and cadres who can persist in afforestation for decades. It is said that the survival of a tree here costs almost 10,000 yuan, planting, watering, protection, and many tree species are also very valuable. It is believed that in the long run, there is great economic, social and ecological benefit.

In this almost impossible place, it is hard to turn the barren hills into an oasis. When we reached the top of the mountain, we saw this stone monument, General Mountain. Why is it called General Mountain? It is not known. According to the investigation, there was a general mountain in Nanjing during the Song Dynasty Yue Fei era. However, here is also called General Mountain, it must be the heroic spirit, the meaning of the invincible land.

From the General mountain, you can see a modern green city built by the river. It is understood that the Altay region is located in the northern part of Xinjiang, bordering Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

The border line is 1,197 kilometers long, with a total area of ​​118,000 square kilometers. The six counties and one city under the jurisdiction are border counties. By the end of 2017, the total population in Altay is 671,600, consisting of 36 ethnic groups.

Altay has the reputation of Gold Mountain and Silver River. The tourism resources are unique, with 25 scenic spots above Grade A, 3 national 5A scenic spots, 1 World Geopark and 4 National Forest Parks, enjoying the reputation of One Thousand Miles Gallery.

Ice and snow resources are uniquely endowed. It is located in the world’s skiing gold latitude, snow quality is very high, snow temperature, dryness, humidity and other ski conditions are world-class, ice and snow culture has a long history, known as the origin of human skiing.

Altay also has a geographical and ecological advantage. She is the only region in northwest China that borders Russia. It is the northern channel of the Silk Road Economic Belt and an important node city for the construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor. There are four state-class land ports, of which Jiklimin port is open to Russia, and has been included in the autonomous region’s plan.

Altay has a superior ecological environment, featuring a golden sign of clean air,  land and water. The air quality all year round reaches the national level 1 standard, which is known as “natural oxygen bar”. The soil  is of good quality, unpolluted and organic. It is a relatively water-rich region in Xinjiang, known as the “water tower” of northern Xinjiang, with an annual runoff of 12.3 billion cubic meters, accounting for 13.6 percent of the whole Xinjiang. It is one of the six forest regions in China and the largest natural forest region in Xinjiang, with a forest coverage rate of 22.65 percent. The superior ecological system has been identified by the state council as a water-conserving mountain and grassland ecological functional area.

The Altay regional government is striving to build a ‘pure land’ Kanas, Snow Altay, and become a place of great beauty, harmony and happiness in Xinjiang, and is the most inhabitable place. There are more than 200 high-quality tourism resources such as glacial rivers, forest grasslands, lake wetlands, geological wonders, and desert Gobi, which are national and even world-class ecological areas. Ice and snow resources are unique and the skiing conditions are world class. The air quality has reached the national first-class standard throughout the year and is recognised as the summer resort of leisure and health.

After more than 20 years of hard work, the reception capacity has been greatly improved. There are already 26 travel agencies, 11 branches, 40 star-rated hotels and 90 star-rated farmhouses.

The person in charge of the district government said that it will continue to promote the construction of key projects such as Altay Mountain Wild Snow Park, the General  Mountain Ski Resort, Kanas Hemu Snow Township, development of ski camps, rescue supply stations, flight bases and other winter tourism related projects. Taking Altay International Ice and Snow Festival as a carrier, the festival will continue to be held, Burqin County Haze Festival, Fuhai Winter Festival, Car Ice Rally, Kanas Ice and Snow Festival and Hemu Spring Festival Celebration will be held to attract tourists.

The Altay region also intends to promote the development of the property industry, self-driving tour, air travel (building three regional airports, 15 helicopter landing points), relying on the port, the national gate and the Corps husband and wife  meeting station to build a red tourism and patriotism education base, special tours including the desert Base surfing tour and more. In short, they will make great efforts in aviation, railway and highway construction. The state invested 200 billion yuan in Xinjiang to develop tourism. The Altay region has been the vanguard.

The reporters went to the top of General Mountain through the rugged  Road, overlooking the entire Burqin County. A clear river passes through the city. The county town is surrounded by mountains and the river  flows in the middle of the town.

According to reports, there were not so many trees in the mountains here, but in the past ten years, party members and cadres here have taken the lead in planting a large number of trees. Among them, seabuckthorn trees have a great effect on wind and sand fixation, and the fruits can be made into beverages. The Gobi Desert has changed a lot. Local people use drip irrigation technology to water new trees, which ensures survival.

