Category Archives: Scientific Research

国际货币基金组织:对抗气候变迁 碳税是最强效方法









  但IMF研究人员承认,此举将造成令人却步、不均等的代价。调高碳税至每吨75美元,将使煤炭价格超过现有的3倍。加拿大电力价格将迅速上升超过30%,澳大利亚电价飙涨70%至90%。根据这份报告内容,大部分国家汽油价格将上涨5%至15%。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)


 北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 李弘宇)报道:北京时间10月7日下午,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获奖人名单率先被揭晓:威廉·凯林(William G. Kaelin Jr),彼得·拉特克利夫(Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe)以及格雷格·塞门扎(Gregg L. Semenza)获得这一奖项。获奖理由为“发现细胞如何感知和适应氧气供应”。











  “删除测试” 成评选标准

































  据诺贝尔奖官方消息,在得悉自己获奖时,托马斯•聚德霍夫的第一反应是,“真的假的?!”而兰迪•谢克曼则不断惊呼“我的天啊”,甚至还跳了一段“胜利之舞”。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)


北欧绿色邮报网援引中新网报道: 据中国探月工程官方微信消息,嫦娥四号着陆器完成第十月昼的科学探测工作,于10月5日19时30分进入第十月夜。第十月昼工作期间,着陆器工况正常,能量平衡,有效载荷月球中子及辐射剂量探测仪、低频射电谱仪按计划开展有效探测工作,地面接收科学探测数据正常。




  在国庆节前后,嫦娥四号着陆器和“玉兔二号”巡视器突破十个月球日工作期,远远超出设计寿命,以出色完成科学探测任务向祖国70华诞献礼。目前,地面科研团队正在对各科学载荷获取的第一手探测数据进行处理分析,在已取得的科研成果基础上深入开展研究。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)



北欧绿色邮报网援引 澎湃新闻 (记者 贺梨萍 )报道:2019年诺贝尔奖揭晓之前,长期关注的一个问题重新引发外界期待:女性和非白种人在今年的这项大奖角逐中能否有所斩获?

  毕竟,在过去的2018年,加拿大科学家唐娜·斯特里克兰(Donna Stricklan)是继玛丽·居里(居里夫人)和玛丽亚·格佩特-梅耶(梅耶夫人)之后的历史上第三名女性物理诺奖得主。美国科学家弗朗西斯·阿诺德(Frances H. Arnold)也是继居里夫人、伊雷娜·约里奥-居里(玛丽居里的女儿)、多萝西·玛丽·霍奇金和阿达·约纳特之后第五位获得诺贝尔化学奖的女性。



  据国际顶级学术期刊《自然》(Nature)官网报道,日前,《自然》采访了瑞典皇家科学院秘书长、生物医学科学家戈兰·汉森(Göran Hansson),谈及这些措施产生的影响。





  不过,瑞典皇家科学院仍致力于在种族方面进一步平衡。诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Bernhard Nobel)曾明确表示,颁奖时不应考虑国籍。永远不会对国家、种族或性别实行配额制度。“重要的是,获得诺贝尔奖的人是因为她或他是最有价值的获奖者,这是毫无疑问的”。



  “我们希望更多的国家能发展科学。而科学是一项昂贵的活动,也需要稳定的环境,所以在世界不同的地方,机会差别很大。我们希望这种情况会逐渐改变,这样更多国家的人就会有更多的机会从事科学事业,从而有更多的科学发现”。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)

Shenzhen Promotion and Communication Presentation held in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 24 (Greenpost) — Shenzhen Promotion and Communication Presentation was held in Stockholm on Tuesday.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of the General Chamber of Commerce, Cao Diefeng, Counsular of Education at the Chinese Embassy, Fan Kun, Vice President of Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association and dozens of masters or Phd students from universities in Stockholm attended the presentation.

President Zhang congratulated the presentation. She explained that the goal of her Nordic-Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce is to promote the communication between Shenzhen and Nordic countries. We have helped nordic enterprises to go to Shenzhen and Guangzhou to attend trade and high tech fairs as well as cultural exhibitions。Today we have Shenzhen delegation coming to Sweden to present Shenzhen to you. Let’s welcome Fan Kun, Vice President of Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association.

