Category Archives: World News

Commentary: What is the significance of commemorating the end of the First world War?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Nov 12. (Greenpost) —  A grand celebration was held in Paris with participation of major first world war countries leaders including Putin, Trump, Merkel and Macron.

Actually at the end of 2014, after holding back of my breath for a year and suddenly I felt relieved. Another year went by without the break of any world war. But someone said in fact modern war is a war without smoke.

For example, that year, Russian economy almost crashed with financial crisis with pressure from the US.

But at least the real gunpower was not used.  I think it has great significance to commemorate the first world war.

Recalling back, one can realize that the reason for the first world war was due to the economic market reason and ignited by the accidents of the assasination of the Austrain King.  Nationalism was very strong at that time and there was no thoughts of   how big loss it will be  one all the countries involved in the war.

Looking back, one can see that the war was faught very barbarianly. It was fought with more weapons and lives.  Human beings lost their ration and they fought just because they belonged to different nation or different ethnic groups. It was very primitive and yet, 60 million lives were taken away.

Thus, after four years they all came to the conclusion that they should stop the war. But one lesson was that France wanted to ask Germany to pay much more.  Namely to cut Germany’s colonies.

The Versais Palace Treaty was unfair not just to Germany, mainly it was to China.  China joined the war and fought together with France and other countries, but in the end, its land in Shandong province was given to Japan. It was unfair.

Later Germany thought the treaty was too harsh on it and that led to hatred to the neighbors and wanted to fight back later.  Thus with leadership of Hitler, extremism permeated in Germany.

This could be a great lesson to draw.

Currently  you have a leader like Trump who likes to use his power and you have a leader who doesn’t care about any pressure, such as Putin.

And some Europeans said irresponsibly that there might be a war in South China Sea.  This is very irresponsible.

Through this commemoration, one should realize that the war is so harmful that it will be detrimental to everyone.

Two lessons should be drawn from the first world war. One is to forgive. Like China forgives Japan and didn’t ask Japanese to compensate so much.

Two,  one should treat every country equally.  And these lessons were drawn after the second world war. That was to build the United Nations.

Many other international organizations have been established.

The current world should learn from the lesson and gave up too much nationalism. Internationalism should be promoted. Simply when anybody thought of war, you must try your best to avoid war. If you don’t want to create a war, you shouldn’t stimulate a war, you shouldn’t put people to test.

China is a peace loving country. I don’t think it will launch a war.  But if you push on it a war,  it is a country who will do all it can do to fight back.

History shows that anyone who fought with the Japanese, win it or not, in the end, it all has been Chinized.

For example, the Mongolians and the Manchurians have all been chinized and they all accepted the Chinese culture in the end. Why? Because Chinese culture has great essence in it. It always gives out the best it has and that is always a wisdom and a virtue. Man can not fight with this kind of behaviour.  It always treats people as brothers and sisters.

Its socialist ideas mean that no matter big or small, any country is equal with others. Thus, countries should also help each other, but not fight with each other.

For example, belt and road initiative is jus the idea of peace and development.

Anyway, one should draw lessons from history and try our best to safeguard the world peace and continue development.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska journalister Besöker Xinjiang-serien (17) – Xinjiang-informationskontor Biträdande direktör Shaliyef: Xinjiang har sett stora förändringar genom BRI and Tourism

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 1 november (Greenpost) – Vid lunch den 31 augusti var det dags att  säga adjö. Det här var sista gången vi alla åt lunch tillsammans. Under dessa åtta dagar har Xinjiang Information Office biträdande direktör Ailiti Shaliyef hela tiden följt oss, men han har inte sagt så mycket, bara hjälpt till att uppfylla alla önskemål från oss journalister.

När vi journalister nu är på väg att lämna talade han äntligen. Han sa att huvudsyftet med att bjuda in alla journalister här var att låta  oss alla ta en titt på Xinjiang och uppleva personligen något av livet i Xinjiang.  Hoppas ni förstår att vi tycker att socialism ledd av kinesiska kommunistparti passar Xinjiang mycket bra.