The local official said that they actively implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s motto “Green Mountains and clean rivers are gold mountain and silver mountains “. Since 2008, Altay has carried out large-scale afforestation activities in various areas such as General Mountain, Camel Peak, and Altay City in the spring and autumn. Through the joint efforts of the cadres and the masses in the city for 10 years, a total of 28,000 mu of spruce, birch, scotch pine and other trees of 27 kinds of more than 2 million plants have been planted. The urban green area reached 38.7%, and the urban air quality index is 100%. The average value of PM2.5 is only 14. It ranks first among 29 cities in Xinjiang. The General Mountain Forest Park, Camel Peak Forest Park and National Garden City were built. The living environment has improved markedly and the people feel the life is getting better and better.

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Wine, Changji snacks and Xinjiang Theatre

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

On the afternoon of August 26, more than 30 Chinese and foreign journalists visited Changji High-tech Industrial Development Zone, an hour drive from Urumqi.  We visited Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery, Changji Snack Street, and watched the “Going to Western Region for a Thousand Times.” performed at the Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

Upon Mid autumn festival, Chinese always eat moon cake, not just for fun, but also carry on the culture and tradition.

As we entered the company, one can smell the good smell of moon cake and appreciate various beautiful packaging of cakes.

So many moon cakes were actually produced here. Chinese like to send friends and relatives moon cakes as presents.  No wonder! Because Xinjiang has good sunshine and the wheat quality is very good. Thus various products made of flour of Xinjiang are also very good.

Maiquer imported a whole set of milk production line from Sweden with a total of 200 million yuan (or 33 million US dollars).  Shaliyef, vice director of Xinjiang Information Office said in Xinjiang people are very honest and trustworthy. There has never been fake food product report.

Looking at these beautiful photos of various dairy products, it is really so attractive.

Talking about food, one has to mention that Xinjiang also produces wine. Journalists came to the One thousand acre grape plantation field and visited the Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, General Manager of the Winery said the reason he named his company Impression Gobi and took lizard as his company’s totem is because he thinks that lizard has an unremitting effort. He himself worked in this field for ten more years and accumulate his “first barrel of gold “ and invested about 20 million yuan (3.3 million US dollars) into this winery.

Of course, the winery  provided not only job opportunities for the local farm workers, but also the sales opportunity for the local small scale grape growing farmers. Therefore he made a good contribution to the local economic development.

He said his winery was very special because he used APP sofeware to let his customers see how the grape is growing and know that these grape is pure organic grapes.

Having tasted the red and white wine in Yinxiang Gobi or Impression Gobi, journalists went on to Changji food city.

The first impression is that the building here is very artistic and full of culture.

The grey color and the vivid sculpture implies the artistic atmosphere.

In this food street, one can taste all kinds of food and culture. The architecture itself is an art and culture.

The manager of the food street said they have strict management system with bonus to encourage the good restaurant and those who did a bad job will be costly too.  And they also discuss and have an appraisal so that a good working style is formed.

To welcome journalists, the management in the food street also asked various restaurants to bring their special dish so that the journalists can taste them. Due to the demand from my reader, I took a lot of photos of Xinjiang food.


Fried Geda, a kind of pasta,  meat balls, hand-picked rice with beef, fried motton, Jiasha and hand-picked mutton are all  specialties for Xinjiang and it is almost spread all over China.

In the evening we went to the Xinjiang Grand Theatre and watched the huge performance  Going to Western Region for A Thousand Times. It felt going back to the ancient times when the caravan was walking in the Gobi desert. Plus VR, time  goes back and forth. It is really magnificent and wonderful!

In Xinjiang, there is good organic food and good water, with beautiful art, singing and dancing. Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region likes to tap the potential of the core area of Silk Road Economic Belt by promoting tourism and attracting tourisms from all over China and even the world. It is also a kind of green economy.

I have to say that the performance at the theatre Going to Western Region for a Thousand Times has gathered history, culture,  love, and folklore all on the stage. So the audience can enjoy it very much. The performance combined with VR and modern audio and video effects forming a strong impression on people. It is really world high level and unforgettable!

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (7) – National unity family, big party lunch with three ethnic groups

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 17(GreenPost)  — On August 26th, over 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Urumqi Qidaowan District Management Committee‘s Emerging Community National Unity Courtyard to participate in the national unity family activities.

The reporters interviewed the community head and people of various ethnic groups, visited the community and ethnic families, and had lunch with the people of all ethnic groups. They witnessed the laughter and customs of the people in the national compound and tasted the delicious food with ethnic characteristics in Xinjiang.