Fan Kun said Shenzhen used to be a small fishing village with a population of only 30 thousand. Now it is one of the most innovative cities all over China.

Shenzhen aims to become a roll model for Chinese cities by 2030 and 2049 and it can even be the world’s model city. Shenzhen has wonderful environment with the lowest in PM 2.5. The city is very young and vital. It is very good for young talented people to work in Shenzhen. The treatment is very good if you can have good project or achievement, said Fan.

Cao Diefeng in the middle

Counsular Cao encouraged the students to go to Shenzhen to work saying that they can have a good communication to take this opportunity.

Liu Huadian from Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association said the average age in Shenzhen is just 33 years old. So the city is the youngest one in China. The net increase of population reached by half a million to over 13 million . There are many volunteers in Shenzhen and people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan reached 150 thousand by the end of last year. Shenzhen is very open and all the information about talented people from overseas are published on website.

They also answered questions from the students.

Shenzhen has become an admirable city for talented people. The exchange and promotion seminar was organized by Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association.

Nordic-Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce Established in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 24(Greenpost) — Upon the forthcoming 70th anniversary of Chinese National Day, Nordic-Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce was established in Stockholm on Tuesday and a grand ceremony has been held in the Chinese Cultural Center in Stockholm.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou and Fan Kun Vice President of Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association granted the plaque of the Chamber of Commerce to Zhang Qiaozhen, President of the Nordic-Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce.

Ambassador Gui expressed his sincere congratulations to the establishment of the General Chamber of Commerce and hopes that it will make further contributions to cooperation between China’s Shenzhen and Nordic countries.

Fan Kun, Vice President of Shenzhen Overseas Communication Association, made a speech about Shenzhen.

“Shenzhen’s Per capita GDP is very high in China and science and innovation level is also very high while the average age in Shenzhen is very low or the lowest in China with an average of 30 years old and the PM 2.5 is the lowest in China,” said Fan.

“That means Shenzhen is a city that is very good for young talented people to realize their dreams.” said Fan.

Han Xiaodong, Counsular of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy talked about bilateral trade and investment.

“In fact, in recent two years, Sweden enjoys surplus in export to China and China’s investment to Sweden increased substantially. This is a good trend because it indicates that the consumption level in China is increasing and investment level also increased.” said Han.

He congratulated the establishment of the General Chamber of Commerce and hopes that it will contribute more to bilateral exchange in trade and investment as well as other areas.

President Zhang Qiaozhen has said that she will do her best to promote bilateral trade and investment as well as science and technology exchange and innovation. She has helped Nordic companies to go to Shenzhen and Guangzhou and other places to participate in trade fair or exhibitions. They also received delegations from those areas to nordic countries.

Zhang said that they also announced the branches in Danmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway and issued plates to them.

Meanwhile, two strategic agreements have been signed between Zhang Qiaozhen and Tian Yubiao and another Swedish company for future cooperation.


Zhu Peiyuan, senior founder of Chinese restaurant in Sweden, Yang Liran, Founder of Ruijing Chinese School, Zhou Hua, President of Nordic Chinese Association, Xia Yu, Executive President of Swedish Chinese Friendship Association, Tian yubiao, President of Nordic Chinese Medicine Center, Fan Xiulan, Founder of Biyun Academy and Professor Cao Yihai from Karolinska Institutet were among the over 100 guests at the ceremony.

Zhang Qiaozhen said Nordic Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce is another important platform for Shenzhen to go abroad. They focus a lot on high tech, high tech industries, IT, Internet and R &D and help introduce enterprises with high potential and innovative enterprises. They will provide good services and commercial model design, legal matters consultation and one to one or P to P service. They also established an incubator to realise the scientific achievements and provide a bridge between nordic innovative enterprises with Chinese market.

We shall become an effective bridge between China’s Shenzhen and nordic countries and help Shenzhen enterprises to go abroad and Swedish or Nordic enterprises to Shenzhen, said Zhang.

