Category Archives: Opinion

Chinese Ambassador Gui says China pays great attention to China-Europe relations

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said that China attaches great importance to China-Europe relations and he likes to listen to all the participants opinion on how to better improve China-Europe relations.

Ambassador Gui said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. Reform and opening-up, started 40 years ago, have transformed China from a country shackled by rigid planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy, and from a closed economy and society to one increasingly interconnected with the world. All the Chinese people benefit from reform and opening-up, as no one will live under the poverty line and all will lead a good life. Global economy benefits from China’s reform and opening-up as China’s economic growth contributes over 30% to global growth. Countries around the world benefit from China’s reform and opening-up because China generates tremendous development opportunities and dividends as it is set to become the world’s largest consumption market.

China’s reform and opening-up also contributes to world peace and security. The fact that China maintains social and political stability and is delivering a better life to nearly 1.4 billion people undoubtedly generates strong impetus to keep the momentum of global and regional security and stability.

Gui said that “some people speculate that China’s development threatens other countries, to which I would like to stress that it is not in the DNA of the Chinese nation to threaten and invade other countries. In the 5000 years of Chinese history, China has never waged a war of conquest against other countries. As a nation that endured over a hundred years of colonial invasion and enslavement by Western powers, we know too well the pain of being occupied and enslaved. As Chinese people often say, “do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.” In the vocabulary of China’s foreign policies, words like “invading other countries” and “seeking hegemony” have no place”. Gui said.

“There are also people saying that China is more assertive, which is a serious misunderstanding and misinterpretation of China’s foreign policies. Over a hundred years of colonial invasion and occupation of China led to the fact that China is still yet to realise complete national reunification. Anti-China separatist forces, such as “Taiwan independence”, “Tibet independence”, “East Turkestan” as well as “Hong Kong independence”, are doing everything to sabotage and hinder the reunification of China. What we must do in response is to firmly uphold national unity and advance the process of national reunification. In other words, we will not let any country, any force, any organization or any individual take away any inch of China’s rightful territory. What we are doing is opposing others to break into our house and rob our things rather than barge into others’ house and rob their things.” said Gui.

Gui said that Sweden is the first Western country to establish diplomatic ties with China. As a major Nordic country and an important member of the EU, Sweden leads the world in innovative, green and sustainable development. Just like China, Sweden is committed to upholding world peace and security, and resolving disputes through political and diplomatic means. These factors set up the foundation and favorable conditions for long-term and steady growth of China-Sweden relations. With high importance attached to its relations with Sweden, China is willing to strengthen dialogue, communication and cooperation in all areas, and work with Sweden to make contributions to world peace, development and security .

It is true that our two countries are different in our political systems and ideologies. But it is exactly these differences that make dialogue, exchanges and cooperation more necessary. Because we are different, we need to improve together by learning from each other. However, we oppose exaggerating or politicising these differences and turning them into obstacles of our relations, rather we hope to work together to turn these differences into highlights and propellers of our relations. To make this happen, we need to treat each other as equals, respect each other, refrain from interfering in each other’s internal affairs and work together for shared benefits.

Gui said that the 19th CPC National Congress that was successfully convened last October established the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and set the goal to build China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of this century.

To achieve the goal, China will deepen reform, open up wider to all countries and regions of the world, and carry forward with reform and opening-up with utmost resolve and confidence. The first China International Import Expo that is being held represents a major initiative and effort reaffirming China’s determination to open up wider. Like I said at the beginning, China’s reform and opening-up benefits the whole world, and deepened reform and opening-up will only benefit the world even more. We are committed to improving socialist democracy and rule of law, upholding and improving human rights and delivering a better life to all Chinese people. These efforts will bring about greater social and political stability and economic prosperity.

But no matter how much progress China makes in its development, even when China’s GDP per capita reaches the level of Sweden at USD 50,000, China will still stick to a peaceful development path and its peaceful foreign policy, remain committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind rather than interfere in other countries’  internal affairs, invade other countries or seek world dominance. Thousands of years of human history told us one thing, that is any empire that invades, enslaves or occupies other countries will eventually fail and crumble. That is what all of us need to learn and more importantly heed from history.

The Chinese side attaches great importance to developing China-Europe relations. In terms of how, I prefer to hear your thoughts and suggestions, concluded Gui.

时评:锦州各村、社区人民应该耐心等待相信市政府 天宝华府项目正在搭建坚决路线图

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 记者日前从业内人士获息,锦州市政府通知涉及天宝华府项目的各村,社区的人们,天宝华府项目正在搭建解决路线图,由于市政府联席会没有及时开上,部分购房户,动迁户情绪激动,要求各村、社区及时掌握情况,不能进京上访,把人稳定在家里。




















北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典华人社团再次集体发声,发表声明强烈抗议瑞典电视台SVT的辱华言行,要求立即停止类似对中国和中国人民的恶意伤害的娱乐节目,并向中国和中国人民诚恳地赔礼道歉,以使中瑞关系和两国人民友谊朝着健康持久的方向发展。








瑞典文,Swedish version.