When we got off the bus, the reporter saw the lanterns here, and there were several large tables on the street in the yard. People from all walks of life sat together. The table is full of food, hand-picked rice, fried noodles, watermelon, Honung, grapes and other foods. The watermelon here is really big and sweet.

The tour guide said that there was a true story of Adi Aisha. Adi Aisha was a worker at the Urumqi Chemical Plant, mainly engaged in the transportation of raw materials for the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. No matter it was windy or rainy, rain or snow, all the year round, he was uninterrupted, and the task was overfulfilled every month. He had been appraised as a model worker in the factory many times, and he had become an example for young people in the chemical plant at that time. Before his death, he donated his lifelong savings of 1,000 yuan (estimated to the current 120 US dollars) to the factory to reward good comrades who are active in work and national unity. Adi Aisha was not just an ordinary person, but carrying a kind of spirit. Over the past 32 years since his death, he has become a spiritual symbol for carrying forward the purpose of national unity. He made the “Adi Aisha” national unity flower blossom in Shuimogou area and passed on from generation to generation. This was also the best example set by an old party member to establish a national unity family.

In order to commemorate Adi Aisha, people have erected his statue here.

According to the member of the CPPCC National Committee and the first secretary, Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi, the community was established in the 1980s. Inhabited by three ethnic groups, the Uygur, the Han and the Hui, the party organizations play an important role here, and closely unite the various nationalities. They take the local party organization as the core, engage in various activities or learning, and promote the unity of everyone. They also set up cooperatives. At the cooperative, everyone weave handicrafts together. Through activities, people are closely united. Another important part is the National Unity Courtyard. “We must pass on the spirit of Adi Aisha,” said Tiemuer Niyazi.

Why is this unity particularly important? Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi said that Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area, and the unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang is our lifeline. From the history to the present, all ethnic groups must live together and make progress together. Without national unity, there will be no stability in Xinjiang, and national unity is what we must do. Without national unity, there is no harmonious society in Xinjiang. All ethnic groups are equal, living together and united together. It doesn’t mean that Xinjiang was not united before, we have always been united. The July.5 incident in 2009 was such an event that the “three forces” outside the country incited to undermine our unity and peace. This incident was the one that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were opposed to.

On August 26th, it was the last day of the National Festival “Kurban festival” in Xinjiang. The folks in the community seemed to be born musical, singing and dancing, old and young, they were all very  happy to celebrate the festival this way.

Not only do they sing traditional songs,  children also dance modern tap dancing.

Mier Guli. Anne sang a beautiful “Singing a Song to the Party”. This song has been sung for decades, and now it is still so beautiful, especially the singing of Mier Guli, very moving.

“Hulunbeier Prairie”, a Mongolian song makes more people feel endless joy, harmony and peace. Singing can convey strong feelings and love. This was the life of the Xinjiang people. They are as free and secure as they can. What the reporter feels here is to uphold the leadership of the party. At the same time, the party members go deep into the grassroots and the masses. The party members  and masses are all very happy. Especially for the elderly, when reporters interviewed them, they all said that life is very happy now. In their later years, they were well cared for by the party and the government.

The lunch food is from every family that brings a dish to eat here. It may also be that everyone can bring a program if possible. In short, this kind of cultural activity in the open-air plaza of the community is actually what has been going on in China since the liberation. It is a cultural entertainment that many people like because it is affordable. You don’t need to go to the theater to experience the culture. As one style of culture activity, this cultural atmosphere is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In fact, in order to strengthen national unity, in recent years, Xinjiang has formulated and implemented a series of new policies to promote national unity. One of them is the policy of national unity and family. For example, regional units have recently sent people to the farmers and herdsmen’s homes in southern Xinjiang to give gifts, such as giving children’s toys, showers, tables and chairs, etc., to visit there five or six times a year. To enhance mutual understanding, just as the eastern region helps the western region, the provincial capitals want to help brothers and sisters in other regions. This kind of participation, communication and exchange is a form of democracy, nationality, and for people’s livelihood. It embodies mutual help, but not mutual dismantling.

Tasting Xinjiang’s hand-picked rice, Hamimelon and large watermelon, you can feel the sunshine here is sweet, the fruit is sweet, and the people live happily.

This interview was a field interview conducted by the Chinese and foreign media organized by the State Council Information Office into the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt.