Right after the ceremony, a meeting on promoting Shenzhen was also held with participation of Chinese students from different universities in Stockholm.

Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou on China’s Achievements and Challenges

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

October 1 marks the 70th anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. Upon this date, Xuefei Chen Axelsson had an exclusive interview with Ambassador Gui Congyou on Sept. 14, 2019.

Stockholm, Sept. 16(Greenpost) – Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou has said that Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, CPC, through unremitting efforts and hard work of the past 70 years, have experienced profound economic and social transformation from a poor and weak China to a relatively healthy wealthy society。This is a historic leap forward towards our goal of realizing the great rejuvenation  of China. 

Ambassador Gui made this remark during an exclusive interview with Xuefei Chen Axelsson, chief editor and founder of Green Post( , a Swedish Chinese media aiming at promoting sustainable development in Sweden and building bridge between China and Sweden. 

“Over the past 70 years, especially over the past 40 years of development, over 1.3 billion people have all used mobile phones and internet in addition to having enough food and clothes.  China’s contribution to world economic development surpasses 30 percent.  China continues to be the second largest destination of foreign direct investment. China becomes more open minded and more confident than before. Such a China will create more opportunities for the world. ” said Gui. 

A series of figures show that Chinese people’s disposable per capita income has increased nearly 60 times more than that in 1949, 20 times more than that in 1978. China’s average life expectancy reaches  77 years old and over 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty. 

“China has been a good member in safeguarding the world peace, a good peace builder, development contributor and international order keeper.” 

Gui said that China has planned to completely eliminate absolute poverty by 2020 and realize modernization by 2035 and basically reach the middle developed countries level by 2050 and followed this road map to go forward step by step. 

He said during this process, China also initiated the Belt and Road initiative and helped those countries who like to join this initiative and shared Chinese technologies and innovations, for example the Beidou Navigation system. 

Talking about challenges ahead, Gui said the Chinese average GDP has not reached ten thousand dollars yet, which is less than 20 percent of the Swedish average GDP. Chinese development is not very balanced and western regions still need further development while eastern regions have developed much better. 

By the end of next year, China still needs to eradicate the absolute poverty by 10 million people(which is equivalent  almost the whole Swedish population). 

Gui said China still faces the challenge of enjoying a better environment in some areas in China. But Chinese people are determined to solve its problems and challenges while developing further with higher quality. Through 70 years of development experiences, Chinese people are confident that they will realize their development goal along with achieving the United Nations 2030 development goals. 

On Sino-Swedish relations,  Ambassador Gui spoke highly of bilateral relations. 

“About 260 years ago, Swedish Gothenburg Boat sailed to China and opened a marine route to China. Sweden became the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with China and signed technical cooperation agreements with China.”

During the new development era, China and Sweden have become the largest trade partners with each other between Nordic countries and Asia. 

So far there are 9000 Chinese students studying in Sweden and becoming the largest number of overseas students group.  In addition to Air China, Eastern Airline also opened direct flight between Stockholm and Shanghai coping with the increasing number of tourists.  China EU express also opened its maiden voyage with Swedish timber export to China last year. 

About his impression on Sweden, Ambassador Gui said that Swedish King Carl Gustav VXI told him to visit all over Sweden and have a good look when he met the King.  And he did visit up north to the countryside, down to the south and east and west of Sweden. He felt Sweden is really beautiful. 

He found Swedish people’s awareness of environmental protection and climate is high. And most of them are very friendly. 

“I think Sweden and China are mutually complementary in green tech cooperation and environmental protection. We can deepen the cooperation in this and other  fields. ” said Gui. 

About the question with media, Ambassador Gui said that media is a bridge between the two sides by expressing opinions and stances of the two sides. Only when he found some media facts were not correct, he would like to point out the facts which provide with true information.

“I found those incorrect information show that the writer has never been to China or get a full picture about China. China has really made great progress over the past years. With the rapid development of new technology, such as internet and high speed train,  China’s progress for the better also speeded up. Welcome Swedish media to visit China and have a good look. ” said Ambassador Gui. 