“Xinjiang ligger är en viktig del av den nygamla sidenvägen. Staten har investerat stora pengar i Xinjiangs utveckling. I slutet av 2017 har investerats 200 miljarder yuan eller cirka 30 miljarder dollar i infrastrukturbygge. Xinjiang bygger sex tunnelbanelinjer och två av dem kommer förhoppningsvis att vara i drift i slutet av detta år. Snabbtåg mellan Lanzhou i Gansu-provinsen och Urumqi i Xinjiang är redan i drift. Snabbtåg mellan Peking och Xinjiang är i slutfasen av drifttagning. När den är i full drift kommer restiden mellan Peking och Urumqi att förkortas från tre dagar till en dag. De flesta stora städer i Kina har förbindelse med Xinjiang”, sa Shaliyef.

Shaliyef sa också att Xinjiang har tillräckligt med energi, inklusive traditionell kol och olja, men också stora vindkraftparker, solkraftverk och vattenkraft. Xinjiangs el kan överföras till provinserna Henan och Hebei.

“Nu finns det också många flygbolag som kopplar Xinjiang med andra provinshuvudstäder. Många stora städer kan ha charter-flygbolag direkt för att gå till Altay. Detta kommer starkt att främja turistindustrin. I slutet av juli i år har antalet turister ökat till 75 miljoner”, sa Shaliyef.

Sedan 2014 har cirka sjuttiotusen cardres och partimedlemmar varit på landsbygden för att hjälpa bönder och herdar att hjälpa dem med kunskap, utbildning och förbättringar baserat på berövad vetenskap.  Detta har förbättrat relationerna mellan olika etniska grupper och mellan regionala ledare och lantbrukare. Bönder och herdars bostadsförhållanden har förbättrats och dricksvatten, el och även internet har påtagligt förbättrats.

“Alla dessa förändringar beror på investeringar från staten och de 19 provinserna brorstöd. Socialism under ledning av CPC passar Xinjiang mycket bra”,  sammanfattar Shaliyef.

Shaliyef talade också något om upploppet som ägde rum i Xinjiang 2009. Han sa att detta berodde på infiltrering av en liten grupp extremister som spred extremistiska och separatistiska idéer med ursprung från 1990-talet. De försökte på alla sätt att sabotera stabiliteten i Xinjiang. Under dessa år vågade människor inte gå till Bazar för att sälja saker på grund av den osäkra situationen. Men nu är det mycket säkert.  Folk kan gå till nattmarknaden för att ta en promenad och ta en titt. Alla är glada för att det är säkert och stabilt nu. “Jag vill  ge dig ett exempel: I Kasgar finns en gammal stad, där finns 75000 Ugyor boende. Under årtiondena har det aldrig varit några upplopps-aktiviteter. Varför? Eftersom de gör bra affärer runt templet. Det finns många trevliga turister där. Så med bra affärer och liv, lever Ugyor också ett bra liv “, sa Shaliyef.

Men varför uppstod upploppet i Urumqi? Shaliyef menar att det bara berodde på externa krafter. De ville bara ha ett stort inflytande här. Shaliyef betonar att Xinjiang stabilitet kom från partiets korrekta ledning på olika nivåer. Xinjiang behöver fortsätta att utvecklas och detta kräver en trygg och säker miljö och bra allmän ordning. Säkerhet är också en stor fråga för många länder i alla delar av världen. Ibland har de som aldrig kommit till Xinjiang bara hört några rykten och tror på dem. Jag hoppas att ni kan rapportera den verkliga situationen nu i Xinjiang genom era artiklar. Självklart är vi fortfarande på utvecklingsstadiet.

“Belt and Road” -initiativet är bra för länderna längs bältet och handelsvägen eftersom det är inte bara Kina som vill utveckla denna. Det är flera ländernas önskemål. Den gamla sidenvägen skapade många stora städer. Jag tror att det aktuella “Belt and Road Initiative” kommer att hjälpa många länder och städer att utvecklas ytterligare. Naturligtvis är vissa utländska medier kritiska till detta initiativ.  Men i verkligheten syfta Kinas initiativ till att hjälpa alla berörda länder att utvecklas och genom samarbete och realisera en win-win-situation. Vi är 14 utländska journalister från 14 länder, inklusive Belgien och Sverige, och 23 kinesiska journalister från de statliga medierna i Kina som deltar i denna 8-dagars rapportresa.  De har sett möjligheter för turism och kultur i Xinjiang och hur den lokala regeringen prioriterar turism och kultur som en pelare för industrins utveckling i Xinjiang. De förstår också hur detta bör hjälpa Xinjiang-provinsen att bättre integreras med andra provinser i Kina och med andra länder längs den nygamla sidenvägen.