Lars-Erik Strand comment om SVT program

Jag är för det mesta stolt över mitt hemland och anser att Sverige är ett av de bästa länderna att bo i. Min fru, som kommer från Kina, är också väldigt glad över att bo i Sverige. Hon har flitig kontakt med släkt och vänner i Kina och Hong Kong och hon pratar mycket om det vackra svenska landskapet liksom om öppenheten och vänligheten hos det svenska folket.
Nu, efter satirprogrammet ”Svenska nyheters” inslag om Kina har bilden förändrats. Min fru är ledsen och besviken. Vad var egentligen meningen med detta program? Satir har alltid funnits och jag välkomnar god sådan. Men det här inslaget var inte bara elakt och fult, det höll dessutom extremt låg nivå.
Programledaren Jesper Rönndahl tar upp och späder på gamla fördomar. Med en arrogant och självgod attityd försöker han sig på en analys av Kina som bara blir ytlig och substanslös. Och varför väljer man den tyske tonsättaren Johann Pachelbel för att illustrera den svenska idyllen? Okunskap och inskränkthet är ingen lyckad kombination.
Upprinnelsen till det här programmet är de kinesiska turister som blev avhysta från ett hostel då de kommit ett dygn för tidigt. Kina, som först fördömde svensk polis och deras agerande, har sedan gått ut och förklarat att det hela handlade om en monumental kulturkrock och att kineserna överreagerade. Att då i efterhand, när känslorna lagt sig, lägga ut det här programmet är både tanklöst och beklagligt.
Jag är glad över att vi i Sverige inte har statskontrollerad television men någon form av kontroll när det gäller public service vore ändå önskvärt. Kineser ser normalt inte på svensk tv av förklarliga skäl men det här programmet, som dessutom var tolkat på kinesiska, har visats och väckt stor indignation i Kina. Med all rätt. Här får kineserna inte bara en bild av svenskarna som ett fördomsfullt och inskränkt folk, man tror också att vår humor håller sig på denna låga nivå.
Många tycker säkert jag är tråkig och rigid som tycker så här. Det är ju trots allt en publik med i programmet som skrattar gott åt Jesper Rönndahl. Men att göra sig lustig på andras bekostnad tycker jag alltid är ett lågvattenmärke. Alltid. Bra humor som står sig genom åren är den som är intelligent och skarpsynt. “Svenska nyheter” kommer tack och lov snart att vara bortglömt men fram till dess får vi nog dessvärre leva med en försämrad relation till Kina.
Jag tror inte att programledarens avsikt var att skada någon men ett visst mått av sunt förnuft bör man ändå använda i sin relation med andra kulturer. Det som vi uppfattar som, visserligen dåligt men ändå, ett oförargligt skämt kan i ett annat land uppfattas som en grov skymf. Det är precis vad som skett nu och det minsta Jesper Rönndahl och Sveriges Television borde göra är att åtminstone be om ursäkt.
Vi har nyligen, i min familj och bland våra vänner, firat midhöstfesten, en urgammal kinesisk högtid som Jesper Rönndahl sannolikt aldrig hört talas om. I korthet handlar det om övergången mellan årstiderna och kopplingen till Yin och Yang. Sedan runt tusen år tillbaka förknippas den även med den runda månkakan som delas i fyra lika stora delar. När man äter månkakan kan man tänka på sina avlägsna vänner runt jordklotet. Just den här fullmånen i september anses vara den som lyser starkast och därför samlas människor i Kina och runt hela världen för att fira den globala gemenskapen mellan människor. Månen är densamma, var man än befinner sig på jordklotet. Likaså har människor samma tankar och samma drömmar. Nu har månkakan fått en fadd eftersmak.
Kina är ett land som värnar om sin långa historia. Det är också ett välutvecklat och modernt industriland. Man känner stolthet över sitt folk och sina traditioner. En stolthet som vi nu har trampat på och smutsat ned. “Svenska nyheter” är en del av public service som jag är med och finansierar med hjälp av TV-avgiften. Om inte SVT och Jesper Rönndahl vill be om ursäkt så vill i alla fall jag be mina kinesiska vänner om ursäkt. Jag hoppas att relationen på diplomatisk nivå snart blir bättre igen. Relationen till mina vänner är oförändrad även om bägaren blivit lite smolkig.

Swedish TV Satire program makes a negative impression on Swedish about China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 22(Greenpost)– After Chinese tourists were thrown  to Skogkyrkorgården on Sept. 2 and Chinese Embassy protested it on Sept. 15, Swedish TV, SVT satire  program broadcast a program ridiculing Chinese tourists who did not obey the Swedish rules.

The background is that the TV host said China is so big that Swedish knew so little about China.  It first ridiculed the Swedish government to bow down to the Chinese government because of the trade.  Money speaks louder.

Then it broadcast a video released on the website by Tourist Zeng about how Swedish police treated them. The mother was crying out help, help. They translated into kill me and kill me.  Then they broadcast a notice on Youku to say Sweden welcomes you, but you should obey Swedish rules, for example, you should not shit outside the Royal Palace.  And then show a fleet of dogs.

The worst thing is they use a map that doesn’t show Taiwan and part of Tibet.

This kind of ironic program stimulated the Chinese Embassy’s protest again.

Chinese embassy has issued a notice that they strongly condemned this action and protest against those who made this program in SVT.

SVT said it is a satire program。In other words China should not take it seriously.

But they do know that this kind of ironic and ridiculous way of expression is actually even more annoying.

China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 14(Greenpost) — China Import&Export Trade Fair and China International Import Expo promotion conference has been held in Stockholm.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and focal person in Nordic Innovation Center made a welcome remark.

“Over the past 61 years, Canton Fair has been a grand international fair growing up along with New China and a witness for China’s reform and opening up.  ”

Zhang Qiaozhen said over the past decade, Canton Fair has strengthened China and the World’s Trade relations and become the first promotion platform for foreign trade.

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association is an organization that serves as a bridge between Nordic enterprises and enterprises and government in information exchange, mutual help and cooperation and win-win.  “We shall help those companies that are suitable to develop in China to find partners in China and even help them find funding and provide marketing solutions.  Canton Fair is a good platform for you to go to China and Asian market.”

Han Xiaodong, counselor at the Chinese Embassay in Sweden said Sweden has seen surplus in trade with China. This implies that Chinese people have a strong demand of Swedish goods. He welcomes Swedish enterprises to attend the Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair.

Elisabet Söderstrom, Secretary of Sweden-China Trade Council said at the conference that although there are many media in the society, there is still the need to meet face to face.  Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair. She said that Huawei and Volvo are actually also their members.

Fredrik Uddenfeldt, Director of Asia Region in Invest Sweden said trade between China and Sweden has increased a lot. Sweden has exported more products to China than to America. Sweden’s enterprises in China also see increases in a number of over 100. China’s manufacturing industry are the best and some products are even better than that in Europe.  So he encouraged enterprises to go to China to attend the two fairs.

Lena Miranda, Chairman of Sweden Incubater and CEO of Jönköping Incubater said that it is time for both Sweden and China to do real businesses, it is not just a visit, but do real business.  Canton Fair and CIIE are good platform for businesses.

Ye Jijiang, Vice Chairman of China Foreign Trade Center finally made a promotion about Canton Fair and CIIE.

“China is melting into the world and the world also needs China. Over the past 61 years, one can see that Canton Fair is one of the most professional trade fair platform. ”

With the 123 fairs over 61 years, China has become the largest export freight trade country.  Canton fair has become the largest fair in the world. During the Spring Fair, a total of 667 Swedish attended the fair among 203346 people.

The 124 fair will be held in Canton between Mid October and Nov. 4.  Ye Jijiang welcome all the Swedish entrepreneurs to attend the fairs.

Moreover, Nov. 5-10, China International Import Expo  will be held in Shanghai, with 2800 enterprises from 130 countries and regions being registered.

The CIIE will be a great platform for bilateral trade.

The two sides also held a small scale close door meeting before the conference.

Over 100 Swedish entrepreneurs and Swedish-Chinese entrepreneurs attended the conference to exchange ideas and shared information。

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Opinion: United Sweden Stands

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

The general election in Sweden appreared a deadlock which means Redgreen block got 144 seats, Alliance got 142 seats and Swedish Democratic Party got 63 seats.

Under this situation, in order to ban Swedish Democratic Party to the ruling government,  Redgreen Block and Alliance should compromise and be united.  Otherwise, Sweden will be a mess and in kaos.

The next government must be stronger that means it should have a majority.

If Swedish parties can look at the big picture of the country and avoid SD ruling, they must be united.

Social Democratic Party is still the largest party even though it is losing members.  So Stefan Lofvin should be able to form a cabinet with the combination of all the Alliance parties or three at least under the condition that the left is also included.