Full Chinese version please see the following link.

CPPCC Vice Chairman and CAST President Wan Gang Visits Sweden

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 9th(Greenpost)– Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and President of China Association for Science and Technology(CAST) has given a presentation about Science and Technology Development in China over the past 70 years during his ongoing visit to Sweden.

Wan Gang said during this visit, his main purpose is to push forward bilateral scientific cooperation, scientists and students exchanges and propose the cooperation and joint research in both South Pole and North Pole as well as the third pole, which is the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

He said he was very concerned about the climate change in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau which could cause severe damage to the nature and the people.

He also made a presentation report about China’s Science and Technology Development over the past 70 years in China.

The report was presented at the IVA conference center and moderated by Magnus Breidne, Vice President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

“I am glad to have Wan Gang here. He is an old friend of us and he visited Sweden last year. He is Vice Chairman of CPPCC. He used to study in Germany and later went back to China to revolutionise China’s science and innovation. Today he will talk about China’s 70 years science and innovation”. said Breidne.

Professor Wan Gang got a Phd in engineering in Germany. He is Vice Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the CCPPC, President of the 9th National Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology and Chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party.

Wan Gang graduated with a bachelor degree from Northeast Forestry University in 1978 after which he joined its faculty. From 1979 to 1981, he was a postgraduate in experimental mechanics at the Structural Theories Research Institute of Tongji University,where he got his master’s degree in 1981 and served as a faculty member. Between 1985 and 1991, he studied and obtained doctorate at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Clausthal in Germany. From 1991 to 2001, he worked in Audi Corporation in Germany.

During his presentation, Wan Gang explained why he resigned from Audi and went back to China. It was the former Ministry of Science and Technology Zhu Lilan who visited Germany and met him and asked him about new energy automobile, whether it was suitable to develop in China and why. Wan Gang explained and he found it was such a mission that he could shoulder the responsibility. So in January 2001, he took the post as dean of the New Energy Automobile Engineering Center, Tongji University in Shanghai, China. He worked successively as Assistant to President of Tongji University from August 2001 to Vice President from June 2003 and President from July 2004. In November 2006, he was elected Vice President of the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology. In December 2006, he became Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party and was elected Chairman in December 2007.

It means he is not a CPC party member. But he was promoted according to his capability. From April 2007 to March 2018, he served as Minister of Science and Technology for 11 years. From 2003, he served as member of the National Committee and its standing Committee of the 10th CPPCC, a political consultative conference working parallel with the National People’s Congress, the top legislative body. CPPCC functions as an advisor for NPC. A lot of large national projects were proposed by CPPCC members and then approved by NPC.

Wan Gang became Vice Chairman of the 11th CPPCC in March 2008 and successively that of the 12th and 13th CPPCC in March 2013 and March 2018 respectively. Since June 2016, Wan Gang was elected President of the 9th National Committee of CAST.

Established in 1958, CAST is a public organization for scientific and technological professionals, as well as the largest non profit science and technology organization in China. It consists of national-level learned societies, local associations for science and technology and grassroots organizations.

CAST is committed to serving science and technology professionals, promoting innovation-driven development, enhancing public scientific literary, and supporting the government’s policymaking concerning science and technology. It has also been dedicated to safeguarding the legal rights and interests of scientists, promoting academic exchange, organizing science and technology professions to push forward scientific and technological innovation, popularizing scientific and technological innovation, awakening young people’s enthusiasm for science and technology, commending excellent scientific and technological professionals and conducting international nongovernmental scientific and cultural exchanges.


Wan Gang said China is very open minded and likes to cooperate with all the countries in the world. So far it has cooperation with 160 countries and share scientific and technological achievement in many ways.

Wan Gang said for example China’s Beidou Navigation system, it can be used in the sea navigation system. So far about 50 thousand Chinese fishing boats installed Beidou Navigation system to avoid going across the borderline at sea. The system can also be used in the vast grassland to serve the farmers.