It is understood that Xinjiang covers an area of ​​more than 1.66 million square kilometers, with four of Sweden’s land area. The total population living in this area is 22 million, which is equivalent to the total population of two Sweden. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of Xinjiang. Among them, there are 13 ethnic groups living here for generations. They are Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibo, Manchurian, Tajik, Uzbek, Daur, Tatar and Russian.

Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic area and a region of cultural resources. Xinjiang is known as the Western Region. It is a long corridor of ethnic migration and history. It is a holy place for multicultural exchanges, an integral part of Chinese culture, and an all-night place for the ancient Silk Road. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty unified the Western Region and established the Western Regions, which marked the official entry of the Xinjiang region into the Chinese territory. In 1884, the central government established the province in Xinjiang, and took the meaning of newly recovered homeland. Xinjiang officially replaced the ancient name of “Western Region”. For thousands of years, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have worked together on this land to create a splendid civilization. Historical and cultural sites, cultural relics reflect the cultural characteristics of different ethnic groups  and witnessed  the development of Xinjiang’s history and the changes of various national cultures. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Taoism and many other religions coexist here. Eastern and Western cultures blend here. The four ancient civilizations converge here. The Chinese national master, Ji Xianlin, said that in the world’s long history and far-reaching influence, there are only four cultural systems: ancient Greece, China, India, and Islam. There is no fifth, and the place where these four cultures meet is only in Xinjiang in China. There is no second. Therefore, Xinjiang is a unique place in the world.

Xinjiang has 18 national first-class ports, not only relying on China’s domestic large market with a population of 1.3 billion, but also facing the large channel of material circulation, personnel exchanges and cultural integration that also has 1.3 billion Central and South-West Asian markets. Xinjiang is the core area of ​​the “Silk Road” economic belt. Through the China-European freight train, it is expected to become a transportation hub connecting Central and South-West Asia and even Europe. The future will play a more important role and continue to write a new era of Silk Road civilization. The foreign media participating in this interview include NHK from Japan,Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates of Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia India, the mainstream media of India and Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan media. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Photo /text    Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (6)—Protecting classical treasure Twelve Muqam of Xinjiang

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost) – In Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, there is such a grand oral culture treasure”Twelve Muqam”. What kind of  classic work it is  and how is it passed on? On August 26, more than 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theater to interview about the protection and inheritance of Muqam.

The theatre building with its strong artistic features is more beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds. Going into the yard, you can see a sculpture. It was the sculpture of Twelve Muqam’s inheritor, Turdi Ahong (1881-1956).

Qiao Siming, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre, said that in the early days of liberation, an old man in Xinjiang called Turdi Ahong (1881-1956),  was the only one who could play Twelve Muqam completely. Muqam is very large, with twelve sets, one set for two hours, all played down,  it will take one day and one night. These twelve sets of tracks are all oral.

At that time, with the special care of Premier Zhou Enlai, experts were sent to record, to record and translate with the best recording equipment. Qiao Siming explained that Muqam originated  from five or six hundred years ago, and Muqam means a set of songs. Twelve Muqam, which is relatively large, is mainly spread in southern Xinjiang. In addition to Twelve Muqam, there are Yili Muqam in Dongjiang and Turpan Muqam in Northern Xinjiang. Most of the words in the poems and philosophies, folk customs, and some love themes and scenes in social labor. After ten years, it was not until 1961 that it was all sorted out, and it has been published to date, and there have been published books and audio-visual products. In order to commemorate the old man’s contribution to the inheritance of Twelve Muqam, we specially created a statue for him. UNESCO has rated it as an intangible cultural heritage and refers to all Muqam. According to research, the earliest Muqam was sung in the ancient Mongolian language of Chaer, ancient Uyghur. Later, it was translated into Uyghur and then translated from Uyghur into Mandarin. This is a complicated process.

In 1989, in order to protect and pass on Twelve Muqam, the Central Government funded the establishment of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre. In 2005, Muqam was named as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The intensity of protection, research and inheritance has been further increased.

He said that the Xinjiang Muqam Art Troupe is a state-owned unit, the government budget, and often goes abroad. They have visited more than 100 countries and regions. At the same time, they often go to the towns and countryside to perform for the people .

Twelve Muqam began with a solo male singer, accompanied by various instruments, using music, poetry, chorus, ensemble and solo to reflect the life and love of the Xinjiang Uygur people. The coordination and cooperation of various musical instruments sounds like the western classical orchestra.  . It is magnificent and beautiful. The melody is cheerful with both fast melody and lyrical, and it is very touching.