The next Swedish government should try to have a majority government and with the ruling including Social Democratic , a great party in human history.

In history, Sweden has the tradition of compromise. It is time to make compromise for the common good.  Otherwise, Sweden will be disrupted. United Sweden Stands.

Commemorating 9.11, condemning terrorist attack against Afghan journalists

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM(Greenpost)– Today marks the 17th anniversary of terrorist attacks on the twin towers in the United States on Sept. 11, 2018.

Even though the United States had been acting as the world police, it didn’t justify the terrorist attacks against civilians in the twin towers.

Terrorism is the enemy of mankind who love peace and development.

Unfortunately today the terrorist action still exist.

At least 16 people have been killed recently  in two explosions in Kabul including two of TOLOnews’ journalists.

Samim Faramarz, journalist, and Ramiz Ahmadi, cameraman, lost their lives in an explosion in Kabul city on Wednesday night while covering an earlier bombing.

The first explosion happened at around 6pm Kabul time, targeting a wrestling gym in Qala-e-Nazer area in Kabul’s PD6.

The first explosion was a suicide bombing while the second explosion was a car bombing that according to officials left at least 16 people dead and 65 others wounded.

Farmarz had been reporting live from the scene of the first explosion on TOLOnews 6pm bulletin – just minutes before the explosion happened.

Faramarz started working at TOLOnews three years ago. Despite his activities in culture, he continued with making dozens of reports on corruption, security situation, political issues, electoral issues, suicide attacks in Kabul and other parts of the country, and documentaries.

He was 28 and was an exceptional person among his colleagues with a smiling face and a kind heart. The last post on his Facebook is about his work as a reporter.

Ramiz Ahmadi, like Faramarz, was leading in his profession as a cameraman at TOLOnews. He pictured many reports from war-hit areas in the country.

He worked for TOLOnews for four years and besides that he was a law student at a private university in Kabul.

Ahmadi was 23 years old and was always trying to support his family besides continuing his education.

His last post of Facebook was from one of his provincial trips for covering a story.

This comes after TOLOnews lost another employee in an explosion in Kabul this year in April.

On January 2016, a suicide bombing took the lives of seven TOLOnews staff members. This is the second black Wednesday for Afghanistan’s media family.

PROFOCA and Green Post strongly condemned this terrorist action against innocent journalists and civilians.

Said Najib Asil is Executive Producer from Tolonews in Afghanistan.  He said he lost two wonderful colleagues and best journalists in his organization.

In an interview with Greenpost in Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region, Asil said Afghanistan is suffering from the dispute between many other countries. Afghan issue is really not just a domestic issue.

He said Belt and Road Initiative is a great initiative, but China must solve the security issue along the border with Afghanistan because there is terrorist threat there.

He said the issue can only be solved through negotiations among Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, and other relevant partners.

Over the years, Afghanistan has suffered from Russian occupation, Taliban cruel rule and US involvement.  All these factors caused Afghanistan to be a country that almost every family has lost one or two of their relatives.

This was also the root cause why Afghan young people wanted to go abroad because they were fed up with the conflict and violence.  And they like to go to European countries such as Sweden.

In Sweden, to receive the orphan children was not just today’s issue. Six or seven years ago, I heard from Save the Children that there were Afghan children coming to Sweden without any document.  They think from children’s point of view, Sweden should receive them.

Thus a total of about two or three thousand Afghan children were received in Sweden.

As time goes by, these people of course now are more than teenagers.

History should not be forgotten, but terrorist action should be condemned and uprooted. How to do that?  Najib  Asil said Afghanistan should prioritise education so that the young people can quickly improve their education level and serve the country’s long term peace and development.

Terrorists were often the people who had low education and were brain washed easily.

It is hoped that world leaders especially the Asian leaders can take the opportunities offered by the Belt and Road Initiative put up forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping and be united in solving the peace and development issue in order to have a common bright future in Asia, as well as in the world.

It is believed that the Belt and Road Initiative is purely by the countries, for the countries and without any coercion or other intentions, it is purely for the common good, while of course good for both China and the world because China likes to see a peaceful and prosperous world.

Gui Congyou: Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI

Stockholm, Aug. 21, (Greenpost)–Kinesiska Ambassador Gui Congyou sa att Kina och Sverige bor samarbeta inom Belt and Road Initiative pa arkikel i Svenska Dagbladet.


Med avseende på debattartikeln i Svenska Dagbladet den 6 augusti, “Sverige bör få EU att ställa tydliga krav på Kina”, vill jag poängtera att en del av debattartikeln innehåller förvriden information om Kinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) samt grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser mot så kallade kinesiska strategiska intentioner, till och med Kinas näringspolitik. Innehållet är i hög grad missledande och skadligt mot det framtida svensk-kinesiska samarbetet inom BRI. Därför hoppas jag att kunna passa på att presentera BRI för SvD och dess läsare, så att missförstånd kan rättas och samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa främjas för förstärkt välstånd för våra folk.

BRI, som framställdes av Kinas president Xi Jinping, är ett viktigt initiativ för internationellt samarbete. Kärnan i initiativet är att man ska bygga vinn-vinn-samarbeten runt den infrastrukturella anslutbarheten med samlade fördelar och krafter från olika håll. Under de fem åren sedan BRI lanserades har man kunnat redovisa många framgångar. Handelsvolymen mellan Kina och BRI-länderna uppnådde 5 000 miljarder dollar, fler än 80 ekonomiska samarbetszoner har byggts upp längs de nya sidenvägarna, som skapade 244 000 nya jobb i länderna.

Trots att BRI kommer ifrån Kina, tillhör detta dock hela världen, eftersom man alltid tillämpar principer av omfattande samråd, gemensamma konstruktioner och delade vinster. BRI betyder aldrig att Kina skulle tvinga något annat land, utan Kina vill genom överläggningar ansluta alla parters utvecklingsstrategier, för en gemensam planering av olika projekt. BRI är inte heller någon “kinesisk Marshallplan”. Kina skulle inte ensidigt finansiera andra länder med bistånd, utan alla parter inklusive Kina och BRI-länder och organisationer skulle bygga tillsammans med samlade resurser. Kina monopoliserar inte BRI, i stället kommer alla deltagare att få del av resultaten tillsammans. BRI är inte något geopolitiskt verktyg för Kina, därför att Kinas utrikespolitik aldrig söker inblandning i andra länders interna politik eller någon form av influensområde. BRI betyder inte att bara Kina ska utföra projekt utomlands, alla parter som vill är lika välkomna att starta eller vidga samarbeten i Kina. BRI är öppet, ur det kinesiska perspektivet vill man hjärtligt samarbeta med alla aktörer, inte bara bilaterala utan även multilaterala samarbeten är också aktuella.