Foto och text Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Chinese Ambassador Gui says China pays great attention to China-Europe relations

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said that China attaches great importance to China-Europe relations and he likes to listen to all the participants opinion on how to better improve China-Europe relations.

Ambassador Gui said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. Reform and opening-up, started 40 years ago, have transformed China from a country shackled by rigid planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy, and from a closed economy and society to one increasingly interconnected with the world. All the Chinese people benefit from reform and opening-up, as no one will live under the poverty line and all will lead a good life. Global economy benefits from China’s reform and opening-up as China’s economic growth contributes over 30% to global growth. Countries around the world benefit from China’s reform and opening-up because China generates tremendous development opportunities and dividends as it is set to become the world’s largest consumption market.

China’s reform and opening-up also contributes to world peace and security. The fact that China maintains social and political stability and is delivering a better life to nearly 1.4 billion people undoubtedly generates strong impetus to keep the momentum of global and regional security and stability.

Gui said that “some people speculate that China’s development threatens other countries, to which I would like to stress that it is not in the DNA of the Chinese nation to threaten and invade other countries. In the 5000 years of Chinese history, China has never waged a war of conquest against other countries. As a nation that endured over a hundred years of colonial invasion and enslavement by Western powers, we know too well the pain of being occupied and enslaved. As Chinese people often say, “do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.” In the vocabulary of China’s foreign policies, words like “invading other countries” and “seeking hegemony” have no place”. Gui said.

“There are also people saying that China is more assertive, which is a serious misunderstanding and misinterpretation of China’s foreign policies. Over a hundred years of colonial invasion and occupation of China led to the fact that China is still yet to realise complete national reunification. Anti-China separatist forces, such as “Taiwan independence”, “Tibet independence”, “East Turkestan” as well as “Hong Kong independence”, are doing everything to sabotage and hinder the reunification of China. What we must do in response is to firmly uphold national unity and advance the process of national reunification. In other words, we will not let any country, any force, any organization or any individual take away any inch of China’s rightful territory. What we are doing is opposing others to break into our house and rob our things rather than barge into others’ house and rob their things.” said Gui.

Gui said that Sweden is the first Western country to establish diplomatic ties with China. As a major Nordic country and an important member of the EU, Sweden leads the world in innovative, green and sustainable development. Just like China, Sweden is committed to upholding world peace and security, and resolving disputes through political and diplomatic means. These factors set up the foundation and favorable conditions for long-term and steady growth of China-Sweden relations. With high importance attached to its relations with Sweden, China is willing to strengthen dialogue, communication and cooperation in all areas, and work with Sweden to make contributions to world peace, development and security .

It is true that our two countries are different in our political systems and ideologies. But it is exactly these differences that make dialogue, exchanges and cooperation more necessary. Because we are different, we need to improve together by learning from each other. However, we oppose exaggerating or politicising these differences and turning them into obstacles of our relations, rather we hope to work together to turn these differences into highlights and propellers of our relations. To make this happen, we need to treat each other as equals, respect each other, refrain from interfering in each other’s internal affairs and work together for shared benefits.

Gui said that the 19th CPC National Congress that was successfully convened last October established the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and set the goal to build China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of this century.

To achieve the goal, China will deepen reform, open up wider to all countries and regions of the world, and carry forward with reform and opening-up with utmost resolve and confidence. The first China International Import Expo that is being held represents a major initiative and effort reaffirming China’s determination to open up wider. Like I said at the beginning, China’s reform and opening-up benefits the whole world, and deepened reform and opening-up will only benefit the world even more. We are committed to improving socialist democracy and rule of law, upholding and improving human rights and delivering a better life to all Chinese people. These efforts will bring about greater social and political stability and economic prosperity.