They are all professional players with a total of 200 members.

Yi Mingjia. Saiyiding has been working on the  rewap instrument for 18 years and is an expert in the  rewap instrument. . He said that they often go out to perform and offer twelve Muqam to the people.

In addition, the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre also has a dance performance department. The dancers dedicated a performance to Chinese and foreign journalists.

Twelve Muqam is a major contribution of the Uyghur people to the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. It uses music, literature, dance, drama and other languages ​​and art forms to express the beautiful life and noble sentiments of the Uyghur people and reflects their ideals and pursuits, as well as the joys and sorrows produced under the historical conditions of the time.

It combines traditional music, music, literature, art, drama and dance. It combines lyricism and narrative. This form of music is unique in the art history of all nations of the world.

The origin of Twelve Muqam has two main points in terms of times and geographical factors. One is the set of songs and songs developed on the basis of traditional music that has been handed down from ancient times. The second is local music, namely Kuche, Kasgar, Turpan, Hami and Hetian music and Daolang music. This era and regional factors are intertwined into one another, forming a national-style characteristic that originated from the Uyghur people’s way of life, national characteristics, moral values ​​and psychological qualities.

China attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. On May 20, 2005, Twelve Muqam was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

Every time Muqam played, Qiongnaiheman part was so deep and rich, Dastan was smooth and cheerful, and lyrical; Maixilaipu was singing and dancing, and the performance was pushed to the climax.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the parties and governments at all levels attached great importance to the collection and arrangement of traditional Chinese music. They organized special people to record, take notes and publish the music of “Twelve Muqam”, and recorded, organized and published the lyrics. On the one hand, the excellent cultural heritage of Twelve Muqam was inherited, and on the other hand, it has been enhanced.   “Larke Song and Dance” adapted from Muqam is refreshing; “Ai Lipu and Sainaim” sung with Muqam music is known as the Uygur’s “Dream of Red Mansions”; the transplanted opera “Red Lantern” “, produced a huge response in China, but also changed into a movie. At the beginning of the 21st century, the autonomous region had an institution specializing in the study of Twelve Muqam. The Twelve Muqam, published on the staff, opened up a new path for its exploration and research to the world.

On October 24, 2007, at 18:05, the “Chang’e I”, which was successfully launched, was equipped with 31 songs. The “Twelve Muqam” selection was included.


Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson (Part of the content was translated from the website of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre)

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series  (5) Urumqi International Grand Bazaar

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost) – On the evening of the 24th of August, the reporter visited the Grand Bazaar with a friend to see how the night scene of the Grand Bazaar looks. The Grand Bazaar is located in the center of Urumqi. The prominent tower was very beautiful during the night with the beautiful light. Going inside, it’s so lively, it’s already so full. People from all over the city or country  come here to have a Xinjiang snacks type of dinner. In other words, typical local food.

It was really  very crowded. It happened to be Curban Festival. And people are gathering here to enjoy the Grand Bazar Atmosphere. I think it was too busy and suggest more such Barzar should be built!

The next day on Aug. 25, during day time, a sunny afternoon, over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists came here again. There was a Ugyor dance on stage performing and it was still very crowded.

Wushiku.Yunus,executive general manager of Xinjiang International Grand Barzar Culture and Tourism Industry Co. Ltd told journalists that now it is the most prosperous time since its establishment in 2003. Everyday, there are 100 thousand tourists visiting here. Sometimes, it can reach 150 to 200 thousand tourist.  Currently there are 3300 sellors providing jobs for 10 thousand people. Both the economic and social efficiency have been achieved, said Wushiku.Yunus.

Journalists went through the stands of the sellors which are such a beautiful scene. They are selling instruments, Chinese medicine herbs, silk and almost everything. Some products are produced in China and some are imported. It looks as if an international fair.

The Bazar was completed on June 26, 2003, with a total construction area of 100 thousand square meters and an area of 40 thousand square meters. It is a landmark construction conglomeration with important cultural characteristics.

Its rich tourism and cultural industry ranges from singing and dancing city, food city, ethnic group arts crafts city, silk road castle construction and all kinds of folklore customs and cultures, forming the beautiful capital. It enjoys the fame that one can see the whole Xinjiang’s history, humanistic and cultural, commercial and trade industrial park through just this one city. It is also called the meeting room for Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.