BRI är ett genomskinligt initiativ som följer internationella regler. BRI som ett storskaligt globalinitiativ kan inte lyckas utan regler. I den gemensamma kommunikén från det första BRI-forumet för internationella samarbeten utfärdades tydliga löften om transparens och regelstiftning, där man lyfte fram projektens ekonomiska, sociala och hållbara egenskaper samt goda samordningar i ekonomisk tillväxt, samhälleliga framsteg och miljöförvaltning. På grund av dessa kan världen ha förtroende för BRI:s framtid. I det Internationella Finansforumets (IFF) Kina-rapport 2018 finner man en enkät om BRI, där 92 procent av de intervjuade centralbankerna räknade med att BRI skulle kunna stötta upp ländernas ekonomi och en majoritet trodde även att BRI kan lyfta landets BNP-tillväxt med 1 procent.

Kina stöttar ständigt den europeiska integrationen samt Europas solidaritet, stabilitet och välstånd. BRI bjuder Kina och Europa på en ny plattform för att göra jämlika och ömsesidigt gynnsamma samarbeten. Hittills har Kina och 11 EU-länder undertecknat mellanstatliga BRI-avtal. Frakttåg mellan Kina och Europa har gjort sammanlagt 10 000 resor med räckvidd till 42 städer i 14 europeiska länder. Sverige har alltid stått för frihandel, öppen utveckling, grön och innovationsdriven tillväxt, som är mycket förenliga med BRI-värderingarna. Svenska företag är världsledande inom bland annat infrastrukturteknik, avancerade utrustningar, smart city och grön transport, som erbjuder Sverige stora möjligheter att vara med i BRI-samarbetet, och Sverige bör inte ligga efter när det gäller BRI-deltagande.
Med glädje har vi upptäckt ett ökande intresse för BRI från Sveriges olika sektorer. Vi välkomnar Sverige att studera och även aktivt delta i BRI. Vi välkomnar också det svenska Utrikespolitiska Institutet att starta Stockholm Belt and Road Observatory. Vi hoppas att den nya plattformen kommer att verkligen främja BRI-kunskap och den kinesisk-svenska vänskapen. Ambassaden är förberedd för kontakt och utbyte med observatoriet. Vi är angelägna att få konstruktiva förslag om hur Kina och Sverige kan samarbeta inom BRI, dock vill vi inte få grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser av vissa svenska personer med färgade glasögon. Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI, tillfällen finns redan i dag!

Gui Congyou
Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige

Sweden calls for UN action on climate change

 STOCKHOLM, Aug. 11(Greenpost) — Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Isabella Lövin Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate in Sweden recently jointly issue an article calling the United Nations to take real action on climate change issues.  The text is as the following published on Swedish government website.

Today the members of the United Nations Security Council are meeting to discuss climate change and security for the first time in seven years. In recent years, clear signs of climate change have made it difficult to turn a blind eye.

The aim of today’s meeting, chaired by Sweden, is to increase understanding about the exacerbating effects of climate change on conflict.

In Sweden this year, spring and summer have been characterised by extreme weather. Water shortages, forest fires and crop failures have become recurring news stories. The issue feels increasingly relevant and part of our reality. Extreme heat is now also affecting Canada and California, while extreme rainfall across Japan has led to two million people being evacuated from their homes, and more than 120 people have died.

But people in poor countries are those hardest hit by the adverse impacts of climate change. There, resilience to extreme weather events and crop failure is extremely low. Women are often disproportionately vulnerable in these situations. Fragile countries risk being stuck in a vicious cycle of instability and climate risks.

A few days ago, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and other United Nations and African Union representatives conducted a joint visit to Chad and Niger. In doing so, we continue the focus on a region where the link between climate change and security is particularly clear. This will help us better understand the various dimensions of the conflict, such as links to terrorism, lack of development, gender inequality and the impact of climate change. The visit made clear that traditional security measures are not enough to promote peace and security.
Last year, the Security Council also travelled to the Lake Chad region. After the trip, Sweden initiated a ground-breaking resolution that was the first to identify the impact of climate change on a specific conflict, and called for the UN to strengthen its capacity to respond. This marked the beginning of a new approach to climate change in the Security Council.

The Sahel region of West Africa has been hit hard, especially Mali and the Lake Chad region. Shorter and less predictable rainy seasons have increased competition for scarce resources, exacerbating existing tensions between herders and settled farmers. People’s livelihoods and food security are threatened, further increasing people’s vulnerability. In countries where resilience to crisis is weak and social and economic security extremely limited, we see more and more people being recruited by extremist groups offering money and food. Many choose to leave their homes and flee.

Another telling example is the many small island state that are at risk of being submerged when sea levels rise. It is difficult to image the consequences of entire nations potentially disappearing.

These are only a few examples of the link between climate and conflict. We need to better understand how climate interacts with, and at times reinforces, patterns of conflict. Without this understanding, we — the international community — will never be able to take fully informed decisions to promote peace and prevent conflicts.
Sweden has worked intensively to bring greater international attention to the issue. The international community must be better at understanding, highlighting and committing to action against the threats of climate change. This means improving conflict prevention work.
The United Nations Security Council, whose primary responsibility is the maintenance of international peace and security, must lead the way. We simply cannot ignore this issue in our quest for sustainable and peaceful development. Since Sweden took its seat on the Security Council, we have worked continuously to raise awareness of this issue. And we have achieved many important results. Sweden is working with other like-minded countries to draw attention to climate-related security risks, and we have seen results in regions including West Africa and the Sahel, and countries such as Somalia and Mali. We also work strategically with incoming Security Council members to ensure that the issue continues to receive the attention it deserves when Sweden is no longer a member.

Sweden is doing its share, in foreign policy, climate policy and aid policy. Sweden is demonstrating global leadership in climate finance and development cooperation, and is the highest per capita donor to most of the largest multilateral climate funds. Climate and conflict perspectives are continuously integrated into development cooperation, and a range of contributions focusing on climate and security are being implemented.

The Government also supports the establishment of an international research centre for climate and security, the Stockholm Climate Security Hub, which will engage some of the leading Swedish research institutes in the field. This will be launched in conjunction with World Water Week in August with the aim of promoting knowledge development and policy dialogue in the area, not least to support the UN and other multilateral actors with evidence-based analysis.
Today’s Security Council debate on climate and security was far from self-evident. But our efforts are met with ever-clearer support from countries on all continents, and with great gratitude especially from the many affected countries that are already experiencing the grave effects of climate change.

We are now looking ahead to next year’s UN climate summit. If we are serious about the Global Goals, including global sustainable development and peace and security, then climate-related security risks must be on the global agenda. The situation is acute. And we have no time to lose.

Margot Wallström
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Isabella Lövin
Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate

Sir David Attenborough receives honorary prize in Sweden presented by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson

IMG_4220.JPGSir David Attenborough together with the founders of The Perfect World Foundation, Ragnhild Jacobsson & Lars Jacobsson.