He said if the arctic organizations join the Belt and Road Initiative or initiate a cooperation mechanism with China, either with BRI or South Pole North Pole and the third Pole joint research projects, Beidou Navigation system can be shared and offer good navigation service for the boats at the sea and connected to the land too.

Over 100 scientists and students from both China and Sweden attended the presentation. Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou also attended the presentation and welcomed Vice Chairman Wan Gang.

Wan Gang’s visit marks the highest level visit this year from China.

Video: Water Expert Josh Weinberg: Remarkable to provide clean drinking water for over one billion people in China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 30(Greenpost) — China has made remarkable progress in fighting against water pollution and it is a great achievement to provide clean drinking water for over one billion people in China. Meanwhile, there are still a lot of challenges for China to face, says Josh Weinberg during an interview with Greenpost’s journalist Xuefei Chen Axelsson during the World Water Week held in Stockholm between Aug. 25-30.

Upon the National Day on October 1 in China, Weinberg wishes everyone a Happy National Day and continues to make progress in building a clean and beautiful country in China.

Video: Swedish Water Expert Jan Lindqvist: What China has done is extraordinary and unprecedented

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 30(Greenpost) — Jan Lindqvist, a senior expert working in Stockholm International Water Institute went to China in December 1979 for the first time. He has recalled his experience then and told us that China has made extraordinary and unprecedented progress since then. Greenpost’s chief editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson has interviewed him on the opening plenary session day during the World Water Week in Stockholm. Please watch the video.

Professor Jan Lindqvist said he actually studied Economics but he got a professor job in water department in Linköping University because water issue is not just about water itself, it needs engineers, biologists and economists and many others to solve the complicated water issues.

Professor Lindqvist led a project called from Field to Fork and called on people to stop wasting food and live a healthy lifestyle in modern times.

He said with the increase of population and the expansion of production and consumption, how to balance the individual needs with the limitation of natural resources on us is also an important issue for us to think about and choose the right and healthy way to live.

Macinley Butson from Australia wins Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, August 27,(Greenpost 2019) – This year’s water prize winner seems to be mostly from the Southern Hemisphere. After Jackie King from South Africa has won the Stockholm Water Prize, on Aug. 27, Macinley Butson from Australia has won the prestigious 2019 Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden presented the prize at an exciting award ceremony during World Water Week, held annually in Stockholm.

Macinley Butson from Australia wins Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019

Macinley Butson’s project developed a new, novel and innovative ultraviolet sticker to accurately measure large UV exposures for solar disinfection of water. The SODIS sticker is capable of accurately measuring the solar UV exposure required to sanitize drinking water through two innovative products built together.

As an elated Macinley received her prize from H.R.H Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

“I am still in complete shock. There are no words to describe how I am feeling because I can’t process what has just happened. Amazing people have inspired me so much this year and I never expected this outcome  Everyone here is doing so much amazing things and I feel confident the future is in good hands and I will never forget the connections I made here in Stockholm” said Mackinley Butson

In their citation the Jury noted that: “This year’s winning project addresses public health through renewable energy and water. The project embodies simplicity and affordability leaving no one behind. Water for society: including all! This invention is practical, ready and globally deployable. The project demonstrates experience and expertise by a dedicated and creative young scientist.”

Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of SIWI, was very impressed by this innovative project

This inspirational project has immense potential for local and global communities. My hope is that this project will act as a catalyst to inspire others both young and old to innovate for new and sustainable ways to access clean and potable water,” Holmgren said.

A Diploma of Excellence was also awarded to Diana Virgovicova, United Kingdom, for her discovery of a New Photocatalyst to Solve Water Pollution. In their citation the Jury stated that Diana Virgovicova has.“solved a long-lasting challenge by opening new windows in using fundamental science combined with the most recent technics within chemistry to formulate a novel molecule with with high potential in promising future water treatment“

China’s students were also among the champions from 35 countries, they were national champions in their own country.

Video: Interview with Dan Larhammar, President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June. 13(Greenpost) — How to solve the problem of ocean plastics? The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is hosting a one and a half day seminar on this issue. Greenpost founder and chief editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson has interviewed Dan Larhammar, President of the Academy. Please watch the video.