This young Uygor whose name is Zikereya  began to sell musical instrument right after he graduated from middle school. He is 23  years old and has been a seller for six years. He loves playing this hand drum and he likes to work here because he can meet people from all over China. He works together with his brother in law. He said his could earn 20 thousand yuan per year.

This is actually an animation.

This man loves to play so much, so he plays for the tourists while his friend is selling the instruments.

Aimaierjiang.Tuohuti said he began to open his business here since 2003 when the Barzar first opened. Now it is more beautiful than ever, more and more tourists come here now thanks to the construction of the Grand Bazar built by Xinjiang government. Their income also increases along with the increase of the number of tourists. He is very satisfied with the work and life and he is very happy. There were violence before, it was not very good. Some people were brainwashed. This is what the Xinjiang people don’t like. He said the felt the life now is very good and very safe and stable. People can happily live and work.

This is on the sixth floor and a cafée with obvious Xinjiang Ugyor’s characteristics.

Maimaiti has been working here since 2004. He has two children and one is reading for master degree. The other is singing and dancing. He is one of the best sellers in the Bazar.

“The environment here is very good, the leaders are good and the business is very good because more and more tourists come here after the renovation of the walking street. ”

He said his business is getting better and better. With the development of tourism, there are more and more tourists here and his income also increased. He thinks Xinjiang is a good place with many different ethnic groups living together.

This young man is called Jiawulan. He said he used to work in Beijing. Later he found copper ware from an expo produced in Iran which is also similar to Beijing’s cloisonne.  He felt he could sell it in Xinjiang. So he came back to Xinjiang and rent a place in the Grand Bazar to do business. He also said his goods are all produced along the silk road countries.

Grand Bazar is like a big family hosting many different ethnic groups including Han Chinese, Ugyors and Khazaks living together in the same area. They are enjoying a new round of increasing income as the government has proposed the policy of strengthening tourism industry.  Xinjiang Ugyor Autonomous Region has prioritized tourism and hopes to utilize the local resources and increase the local people’s income. Grand Bazar is a good example.

This has been the first day when the over 30 Chinese and foreign journalists visited Xinjiang. Please stay tuned for Greenpost’s report.

Photo and text, Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (3)–Experiencing Xinjiang’s service and Sino-Swedish Trade

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost)—The programs for the Chinese and foreign journalists are quite full and excellent activities happened one after another. But at key moment, you are out of battery, what can you do?

So I was in a hurry to come out of home and by mistake, I took the wrong charger. When I really wanted to charge my battery, the charger didn’t work. I took the old one.The newly bought one was left at home. I asked all the colleagues who took the big cameras, but none of theirs had the same battery as mine, the D7000 Nikon. Most of theirs were Cannon. Without other choice, I had to ask the capable information colleague to see if she can help me ask any shop to buy or borrow a battery charger.

Of course, if it were in Beijing or Shanghai, I would not have been so worried because I am sure there will be similar charger for me to use and there are many different kinds of charger. But this is in Xinjiang and we are going to go to Changji in the afternoon, I was really suspicious and feel hopeless. But I still would like to give a try, so I asked Lyu Yan. What if it has!

So Lyu Yan asked several shops and mobilized many of her resources, but no hope. She said we can only put on hope on Changji. Right! Changji has high-tech Industrial park. By four o’clock, when we arrived in the grapeyard, she told me that a colleague in Changji found this D 7000 battery charger in a Nikon shop. It was Comrade Yu Jian who found it and asked me if I like to buy it because it is not original type. I said as long as it works, I should buy it. So I said, buy!

In the evening when we had dinner, Yu Jian gave me a plastic package. It looks much smaller and narrower. Original charger has four teeth, now the charger has only two teeth, but it marks positive and negative side. Original has a long wire, this one doesn’t have any wire, instead it can plug in directly to the wall. I was not sure if it worked.

When I finished dinner, I went to the bus to fetch my battery and immediately tried it in the nearby shop. The red light shone immediately. “It works!”I can’t help crying out. “Right, Right, It works!” It really saved my day.  Let alone, the Chinese one cost 80 yuan while the Swedish on cost over 600 yuan.

In the afternoon, Chinese and foreign journalists visited a company Maiquer which produced dairy products and wheat product. The company imported a set of Swedish milk production line with a total of 200 million yuan. The products are good and the variety is many including the dumplings and cakes. I think this is a good example of Sino-Swedish cooperation and China can learn from Sweden in many ways.