Sir David Attenborough is possibly the world’s most famous presenter of nature documentaries. On September 6th. The Perfect World Foundation will be hosting a gala in Gothenburg, in support of earth’s nature and wildlife. Sir Attenborough, the evening’s guest of honour, will be awarded the foundation’s honorary prize presented by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson.

Sir David Attenborough has become internationally renowned for his characteristic storytelling in nature documentaries such as, among many, Planet Earth and Life on Earth. On September 6th the 92-year-old Sir Attenborough will be visiting Gothenburg to receive The Perfect World Prize during the foundation’s yearly gala in support of nature and wildlife.

“Through his work, Sir David Attenborough has given wildlife a voice and raised interest for nature and wildlife world over. It is a great honour to have him as our guest,” says Ragnhild Jacobsson, CEO and founder of The Perfect World Foundation.

The non-profit organization The Perfect World Foundation annually organizes a support gala in Gothenburg, to address concerning nature and wildlife issues. This year’s focus is on polar bears, climate change and the ever faster melting Antarctic ice. Each year The Perfect World Prize is awarded a person who has made a significant contribution to the conservation of nature and wildlife. Sir David Attenborough will become the fifth honouree to be awarded the prize; previous recipients include Dr Sylvia EarleDr Jane Goodall, Dr Richard Leakey and Mark Shand.

Celebrities gather to pay tribute to David Attenborough

The British Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson entered the limelight in 1986 when she married Prince Andrew. Today she is one of The Perfect World Foundation ambassadors and will be presenting Sir Attenborough with the foundation’s honorary award. Also, Shannon Elizabeth, who performed with a role in American Pie (1999), Nobel Peace Prize winner (2007) Rajendra Pachauri and The Game of Thrones-star James Cosmo will go on the red carpet to the support gala at Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.

“Many want to join the celebration of Sir David Attenborough. We’ve already received several offers from well-known artists who want to perform, free of charge, during the gala evening,” announces Ragnhild Jacobsson.

Sir David Attenborough’s visit to Sweden on September 6th will not solely involve festivities. The Perfect World Foundation is also organizing and hosting a climate conference, at which Sir Attenborough will lecture around lunchtime the same day. The funds raised from the climate conference and the gala evening will aid The Perfect World Foundation in their pursuit to preserve the earth’s nature and wildlife. Both the gala and the climate conference will be held at the conference centre Gothia Towers in Gothenburg on September 6th.

“We want to raise awareness around the seriousness of the climate change. Our oceans are filled with plastic waste, coral reefs are dying and soon several of our great mammals are extinct. Through the conference and gala we want to inspire, people and companies, and encourage involvement in the climate issues,” concludes Ragnhild Jacobsson.

Short about the gala

The Perfect World Foundation has since 2014 organized three support galas in Gothenburg, which have all raised significant funds for animal and nature projects worldwide. Dr Sylvia Earle, Dr Jane Goodall, Dr Richard Leakey and Mark Shand are previous recipients of the foundation’s honorary award. The prize is each year awarded a person who has made a significant contribution to the conservation of nature and wildlife.

Prince Charles receiving The Perfect World Prize 2014, on behalf Mark Shands.


Jane Goodall The Perfect World Prize recipient in 2015.


Last years award recipient Dr Sylvia Earle, accompanied by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson (left) and the swedish artist Martin Stenmarck (right).


The Perfect World Prize, a crystal rhinoceros statuette made by Orrefors.


Press Contacts

Daniel Wilke PR & Communication Manager +46736329827

Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson CEO & Co-Founder +46768669940


= = = = =

Contact persons

Daniel Wilke

Daniel Wilke

PR & Communication Manager
Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson

Ragnhild “Rags” Jacobsson

CEO & Co-Founder
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 01.08.2018  jpg  DownloadSir David Attenborough together with the founders of The Perfect World Foundation, Ragnhild Jacobsson & Lars Jacobsson.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadPrince Charles receiving The Perfect World Prize 2014, on behalf Mark Shands.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadJane Goodall The Perfect World Prize recipient in 2015.
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadLast years award recipient Dr Sylvia Earle, accompanied by the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson (left) and the swedish artist Martin Stenmarck (right).
Skärmavbild 2018-07-26 kl. 13.06.55.png
 01.08.2018  png  DownloadThe Perfect World Prize, a crystal rhinoceros statuette.

Kinesiska ambassadör Gui: Att främja den traditionella vänskapen för att fördjupa vårt gemensamma intresse

 STOCKHOLM, July 26(Greenpost)– Kinesiska ambassadör Gui Congyou har skrivit den här artikel om hans jobb i Sverige.  Full text är nedende:
Jag har arbetat som den tjugonde kinesiska ambassadören i Sverige i nästan ett år.

Fast Kina och Sverige är geografiskt långt ifrån varandra, är vår vänskap långvarig och väletablerad. Så tidigt som 1739 seglade Ostindiefararen Götheborgs till Kina och kinesiska porsliner, silke och te fick komma till Sverige längs den maritima sidenvägen. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige inte deltog i västmakternas invasion och plundring i den tid när Kina var svagt och sårbart. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige är det första västlandet som upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med Folkrepubliken Kina. Det politiska modet och den strategiska visionen av dåtidens svenska ledare är mycket beundransvärt. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige stöttade Kinas rättsliga plats i FN, och efter Kinas reform och öppnande, blev Sverige en gång till det första västlandet som undertecknade handels-och investeringsavtalet med Folkrepubliken Kina och därefter aktivt utförde ekonomiska och tekniska samarbeten, vilka bidrog mycket till Kinas ekonomiska och samhälleliga utveckling.

Nuförtiden går relationer mellan Kina och Sverige ständigt framåt. I juni 2017 reste Sveriges statsminister Stefan Löfven till Kina för World Economic Forum, och träffade Kinas president Xi Jingping och premiärminister Li Keqiang och nådde viktiga överenskommelser om att vidare främja kännedom om varandra och fördjupa pragmatiska samarbete med hänsyn till principerna av ömsesidigt respekt och jämlikhet. De viktiga överenskommelserna ska utforma framtidens kinesiska-svenska relationer. Samtidigt fanns det frekvent bilaterala besökt på olika nivåer i 2017. 6 svenska ministrar besökte Kina och 26 kinesiska delegationer på vice-ministers eller ministers nivå kom till Sverige.

Samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige håller fart i olika område. I många år har Sverige varit Kinas främsta affärspartner i Norden och Kina Sveriges största i Asien. I fjol steg handelssiffran mellan Sverige och Kina med 29 % till 15 miljarder US Dollar. Sveriges export till Kina ökade med 24 % och redovisade ett överskott av 690 miljoner US Dollar. Volvo och Geely:s “äktenskap” har skapat tiotusentals jobb och blivit ett framstående exempel på samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa.