But no matter how much progress China makes in its development, even when China’s GDP per capita reaches the level of Sweden at USD 50,000, China will still stick to a peaceful development path and its peaceful foreign policy, remain committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind rather than interfere in other countries’  internal affairs, invade other countries or seek world dominance. Thousands of years of human history told us one thing, that is any empire that invades, enslaves or occupies other countries will eventually fail and crumble. That is what all of us need to learn and more importantly heed from history.

The Chinese side attaches great importance to developing China-Europe relations. In terms of how, I prefer to hear your thoughts and suggestions, concluded Gui.

Swedish Queen Silvia supported Children’s Nobel announced

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 8(Greenpost) —Three Child Rights Heroes who are candidates for the Swedish Child Rights award The World’s Children’s Prize (WCP) has been announced recently. Millions of children participate in a Global Vote and choose the recipient of the prize, often called the “Children’s Nobel Prize” by media around the world. 

The nominees are:

  • Spès Nihangaza, Burundi, for her 25-year fight for orphaned children who have been severely affected by the AIDS epidemic and a brutal civil war.
  • Ashok Dyalchand, India, who has been campaigning against child marriage and fighting for girls’ rights for 40 years.
  • Guylande Mésadieu, Haiti, who has been fighting for 20 years for children who have been forced into slavery, children in prison and children on the street.

The candidates have been selected by a jury of children from 15 different countries.
Since its launch in 2000, some 42 million children have participated in the World’s Children’s Prize Program, which is the world’s largest annual rights and democracy education initiative for children. Patrons of the World’s Children’s Prize include Malala Youzafsai, the late Nelson Mandela, Sweden’s Queen Silvia and Sweden’s Prime Minister and Minister for Children.

Children from around the world, here in Cambodia and Sweden, participate in a Global Vote to decide who receives the World’s Children’s Prize.

Supporting vulnerable children
The World’s Children’s Prize Program educates and empowers children to become changemakers who stand up for human fellowship, the equal value of all people, the rights of the child, democracy and sustainable development. The majority of the children involved in the program live in fragile states and many  discover for the first time that they have rights and are able to make their voices heard.Recipients honoured in Sweden
Tributes will be paid to all three Child Rights Heroes at a ceremony in May 2019 at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred, Sweden. The children will be assisted by Sweden’s Queen Silvia in presenting the awards. The prize money, which totals SEK 700,000, is used to support the Child Rights Heroes’ work and since the start in 2000 it has helped improve the lives of tens of thousands of the world’s most vulnerable children.

Global patrons
Patrons of the World’s Children’s Prize include Malala Youzafsai, the late Nelson Mandela, Sweden’s Queen Silvia, Graça Machel, Desmond Tutu and Sweden’s Prime Minister and Minister for Children.
The WCP Program is supported by 70,000 schools in 116 countries, as well as the Swedish Ministry of Education and 778 organisations. Since the program’s launch, half a million teachers have been trained to enable them to work with children’s rights, democracy and sustainable development in schools.

The World’s Children’s Prize Foundation (WCPF) is supported by a number of organisations, including the Swedish Postcode Lottery, Sida, Forum Syd, Julia & Hans Rausing Trust, H.M. Queen Silvia’s Care About the Children Foundation and the Survé Family Foundation.


Prime Minister Sipilä says to engage China and US while meeting EU president Jean-Claude Juncker

 By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 8 (Greenpost)–Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker met today, on 8 November, in Helsinki, according to a statement from government office reaching here.

In their meeting, Sipilä and Juncker had a wide-ranging discussion on the development of the EU and the challenges it will face in the future. The leaders also discussed Finland’s upcoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as well as the country’s priorities for the Commission’s new five-year work programme.

Sipilä and Juncker’s discussions focused on topics including the EU’s measures to respond to migration, questions concerning international trade and the development of the EU’s internal markets.

“When it comes to migration, we must focus above all dealing with the root causes and engaging in cooperation with the countries of origin. We also need more effective control of the EU’s external borders, including reform of the Common European Asylum System. During its Presidency term, Finland is committed to continue seeking a way forward in migration issues in a pragmatic and result-oriented manner,” commented Prime Minister Sipilä.

Sipilä and Juncker agreed that strengthening the rules-based international system of trade must continue to be a top priority of the EU’s trading policy.