In late afternoon the panel has good discussions as the following:

Video:Ambassador Gui holds the 1st Reception of Chinese Alumni Association in Sweden

The First Chinese Alumni Association in Sweden Reception was held at the Chinese Embassy on May 31, 2019. Produced by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


Chinese link:

Finland and India to strengthen cooperation in cyber security and space sectors 芬兰与印度加强网上安全和航天部门合作

Finland and India to strengthen cooperation in cyber security and space sectors

Ministry for Foreign Affairs 11.1.2019 10.39
Press release

The aim is to increase exchange of information and cooperation between Finnish and Indian specialists and authorities.

During a meeting between State Secretary Anttonen and India’s Minister of State for External Affairs Vijay Kumar Singh on 10 January, two Memorandums of Understanding between Finland and India were signed, one on cooperation in the cyber security sector and another on the peaceful use of outer space. Permanent State Secretary Matti Anttonen visited India on 8–10 January 2019.

The National Cyber Security Centre of the Transport and Communications Agency of Finland (TrafiCom) and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) are responsible for the document dealing with cyber security. The Memorandum of Understanding is based on the parties’ wish to engage in closer cooperation in cyber security matters. In networked societies, cyber threats faced by one sector usually affect also all other sectors. The aim of the cooperation is both to improve exchange of information between the parties on various cyber threats and to improve their capacity to prevent and resolve different cyber security incidents. Finland is known for its very high expertise in cyber security matters.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) are responsible for the Memorandum of Understanding on the space sector. The cooperation is based on India’s capacity to offer cost-effective launches of small satellites and Finnish organisations’ growing interest in satellite systems of their own. So far, three Finnish satellites have been launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in India: Aalto-1 of the Aalto University in June 2017; Finland’s first commercial satellite, Iceye Oy’s ICEYE-X1, in January 2018; and Reaktor Space Lab’s Hello World satellite in late November 2018.

Invitation to the 3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition· Stockholm(Sweden)Division 【深创赛国际赛瑞典分站赛】在资本寒冬,这里有一个和深圳的冬天一样温暖的比赛


Invitation to the 3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition· Stockholm(Sweden)Division




The 3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship   International Competition has officially been launched on December 1st,   2018. The competition will attract numerous high-quality overseas start-up   projects, in order to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship resources to help   foreign innovators and entrepreneurs connect with Chinese hi-tech industrial   resources, thus expanding the Chinese market for win-win results.

大赛简介Brief introduction of the competition





Registration for the competition is open from December 1st, 2018 to February 28th, 2019. In March 2019, Overseas Division Competitions will be held in 10 cities across 9 countries, and the preliminary round for the Professional Competition will start at the same time. As a result, more than 100 outstanding projects selected from the Overseas Division Competitions and Professional Competition will meet in Shenzhen in April 2019 and compete for the final awards.


The competition offers a total prize pool of RMB 11.2 million (1.43 million Euros), including RMB 2.9 million (370,000 Euros) for Overseas Division finalists, RMB 1.5 million (190,000 Euros)  for Professional finalists, RMB 2.5 million (320,000 Euros)  for Industrial finalists and RMB 4.3 million (550,000 Euros) for grand champion. Each contestant may stand the chance to win a total prize of RMB 1.4 million (180,000 Euros) . In addition to the prizes, the competition also provides high-quality entrepreneurship projects with support such as industrial incentives, financial technology and project incubation.



Highlights of this year’s competition include:


  1. 创新开放,链接全球创新高地


  1. Innovation and opening up to connect the global highlands of innovation.

This year’s international competition will continue to further connect global cities and regions. A new session of the Overseas Division Competitions has been added to the previous nine sessions and will be held in Madrid (Spain). Therefore, there will be a total of ten sessions of the Overseas Division Competitions, which will be held in Sydney (Australia), Toronto (Canada), Berlin (Germany), Tel Aviv (Israel), Tokyo (Japan), Stockholm (Sweden), Madrid (Spain), Boston (U.S.A.), Silicon Valley (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.).