Mellan Kina och Sverige har man etablerat 31 par vänorter, där utbyte förstärkt och samarbete fördjupade. Enligt SCB:s statistik är antal hotellövernattningar av kinesiska turister i Sverige 203 000 i 2014, 258 000 i 2015, 323 000 i 2016 och mer än 400 000 i 2017. Kinesiska turister är nu den största kundgruppen av tax-free handel i Sverige. I juni 2017 undertecknades det första mellanstatliga utbildningsavtalet och antalet kinesiska gäststudenter i Sverige steg till 8000. Det kinesiska kulturcentret i Stockholm spelar en viktig roll i att förmedla den kinesiska kulturen och traditionell konst.

Sedan jag anlände i Sverige den 18:e augusti i fjol har jag haft omfattande kontakt med den svenska regeringen och samhället. Jag känner att de goda relationerna mellan Kina och Sverige ännu kan förbättras, det finns verkligen stora möjligheter.

Vi har liknande utvecklingslinjer och är ekonomiskt komplimenterande till varandra. Den 19:e nationella kongressen för det kinesiska kommunistiska partiet har framgångsrikt avslutats och nya utvecklingsambitioner fastställts. Under President Xi Jingpings stadiga ledarskap har Kina sjösatt 5 nya utvecklingskoncept som är innovation, balanserad tillväxt, en grön ekonomi, öppnande samt inkluderande utveckling. Det kinesiska folkets önskemål för det goda livet kommer att förverkligas och arbetet för moderniseringen av Kina ska träda intill en ny epok.

Inom 5 år kommer Kina att importera mer än 8 biljoner dollar av varor, och investera 750 miljarder dollar utomlands. Antalet turister som reser till utlandet kommer att vara fler än 500 miljoner. I de kommande 10 åren planerar Kina att investera nästan 600 miljarder dollar inom den gröna ekonomin. The Belt and Road initiativet kommer att öppna upp en ny betydelsefull möjlighet för att utveckla samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige.

Vi har också omfattande överenskommelser och mycket gemensamma intresse i internationella frågor. Vi är fast beslutna att upprätthålla det globala frihandelssystemet. Vi motsätter oss protektionismen och främjar en öppen världsekonomi. Vi aktivt deltar i multilaterala handlingarna för klimatfrågan och främja genomförande av Parisavtalet. Vi är starkt engagerade i världsfred, stabilitet och säkerhet, förespråkar dialog i konfliktlösningen och vi både motsätter oss alla former av terrorism.

Att främja en sund, stabil och hållbar utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och Sverige gynnar inte bara oss själv, det kommer också att främja en allsidig utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och EU samt världens fred, stabilitet och välstånd.

Relationer mellan Kina och Sverige står inför en ny historisk startpunkt. Som Kinas ambassadör till Sverige vill jag, tillsammans med mina svenska vänner, implementera våra ledares viktiga överenskommelser, med ömsesidigt respekt, för gemensam nytta. Vi skall fördjupa samförstånd och utvidga samarbeten, främja kulturella utbyten och främja överläggningar i globala och regionala frågor. Tillsammans ska vi skapa en bättre framtid för det kinesiska svenska samarbetet, och ett bättre liv för våra folk.

  Tibetologist points out that Dalai Lama’s Middle Way Is Independence in Essence

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June 26(Greenpost) – Chinese Tibetologist Hao Shiyuan has pointed out that Dalai Lama’s so-called `Middle Way` is in essence seeking independence in Tibet.

He made this clear at a seminar in Institute For Security and Development Policy on Tuesday when he led a delegation of Tibetologists from China to visit Sweden.

This was also an answer to the question asked by Oskar Gustafson, editor of ISDP on what problem China is really facing between the central government and the Tibet Autonomous Region or Dalai Lama.

Hao said the Chinese central government had kept contact with Dalai’s private representative for  a long time. But after the March 14th incident took place in Lhasa in 2008 and the disturbance of the Beijing Olympic Torch, Dalai Lama issued a MOU. To summarize the content of this MOU, China held that the so-called Middle Way is an idea that took place in colonized countries after the Second World War.

“He also borrowed the idea of Hong Kong SAR to ask the central government to implement one country two systems idea. But this idea is against the Chinese Regional ethnic autonomy system. Tibet Autonomous Region has been a part of China. Due to this different ideas, China held that there is no way to continue the dialogue. Although Dalai Lama said he wanted to have dialogue, his stance left no room for further dialogue. The condition to have dialogue is to admit that Tibet is already a region of China. “ said Hao.

ISDP’s Mats . Engman presided over the seminar and he said Sweden likes to have dialogue with China on Tibetan issue even though Tibetan issue is not a focus for ISDP.

Erik Isaksson from ISDP explained that ISDP is an independent research institute which has two offices, one in Sweden and the other in the US.  They mainly research on Asia, Central Asia and Caucus’ areas.  Since their establishment in 2007,  it has received many Chinese, North Korea and South Korean researchers. Currently they have two researchers from Chinese PLA Academy.

Hao Shiyuan gave a presentation about the History and Reality of Tibet. In his presentation, he gave a sharp contrast picture of the past and the present.  He said before the liberation of Tibet, it was a political entity with a combination of politics and religion. Only 5 percent of the chiefs and religious leaders enjoyed the privilege while 95 percent of the total population were serfs and slaves who had no personal freedom at all. Even the British historian Goldstein described Tibet as a primitive medieval place. But Dalai Lama has described Tibet as a heaven in human society.  Maybe it was true for his 5 percent of the population, but for majority of the Tibetans, it was suffering.

Hao said in 1951 when Chairman Mao met with Dalai Lama, the latter agreed to 17 provisions of peaceful revolution and reform. Maybe he understood that the Tibetan political system came an end, yet the reform will also end the system. According to the 17 provision agreed by both Dalai Lama and the central government, Dalai Lama position would remain the same. But after he attended a meeting in India in 1959, Dalai Lama changed his stance. After his flee to India, Tibet experience a democratic reform and the serfs and slaves became the master of themselves.

Hao said today Tibetan people enjoy very good education and a complete education system has been established. They also enjoyed the religious freedom. Currently 1700 temples function normally.

Hao said Dalai Lama think of how to get independent while central government is thinking of how to improve the living standards of the Tibetan people.  In Tibet, tourism is one of the pillar industries.  Pregnant women and baby death rate are very low and the rights level are up to the national average. By 2020, Tibet will also have to eradicate all the poverty as planned.

Zhaluo said in Tibet Autonomous Region, there are mainly the Gelu sect of Buddhists, but there are a few others too. Even some people believe in Christianity and Islam.

Mats. Engman asked “Tibet must fall into the debate of border issues between India and China since there is still disagreements on territory in that region. What is China’s approach to ensuring that all partners are brought to the table to discuss the potential security dilemmas on this issue?”

Hao said Sino-Indian border issue has great to do with the British legacy of irrelevant borderline, but has nothing to do with Tibet.