“The EU has to maintain its leading role in modernising the World Trade Organization (WTO).  At the same time, we must work to engage the United States and China in this process,” Prime Minister Sipilä said.

Prime Minister Sipilä and European Commission President Juncker also discussed the development of the EU’s defence cooperation and preparedness for hybrid threats, the status of the Brexit negotiations, cooperation between the EU and Africa, climate issues and the EU’s new multiannual financial framework.

In addition to European Commission President Juncker, Sipilä met today, on 8 November, with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. Today’s discussions were part of a series of meetings leading up to Finland’s term as President of the Council of the European Union. Prime Minister Sipilä will meet with the heads of all EU Member States before the start of Finland’s Presidency term.


《李克强总理正式访问荷兰》 ——两国共同跨上大台阶续写合作伙伴关系新篇章

北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻荷兰特约记者张卓辉 编辑陈雪霏)–中国国务院总理李克强总理偕夫人程虹率领中国政府代表团于2018年10月14日乘专机抵达阿姆斯特丹,开始对荷兰进行正式访问。











10月16日在海牙(Den Haag)举办“2018 中国–荷兰经贸论坛”,中荷双方能达成更多的合作,为中荷企业加强交流提供了良好的机会,250家荷兰企业和此次与李克强总理随行的中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)为首的大型经贸团涉及金融、园艺、家居、建筑、医药、食品等行业的150家中国企业逾500多人共济一堂进行交流,签署了多项协议。


“你们看今天我们在这样一个会场,召开经贸论坛。很透明啊,太阳光直接照在我的脸上。(热烈掌声)中荷双方的主办者,都愿意在一个公开透明的环境下召开这个论坛,表明我们愿意在公开透明的环境下进行贸易。” 利用演讲场地的透明天花板,李克强再次强调在公开透明的前提下,发展自由贸易的重要性。



荷兰国家电视台NOS称,中荷企业在两国总理的见证下举行了一场“激动人心”的签字仪式。双方企业签署8项合作协议,涉及能源、金融、航空、农业科技等领域,总金额约80亿欧元。习近平主席曾提到过,荷兰是中国农业转型的真正伙伴。作为中荷企业签订的首个协议,浙江省嘉善经济技术开发区与荷兰著名锂能沃克斯公司(Lithium Werks B.V.)价值16亿欧元(18.5亿美元)的大项目将落户浙江中荷(嘉善)产业合作园。在长江三角洲地区设立新能源锂电池超级工程项目并设立中国研发基地。荷兰《共同日报》(AD)称,李克强访华期间,荷兰企业“争相与中国总理握手”,因为“赢得中国就相当于赢得了世界”。




“李克强总理在繁忙的访荷工作中间抽时间与大家交流,让人感动。” 荷兰华人总会会长孔海峰说,“中国与荷兰关系处在历史最好时期,我们作为旅荷华侨华人中的一员,感到非常荣幸。祖国的强大,也是我们华侨华人的强大,我们的腰杆也挺得更直了。希望祖国全面进步,经济、科技、文化、社会发展越来越好。”



    而李克强总理在繁忙的行程中,还特别旋风式地访问了莱顿大学,和校长Carel Stolker以及汉学系的师生见面,交谈。







据悉,今年年初,Lithium Werks首席执行官就宣布,未来将投资16亿欧在中国建设电池厂。Lithium Werks是全球知名的锂离子电池公司,近几年通过加快收购步伐,成为世界上最先进的磷酸铁锂储能系统集团。其实,Lithium Werks在中国已设有工厂,但中国近年来电池需求一直在增长。比起其他国家,中国的发展速度很快,且效率很高。新建电池厂的产量每年预计能达到8兆瓦时,相当于为16万轿车同时提供动力。且将在2021年初投入生产。

【附件1 】

李克强总理访荷之际,发表署名文章:《故友新知 共创未来》


故友新知 共创未来

A time to renew friendship and embrace a brighter future


中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

Li Keqiang

Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China



It is a great pleasure for me to visit the beautiful country of the Netherlands for the first time as Chinese Premier. To me, this country is by no means a strange, faraway land, but a familiar place. About 20 years ago when I was working in a Chinese province, I visited the Netherlands and was deeply impressed by its modern agriculture and thriving tourism, ports and logistics, to name just a few. So this is like a visit with old friends.