Chinese people got their own innovation after learning from the west. China’s fast train is such a case, so is the shared bikes. The ideas came from the west, but later, the Chinese improve it and make it even better. Human civilization should be created in this process by learning from each other and making progress. And they also compete with each other.

Today’s charger is similar. China made battery charger saves material. This is a kind of innovation. It is simple and practical. Of course, man still needs to continue to make efforts in its own innovation and continue to make new products.

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska Journalister Besöker Xinjiang-serien (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Vin, Changji snacks och Xinjiang Theatre

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Okotober. 22(Greenpost)– På eftermiddagen den 26 augusti gick över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister in i Xinjiangs Changji High-Tech Industrial Utveckling Zone, Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery och Changji Snack Street, och tittade på “En tusen gånger kommer till Western Region “utförs på Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

På mitten av höstfestivalen äter kinesiska alltid månkaka, inte bara för gott skull, utan även fortsätter kultur och tradition.

När vi kom in i företaget kan man lukta den goda lukten av månkakan och uppskatta olika vackra förpackningar av kakor.

Så många månkakor producerades faktiskt här. Kinesiska gillar att skicka vänner och släktingar månkakor som presenter. Inte konstigt! Eftersom Xinjiang har bra solsken och vetekvaliteten är mycket bra. Således är olika produkter gjorda av mjöl av Xinjiang också mycket bra.

Maiquer importerade en hel uppsättning mjölkproduktionslinje från Sverige med totalt 200 miljoner yuan (eller 33 miljoner US-dollar). Shaliyef, vice direktör för Xinjiang Information Office sa i Xinjiang, människor är väldigt ärliga och pålitliga. Det har aldrig varit en falsk livsmedelsproduktrapport.

Titta på dessa vackra bilder av olika mejeriprodukter, det är verkligen så attraktivt.

Prata om mat, man måste nämna att Xinjiang också producerar vin. Journalister kom till ett tusen tunnland druvplantage och besökte Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, chef för vingården sa att han namngav sitt företag Impression Gobi och tog ödla som hans företags totem är för att han tycker att ödla har en oupphörlig ansträngning. Han arbetade själv på detta område i tio år och ackumulerade sitt “första fat guld” och investerade cirka 20 miljoner yuan (3,3 miljoner dollar) i denna vingård.

Naturligtvis gav vingården inte bara arbetstillfällen för de lokala lantarbetarna, men också försäljningsmöjligheten för de lokala småskaliga druvkultivarna. Därför gjorde han ett bra bidrag till den lokala ekonomiska utvecklingen.

Han sa att hans vingård var mycket speciell eftersom han använde APP sofeware för att låta sina kunder se hur druvan växer och vet att dessa druvor är rena organiska druvor.

Efter att ha smakat rött och vitt vin i Yinxiang Gobi eller Impression Gobi gick journalister vidare till Changji matstad.

Det första intrycket är att byggnaden här är mycket konstnärlig och full av kultur.

Den gråfärgen och den levande skulpturen innebär en konstnärlig atmosfär.

I denna matgata kan man smaka på alla typer av mat och kultur. Arkitekturen i sig är en konst och kultur.

Chefen för matgatan sa att de har ett strikt förvaltningssystem med bonus för att uppmuntra den goda restaurangen och de som gjorde ett dåligt jobb kommer att vara kostsamma också. Och de diskuterar också och har en bedömning så att en bra arbetsstil bildas.

För att välkomna journalister bad ledningen i matgatan också olika restauranger att ta med sig specialrätt så att journalisterna kan smaka på dem. På grund av efterfrågan från min läsare tog jag en hel del bilder av Xinjiang-mat.


Stekt Geda, en sorts nudlar, köttbullar, handplockat ris med nötkött, stekt motton, Jiasha och handplockad fårkött är alla specialiteter för Xinjiang och det sprider sig nästan över hela Kina.


På kvällen åkte vi till Xinjiang Grand Theatre och tittade på den enorma prestationen En tusen gånger att gå till Västra Regionen. Det känns som att gå tillbaka till antiken då husvagnen gick i Gobi-öknen. Plus VR, tider går fram och tillbaka. Det är verkligen magnifikt och underbart!

I Xinjiang finns god ekologisk mat och gott vatten, med vacker konst, sång och dans. Den autonoma regionen Xinjiang Uygor gillar att knacka på potentialen i kärnområdet i Silk Road Economic Belt genom att främja turism och locka turister från hela Kina och även världen.