About Chinese map, Hao said before 1949, Chinese map was decided according to history. For example from Qin Dynasty to Song Dynasty, people often thought land outside the Great Wall did not belong to China. But when the Mongolians united China, Chinese map became larger and larger. Tibet Autonomous Region is a historic assets to China left from Chinese history. Only after 1949, China has entered into a modern country.

Gustafson asked: how can the PRC better engage with the Tibetan Government in Exile (or the Central Tibetan Administration) and what issues could they see arising if effective dialogue is not achieved?”

Hao said if Dalai Lama really changes the Tibetan system, it will definitely cause great contradiction. But according to Chinese regional ethnic autonomy system, Tibetans enjoy autonomous freedom. Meanwhile, the economic and social development in Tibet will resist the violence.

Hao said Dalai Lama announced in 2011 that he would retire and then established a so called exiled government.  Chinese government does not recognize this organization, nor will contact it, or treated as representative of Dalai Lama.

Engman said“ISDP strives to anticipate where future conflicts might break out.

Zhang Biao, Charge  D\affair at the Chinese Embassy, Chen Jiliang, Director of Political Department of Chinese Embassy, Cirenpingcuo, Gesangyixi,Xiaojie and Wang Lixin from the delegation and Fatoumato Diallo from ISDP attended the seminar.  Journalists Jorge Navarro from Mexico, Ulrika Bergsten from Sweden and Xuefei Chen Axelsson from Green Post in Sweden were also present at the seminar.

Top news: Chinese Dongfeng Race Team win the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June 25(Greenpost, Chineseonline)– Chinese Dongfeng Race Team won the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 in the closest pass in race history.

Skipper Charles Caudrelier led his team to victory on the final leg of the race, a 970-mile sprint from Gothenburg, Sweden to The Hague.

Incredibly, it marked the first leg win for the team — it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Three teams started Leg 11 of the race on Thursday in a dead heat on the overall leaderboard. The finishing order between MAPFRE, Team Brunel and Dongfeng Race Team at The Hague would determine their place on the overall race podium.

Each of those three teams led at various points on the leg and had their opportunities to grab the prize.

But it was Caudrelier and his crew who made a bold call on Saturday evening to take a coastal route to the finish, which squeezed them tight against the shoreline and separated from the other leaders by a series of Exclusion Zones.

“We were not in such a good position, but we trusted our choice and we pushed,” Caudrelier said. “The others didn’t follow us, but we believed and we won…”

The decision hurt the team in the short term as they tumbled down the leaderboard. But by Sunday morning, with less than 100 miles left to race, weather routing projections had the top boats finishing within minutes of each other. None had been able to break away overnight, despite the significant splits on the race course.

“We knew that we would fall behind initially and that if it came good it would only be at the end. The last position report (1300 UTC on Sunday) we were 27-miles from the finish and they were 20-miles and we thought it was over. But then I did a small weather routing and it showed we could end up one-mile ahead so I woke everyone up and said, ‘let’s push!’”

As the teams finally converged again on Sunday afternoon, just a few miles from the finish, it was Dongfeng Race Team, flying down the coast from the north sliding in front of the offshore group, to earn their first leg win, propelling Caudrelier’s team to overall victory.

“We always trusted each other. Nobody thought we were going to win this last leg, but I had a good feeling,” an emotional Caudrelier said, after thanking his supporters and team. “I said ‘we can’t lose, we can’t lose, we can’t lose’… and we won!”

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

The overall results make this the closest finish in the 45-year history of the race and marks the first win for a Chinese-flagged team. It also means Carolijn Brouwer and Marie Riou were on board as the first women sailors to win the Volvo Ocean Race.

Xabi Fernández’s MAPFRE was third on the leg, which put the team into second overall.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“It has been tough,” Fernández admitted. “We sailed very well the whole way around the world and on this leg as well, so naturally we’re a bit disappointed. We were very, very close this time, but it was not quite enough. So we have to say congratulations to Dongfeng who sailed a little bit better than us.”

Team Brunel skipper Bouwe Bekking would have liked nothing more than to win the race for the first time in eight tries with a home finish in The Netherlands. But it wasn’t to be. His fourth place leg finish left the team in third place overall.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“Third place, still on the podium, I think we can be pretty proud of that as a team,” he said. “We thought we had made the right choice (to go further offshore) and we expected a windshift. It came 90-minutes too late and that was the race. But that’s yacht racing. And of course we have to congratulate Dongfeng and MAPFRE for their results.”

Second place on the final leg into The Hague was Dutch skipper Simeon Tienpont and his team AkzoNobel, who had previously secured fourth place on the overall leaderboard.

“It’s incredible to finish on the podium in our hometown,” Tienpont said. “We would have loved to have been fighting into The Hague for the final podium but to have set the 24-hour speed record and to get six podium finishes in the race is a testament to the job everyone on our team – on the boat and on shore – have done.”

Vestas 11th Hour Racing had already been locked into fifth place on the scoreboard and after a promising start to Leg 11, had a disappointing seventh place finish on the leg.

“We have a great group of folks on this team,” skipper Charlie Enright said. “We’ve been through a lot and I’m not sure any other group could have dealt with the challenges we have faced the way we did. It’s something special and we’re going to continue to work together moving forward. This was a tough way to go out certainly, but we have one more opportunity with the In-Port Race this weekend.”

That In-Port Race, scheduled for Saturday afternoon, will determine the sixth and seventh place positions in this edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. Both SHK/Scallywag and Turn the Tide on Plastic finished the Volvo Ocean Race on equal points.

The tie-break mechanism is the In-Port Race Series, where David Witt’s Scallywag team currently holds the lead. But Dee Caffari’s Turn the Tide on Plastic is just three points behind and a strong finish on Saturday could lift them off the bottom of the leaderboard.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“We can’t help but smile today. We’ve done it,” said Caffari. “This leg was like the longest In-Port Race ever. A lot of corners to go around, and we gave it 100 per cent and left nothing in the tank.”

For David Witt, the finish was bittersweet the loss of John Fisher overboard in the Southern Ocean top of mind.

“I have very mixed emotions right now,” Witt said dockside immediately after finishing. “I’m incredibly proud of our team both on and off the water. We’re very tight and we have gone through a lot… But I’m also sad of course. I didn’t finish it with my best mate (John Fisher) who we started with. So very mixed emotions, but I’m glad we finished it.”

The teams will celebrate their accomplishments and take well-earned rest on Monday. The rest of the week will see activities in The Hague building towards the final In-Port Race and Awards Night on June 30.