Although I haven’t had many chances to come back, I have been following the development of this country and that of China-Netherlands relations. I am glad to see continued progress in our bilateral ties and cooperation in recent years, most notably the establishment of an open and pragmatic partnership for comprehensive cooperation during President Xi Jinping’s successful state visit here in 2014. Another milestone was recorded in the history of our relations earlier this year when King Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Mark Rutte paid visits to China within two months.


There is a proverb in both Chinese and Dutch which urges people to strike while the iron is hot. I hope my upcoming visit will do the same and promote further progress of the interactions and cooperation between our two countries.


The Netherlands has been associated with many achievements. To historians and economists, it is the birthplace of the world’s first share-holding company, first stock exchange and first modern bank. To business leaders, it is home to many renowned multinationals. Humanities scholars admire your country for its contribution to arts and philosophy. In the travelogues of tourists, the Netherlands is the picturesque Garden of Europe and Land of Windmills.


On the Chinese side, silk and porcelain made in China arrived in this country as early as centuries ago. The Netherlands was among the first western countries to recognize the People’s Republic and enter into long-term cooperation on scientific research with us. If we compare our histories and national journeys, we can find similarities in national traits between the Chinese story and the Dutch story.


In the long fight against natural disasters, the Dutch people have built dams and dikes and reclaimed land from the sea to overcome the constraints imposed by the natural environment and make the most of its somewhat limited resources. Through centuries of hard work, your country has accomplished a great transformation from fighting the sea, to harnessing the sea, and to thriving and prospering by the sea. Such an enterprising, pioneering, open and pragmatic spirit is best captured by the motto on your coat of arms — Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain).


For the Chinese nation, it has faced many turmoil and challenges both internal and imposed from the outside through the centuries. But the Chinese people have always emerged stronger by overcoming the difficulties and obstacles and forged a national character of industry, courage and perseverance. Similarly, in the past four decades of reform and opening-up, we have encountered unprecedented risks and challenges; but we stayed the course and never flinched. A long journey is made through taking small steps. If there is one thing that we have learned along the way, it is that we shall always maintain.


Today, facing the headwinds of unilateralism and protectionism as well as the challenges of climate change and terrorism, we need to be clear about the direction where we are going. We should ask ourselves the question: do we opt for openness or stay behind closed doors,go forward or backward?


The Netherlands is a trading nation and China has been pursuing development through opening-up. As beneficiaries of the rules-based multilateral order, our two countries are likely to give similar answers to the above question. We would agree that the answer lies in making a stronger commitment to uphold multilateralism, free trade, economic globalization and an open world economy, and striving to sustain the hard-won global recovery with concrete and concerted efforts. Let’s join hands to maintain the Dutch story and the Chinese story and promote world peace and development.


We need to build on our friendship and further enhance it. This is because we need to rise up to new challenges in the global context. Moreover, the development driven by a new round of reform and opening-up has created new space for cooperation between our countries. As a Dutch saying goes, happiness doubles when you share it. Likewise, opportunities will multiply when we share them.


China and the Netherlands, at different development stages, have much to offer each other economically. Efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative will provide more opportunities to leverage the advantageous location of the Netherlands as the gateway to Europe and facilitate connectivity between China and Europe by making full use of the convenient land, sea and air transportation in this country. The boom of new growth drivers and upgrading of the industrial structure in China will cultivate new areas of technological cooperation. Chinese people’s pursuit of a better life with higher household spending promises a new market for quality Dutch products. China’s innovation-driven development strategy being implemented in full swing will offer new impetus for creative industries in the Netherlands to join in the development of the innovation economy in China. With a host of measures in place to deepen reform and expand opening-up, especially to widen market access for foreign investment in services sectors, the financial sector included, China will generate more promising business opportunities for Dutch companies and investors.


China will make greater efforts and take faster steps to improve its business environment, expand market access for foreign investors, and protect intellectual property rights. This is a commitment China has made not just to the world but more so to serve China’s own development. We will stay committed to these goals. The process of reform and opening-up will see China further align its domestic rules with international practices and seek development synergy with the rest of the world. The Netherlands and other countries are welcome to share in China’s development opportunities. Together, through friendly competition and cooperation, we will prevail over difficulties and challenges and open up new vistas for common progress.