Det är också en slags grön ekonomi. Jag måste säga att teaterns uppträdande En tusen gånger att gå till västra regionen har samlat historia, kultur, kärlek och folklore allt på scenen. Så publiken kan njuta av det väldigt mycket. Föreställningen kombinerad med VR och moderna ljud- och videoeffekter bildar ett starkt intryck på människor. Det är bara bra!

Foto och text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Acupuncture Science Association Sweden(ASAS) doctors participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18(Greenpost)– Three  representatives of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden  participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum October 13-14, 2018, co-sponsored by China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine International TCM Minimally Invasive Community, the Chinese Medicine Research Promotion Association Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Professional Committee, the Henan Provincial Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Pain Society, and the Henan Soft Tissue Disease Research Association.

The International Forum on Minimally Invasive Pain Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Zhengzhou City. President of ASAS, Yang Chungui, Vice President Zhang Dongqing, and  Dr. Li Jian attended the forum. On the eve of the formal convening of the forum, Chinese  Academician Shi Xuemin and Master Tang Zuxuan arrived successively too. Both experts are honorary presidents of ASAS. Under the leadership of Master Wu Hanqing (Master Wu is also the honorary president of the ASAS), Doctor Yang, Zhang and Li got the chance to meet the academicians.

The latter three reported to  Academicians Shi, Tang and Master Wu about the development of ASAS, and witnessed the process of Master Tang receiving students.

On October 13, when the forum officially opened, President Yang, as the vice chairman of the International Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Community of the Chinese Medicine Association, sat in the first row of the rostrum.

Vice President Zhang and Li Jian sat in the first row of VIP seats.

Vice President Zhang and Li Lizhi were also employed as executive directors of the International Chinese Medicine Mini-invasion Community of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Experts such as Academician Shi Xuemin, Master Tang Zuxuan and Master Wu Hanqing gave wonderful lectures at the forum. The theme of this forum is acupuncture treatment for pain. Acupuncture in Sweden’s legislation needs to elaborate the mechanism of acupuncture treatment of pain, Yang, Zhang and Li listened carefully to the lectures of the experts, and were deeply inspired to deepen the understanding of acupuncture treatment of pain and to strengthen the confidence of acupuncture in Swedish legislation. Afterwards, President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Li Jian also participated in the “Three-dimensional Anatomical Class of Water Needle Knife”. Through field anatomy, they intuitively and deeply understood the water needle knife such as the “three-way positioning of the fourteen meridian muscle fascia zone”. The advanced technology and safety points of acupuncture operation will lay the foundation for a new acupuncture technical lecture on acupuncture safety technology lectures and acupuncture and needle technology to solve the problem of myofascial problems. President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Director Li obtained the certificates of study after completing the anatomy class.

Under the recommendation of Prof. Wu Hanqing, Chairman of the International Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Mini-invasive Community of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honorary President of ASAS, accompanied by Dean Zhou Youlong, School of International Education, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Doctor Li Jian visited the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With that, three representatives of ASAS concluded their academic exchange during the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum.

Edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau Director General Liao Yuanfei visits Swedish Elderly Center

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 16(Greenpost) – With the coordination of the Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association, Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau Director General Liao Yuanfei led a delegation to visit an elderly center in Sweden on Tuesday.

The delegation first visited the Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Nordic Innovation Center.

With the company of Zhang Shaobin, President of Shenzhen Kong Wah Real Estate Group, Zhang Luping, Executive President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and General Manager of Nordic Innovation Center, the delegation visited Taby Elderly Center and listened to a presentation by Kerstin Torkelsson, who is in charge of social affairs in Taby Municipality.

Torkelsson talked about how Swedish government and the elderly center take care of the elderly people and Swedish elderly care system.

After listening to the presentation, Director General Liao also invited the Swedish side to visit Shenzhen to exchange ideas and experiences. The delegation members also took a photo with the elderly people in the center.

Other members in the delegation are Mr. Wu Yuanxiang, Office Director, Civil Affairs Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality,Mr. Ma Li,Member of the Standing Committee under the District-Level Committee, Mr. Wen Shixiang,Director General of Longgang Branch, Civil Affairs Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Ms. Shen Ru,Vice Office Director, the Office of Working Committee on Aging of Shenzhen Municipality, Ms. Ma Jing,
President of Shenzhen Longhua Silver Industry Association and Mr. Xu Jinguang, Chairman of the Board, Shenzhen IMT Industry Group Company Limited. Ms Lisa Nilsson also accompanied the delegation to the Elderly center.