Volvo Ocean Race Leg 11 Final Leaderboard — Saturday 23 June
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 3 days, 3 hours, 22 minutes, 32 seconds
2. team AkzoNobel – 3 days, 3 hours, 38 minutes, 31 seconds
3. MAPFRE – 3 days, 3 hours, 39 minutes, 25 seconds
4. Team Brunel – 3 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 52 seconds
5. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 3 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes, 56 seconds
6. SHK / Scallywag – 3 days, 4 hours, 01 minutes, 32 seconds
7. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 3 days, 4 hours, 05 minutes, 36 seconds

Volvo Ocean Race Overall Points Leaderboard after Leg 11
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 73 points
2. MAPFRE – 70 points
3. Team Brunel – 69 points
4. team AkzoNobel – 59 points
5. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 39 points
6. SHK / Scallywag – 32 points *
7. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 32 points *

* Should there be a tie on the overall race leaderboard at the end of the offshore legs, the In-Port Race Series standings will be used to break the tie.


Commentary:EU misunderstand China’s Belt and Road Initiative

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, April 25(Greenpost)– Reading South China Morning Post, it says 27 EU countries Ambassadors signed a paper against China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

This can be seen as an initial reaction against the Belt and Road Initiative when many people keep on asking what is China’s purpose? Why do they do this? What benefit they can gain? What benefit can we gain?

It is understandable that the western idea is always basing on the utilitarian foundation. If you do something, it must be for your own benefit, otherwise you will not do it.

But my understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative is that it started from the ancient silk road routes through central Asia. President Xi Jinping proposed this idea in Alma Ata.  It is a strategic thought to meet the development demand.

China had been a poor country for almost a hundred years and the main reason is that China didn’t have the good infrastructure.  The road was poor and transportation was bad.  So China’s experience is that to become rich, you must have good roads.  (Yao Xiang Fu, Xian Xiu Lu). These kinds of projects are usually big ones, thus it needs state-owned companies to do it because they have high standards engineering capacity.

In China private sector developed rapidly, but a lot of problems also started from private companies.  It takes time to regulate.

After 40 years of development, China becomes stronger, at least with another two years it aims to wipe out the poverty completely. This goal should be praised because with the completion of this goal, it is expected that China’s human rights situation will be substantially improved.

I understand the western solidarity type of wind against China starting from China’s changing of the constitution and ensuring Xi’s presidency forever. Many people understood this change as a guarantee for Xi’s presidency for life long.  But my understanding is that Xi wishes to have a collection of power so that he can carry out his plans more effectively.  But it doesn’t mean he will be president forever.  No one guarantees that after three terms or after he fulfilled the goal of building China into a modern country with even a very basic demand of having blue skies in Beijing, he will step down. Or he will lead an orderly expended scale democratic election.  Through this year’s NPC congress, I think Xi is implementing an orderly and transparent voting procedure.  And his presidency was elected with formal voting procedure.

I am sure China’s intention is not to impose China’s influence to anybody. China is a peace loving country. Chinese people work very hard just to live a better life.  When they have good skills and building capacity, they like to share this with other countries.

It happens exactly like SIPRI’s expert analysed that it is those countries that needs China’s capacity contracted with China such as Greece and Spain. In the early stage such as 2005, or before, China also imported technologies or engineering in waste burning from Spain.

That some EU countries worry about China is understandable, but unnecessary.  On the one hand, they worry if one Chinese will reach a European’s living standard, then China has 1.3 billion people, how many earth we should have to feed such a demand? On the other hand, they worry if you build a port for them, what will be the future? We have no secret from you any more.  How can we maintain our independence?

These worries seem to be real worry because when the western powers went to China, China became semi colonised. When the western power went to Africa,  most African countries were colonised.   Thinking from their own experience, they feel very worried.

But China’s Belt and Road initiative is not to take from you, it is to build for you to use.  The principle is to negotiate first and then you build together and then you share the benefit in the end.  Because you put money in the bank and now you get the bank loan and you got infrastructure.  Improved infrastructure will improve business. With booming business, you will get money or benefit.

China can only provide help to those who really need help. It is very difficult for Nordic countries to think’ how can we need help from China’? It is always we who provide help to others.  Indeed, China still has a lot to learn from the Nordic and western European countries.  But for infrastructure construction such as fast train track and train, China is indeed very advanced. If Nordic region can coordinate and build fast train, travel time on average will be shortened by half, it will substantially improve the business environment and well-being of the people.  It will promote tourism substantially.  Business meetings can increase substantially.  It will only make business even more efficient.

Some people especially some so-called experts and new media persons  recently launched a lot of negative coverage about China in order to win the readers eye balls.  In the long run, it will prove that China is indeed the main force in maintaining the world peace and driving the world development.  China never throws out problems even though they have problems inside China.

This is a big difference between China and America or Britain. When America has election or other problems, they will put their finger on China or other countries and then when they succeed they become normal again.

This kind of drama doesn’t happen in China. China is so large that it can saturate its own problems.  It will not hit others in order to win its own election because they can balance the situation in China according to the real situation.  This is because the Communist party’s goal is to serve the people and make the country a good land to live and people enjoy a better life.

This has happened already in Beijing, Shanghai and most of the eastern regions.  Last month when I came back from Beijing, in Helsinki transfer, I met a Swedish lady who visited Shanghai and visited all the banks in Shanghai, she said she felt people in Shanghai really enjoy  a good life.  They eat well, wear well and they also walk beautifully, namely not always in a hurry.

Those who broke the Chinese law went to America or other countries and then fiercely curse China.  It is not commended.

Back to Belt and Road Initiative,  it is indeed an initiative, it is a good -will suggestion or proposal for all to sit around the table to discuss.  It is not an imperative for everyone to obey.  China thinks when people get better life, they will not fight each other any more.  This is China’s experience.  It is a good will and many experts for example Schillers Institute’s Helga La Rues highly commended belt and road initiative because she said this is so far the best available way to avoid war or conflict.

Belt and Road is also a long term initiative. It will be implemented only in the countries or places where needed.  Those who don’t need it, it is absolutely ok if you are against it or disagree because it doesn’t suit your situation. So let’s forget it.

Belt and Road Initiative is a good idea for Asian, Central Asian, Africa, Latin America and maybe Northeast Asia.  It is indeed difficult for Nordic Countries which are so rich, so well developed and almost world model countries to fit in.

However, I think it is still ok because one of the initiative is to promote people to people communication and exchange, in that sense, it also fits.

I suggest that Nordic countries and western European countries and China  talk with each other in fixing the world peace and development, but not condemn each other.  I read the SCMP article saying the European Ambassadors condemn the Belt and Road Initiative, it is a completely misunderstanding of the purpose of the initiative.

Of course there is still big room for China to improve. That is to invest more in education and research, invest more in culture and domestic development.  There are still problems in rural China where not just poverty alleviation is needed,  all the cultural and education and other wellbeing facilities are needed.

If outside world don’t need China, let us build every inch of China a beautiful China.  Blue sky and clean water and soil is just fundamental and basic requirements.

This is only the writer’s own opinion.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson is a senior editor and correspondent freelancing for different media.  She studied World Politics, Economics and  International Relations.  She also studied leadership for Sustainable Development in London and got a Master degree in it. She has long been journalist covering various development conferences and practices by the United Nations.