I have come to the Netherlands to renew and enhance a long-running friendship. A bright future dawns only when we maintain. I trust that the Netherlands known for its pioneering spirit will be an early bird in China’s new round of reform and opening-up. With joint efforts, China, the Netherlands and Europe as a whole will all embrace a brighter future.





中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强

Keynote Speech by H.E. Li Keqiang

Premier of the State Council of

The People’s Republic of China

At the China-Netherlands Business Forum

The Hague, 16 October 2018





Prime Minister Mark Rutte,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great pleasure to join you at the China-Netherlands Business Forum in this beautiful city of The Hague. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to offer warm congratulations on the opening of the Forum and extend sincere thanks to people of all walks of life who have long been committed to the friendship and cooperation between China and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


This year has seen many highlights in China-Netherlands relations. In February, President Xi Jinping met with His Majesty the King who visited China. The meeting provided further guidance to and boosted the growth of our bilateral ties. With the official visit to China by Prime Minister Mark Rutte in April and my visit to the Netherlands this time, we made an exchange of visits at the head-of-government level within a year. Such frequent high-level interactions have lent fresh impetus to our relations defined as an open and pragmatic partnership for comprehensive cooperation.


Being one of the earliest achievers of modernization, the Netherlands can be rightly proud of its accomplishments in many areas. It is the birthplace of the world’s first share-holding company, first stock exchange and first modern bank. It boasts one of the world’s highest per capita GDPs, and ranks as the fifth, the sixth, and the second largest exporter of goods, services and agriculture produce and food respectively. It is home to a great many well-known companies and brands, with half of its companies actively engaged in innovation. Just now I was given a presentation of some of the leading hi-tech products of this country, which left me deeply impressed by the scientific and technological prowess and industrial capabilities of the Netherlands.


Although our countries are far apart geographically, friendly interactions between our peoples go back centuries. As early as in the 17th century, Dutch merchants brought Chinese porcelain, tea and silk to Europe. Our cooperation has come a long way since the establishment of diplomatic ties, especially in recent years. The Netherlands has been among China’s top three trading partners in the EU since the year 2000, with two-way trade projected to approach US$90 billion this year. We each have about US$20 billion of investment stock in the other’s market. Eleven out of the 15 Dutch Fortune 500 companies have invested in China, and the Netherlands is now China’s second largest investment destination in the EU.

We owe such fruitful economic ties to our shared adherence to the principles of mutual respect and equality, to our commitment to openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, and to our tireless pursuit of pragmatism, enterprise and innovation. With so many business leaders present, let me say the growth of trade and economic cooperation between our two countries is, to a large measure, down to the hard work and wisdom of our business communities.


Yesterday, I had productive talks with Prime Minister Rutte. We reached important common understanding in wide-ranging areas. Given the strong foundation, enormous potential and great prospect of our cooperation, there is every reason that we should redouble our efforts to further broaden, deepen and elevate China-Netherlands cooperation.


We need to make the pie of our trade bigger. As China-Netherlands trade only accounts for 1.5 percent of the combined trade volume of our two countries, there is considerable space for further expansion. China is keen to import more manufactured industrial products, advanced equipment and quality agricultural produce from the Netherlands. This will better meet the needs of Chinese consumers and be conducive to industrial upgrading in China. The first-ever China International Import Expo will open soon. We look forward to the active participation of Dutch companies to showcase your capabilities and I wish you hefty orders in advance. Chinese products offer good value for money; over 70 percent of Chinese exports to this country are through entrepôt trade. I hope Dutch companies will fully capitalize on your strength as a transshipment hub to bring more Chinese products to the Dutch and the wider European markets. In view of the rapid growth in our trans-border e-commerce, it is high time we create better conditions, both in hardware facilities and the softer aspects, to give Chinese and Dutch consumers more choices and greater convenience.