  1. 优化专业,贴合深圳产业发展



  1. Optimized competition categories tailored towards the industrial development in Shenzhen. 

In order to implement its innovation-driven development strategy and promote Shenzhen’s industrial structure, this year’s competition has added three new Professional Competition Categories to last year’s five Industrial Competitions Categories. They are:


Professional Competitions:

1) Internet of Things

2) Artificial Intelligence

3) Financial Technology


Industrial Competitions:

1) Information and Communications Technology

2) Advanced Manufacturing

3) Electronic Science and Technology

4) Biology and Life Science and Technology

5) Materials & Energy (including energy conservation and environmental protection).


Contestants may register projects under both Professional Competitions and Industrial Competitions, provided that they meet the required conditions.


  1. 创投汇聚,融聚资源共赢未来



  1. Gathering of venture capital investment and integration of resources. 

Up to 40 venture capital organizations will participate in the international competition. A number of renowned investment organizations represented by Shenzhen Capital Group, Shenzhen Green Pine Capital, Oriental Fortune Capital, Cowincapital and Green Orange Capital will connect directly during the competition and form a venture capital fund pool of RMB 25 billion (3.2 billion Euros) to carry out portfolio investment on outstanding competition projects. During the division competitions, investment organizations and investors from Shenzhen will serve as judges and supervisors and engage in project connections in different countries and divisions. All participating projects will be provided with social capital investment opportunities through the investment connection service platform of the competition. Meanwhile, two banks will be selected to offer various forms of financial service solutions such as “investment and financing loans” and “talent loans” so as to offer more options to the settling companies in terms of financing and facilitate the development of contestants.


比赛流程Schedule of the Competition

Application Deadline February 28th
Division Competition The End of March
Internet Industry Finals April 10th
Electronics Industry Finals April 10th
Life Science Industry Finals April 10th
Advanced Manufacturing Industry Finals April 10th
Materials & Energy Industry Finals April 10th
Finals April 12th
Award Ceremony April 12th


大赛奖金Cash Prizes

Finals  First prize 1 RMB 1,000,000 (~€ 128,300)
Second prize 3  RMB 500,000 (~€ 64,000)
Third prize 6  RMB 300,000 (~€ 38,500)
Industrial Finals  First prize 1  RMB 150,000 (~€ 19,300)
Second prize 2  RMB 100,000 (~€ 12,900)
Third prize 3  RMB 50,000 (~€ 6,400)
Overseas Division


 First prize 1  RMB 100,000 (~€ 12,800)
Second prize 2  RMB 50,000 (~€ 6,400)
Third prize 3  RMB 30,000 (~€ 3,800)


参赛资格Applications & Requirements






The Participants (Teams or individuals) should:

1) be those who have innovation achievements and business plans;

2) have plans of entrepreneurship in Shenzhen after the competition;

3) should possess full ownership of all rights related to the product, the technology and the patent, have no property dispute with any other person, and assume full responsibility caused by any possible infringement;

4) those who had won prizes in previous competitions held overseas by Shenzhen or awards in domestic or international of previous China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions cannot participate in this Competition.


组织单位 Organizations
















瑞典皇家理工学院 KTH

瑞典国家科学研究院 RISE





瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院 KI

瑞典光电子联盟 Photonic Sweden


Nordic Match










Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government


Sweden Division Hosts:

Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Shenzhen Baoan District People’s Government

Shenzhen Municipal Commission of Science and Technology Innovation


Sweden Division Organizer:

Shenzhen China-Europe Innovation Center


Sweden Division Partners and Supporters

Royal Institute of Technology

Research Institutes of Sweden

Nordic Chinese Association for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Shenzhen European Office Guangdong Province, P. R. China

Karolinska Institute



Nordic Match

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association


Association of Science and Technology in Finland


Nordic Apiary

Nordic-China Startup Forum




Registration Time


December 1st, 2018 – February 28th, 2019.



Register now!



scan the QR code below to register now!



Contact person

Mirror Chen

T:+86 135 1063 2856


James Zhou

T:+86 135 3069 0880