We need to open up more space for two-way investment cooperation. China is ready to work with the Netherlands in creating a fair, non-discriminatory and transparent business environment for each other’s investors. Dutch companies are welcome to expand their investment in China by leveraging the synergy between their leading-edge capabilities and China’s huge market potential. In particular, I would encourage you to explore opportunities in China’s central and western provinces as well as traditional industrial bases in the northeast, which hold enormous development potential. You are also welcome to invest in development zones, pilot free trade zones or free trade ports in China which offer enabling conditions. On our part, we hope the Netherlands, a nation long committed to a free and open investment policy, will give fair and equitable treatment to Chinese companies who make investments in this country according to market principles and commercial rules.


We need to strengthen cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Having a long history of maritime trade has made the Netherlands a gateway to Europe. China is ready to work closely with the Netherlands in ports, logistics, customs and other fields to help build an efficient and smooth passageway between Asia and Europe. Companies of our two countries have been engaged in third-party cooperation on equipment supply, design and consulting. We need to further expand the areas and scope of such cooperation to deliver greater benefits to the local communities.

The BRI is an initiative for economic cooperation, not a tool of geopolitics. In carrying out BRI and third-party cooperation, we should follow market principles and prevailing international rules, and leverage the role of regional and international institutions. We should proceed from the national conditions of countries concerned and ensure transparency in project operation in order to keep the debt risks under control.


We need to cultivate new growth drivers in our cooperation on innovation. The people of our two countries are both known for being bold innovators. While the Netherlands has been a top-tier innovative country in the world, China has also implemented an innovation strategy in recent years to drive growth and fostered a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across society. As the new round of industrial revolution gathers momentum, global industrial and innovation chains are becoming closely entwined. All countries are involved, to varying degrees, in this process, each contributing its share and drawing benefits in return.

The Chinese and Dutch governments have implemented three major cooperation programs on science, technology and innovation. We are ready to build on the existing foundation to upgrade cooperation in this field. We should enhance cooperation in human resource development, joint research and commercialization of research results, particularly in areas such as smart shipping, agriculture, water management, aviation and space, life sciences, electronic information, new materials, chemistry and environmental protection. Such cooperation, which draws on our complementarity, will generate more benefits than if we act alone.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China-Netherlands cooperation is a fine example of China-Europe cooperation. The world today is undergoing profound changes. Yet no matter how the situation may evolve, China will always see Europe as an important pole in the world and the EU as a comprehensive strategic partner. China hopes to see the EU staying united, stable, open and prosperous. Given the growing uncertainties and destabilizing factors in the world economy, there is every reason for China and the EU, as two major economies, to enhance strategic communication and coordination, and respond to the challenges together.

We hope the EU will ease restrictions and increase the export of high-end equipment and high-tech products to China. We need to build on the progress in the negotiations of a bilateral investment agreement to push for substantive outcomes. A possible China-EU FTA would give a big boost to the growth of our economic and trade relations. We are ready to work with the EU to lay a solid foundation for the FTA by launching a joint feasibility study as early as possible.


To deepen China-Netherlands and China-EU cooperation, a free and open environment is indispensable. Yet, the rise of unilateralism and protectionism has dealt a blow to the multilateral trading regime. The rules-based multilateral trading regime, represented by the WTO, was built with long and hard efforts by all parties on the basis of learning the lessons of history. It has played an irreplaceable role in the global trading system. Trade among WTO members now accounts for more than 98 percent of global trade. China and the EU are both beneficiaries of the multilateral trading regime and advocates for upholding the authority and effectiveness of the WTO.

That being said, some of the WTO rules do need to be reformed and improved. China and the EU have established a joint working group for this purpose, which held its first dialogue not long ago. China maintains that the fundamental principles of the WTO, such as openness, transparency, inclusiveness and non-discrimination, should not be compromised. The direction of trade liberalization should continue to be followed. Reforms should accommodate the concerns of the majority of the membership, uphold the development rights and interests as well as the special and differential treatment of the developing members, and serve to narrow the gap between the North and the South. China supports fair trade as well as free trade. Without free trade, there will be no fair trade; trade that is unfair is simply unsustainable; be it free trade or fair trade, all trade should be based on universally recognized WTO rules.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Through four decades of reform and opening-up, China has made significant economic progress. With China becoming the second largest economy in the world, some foreign friends started to wonder: is China still a developing country? To identify the development stage of a country, one needs to take a comprehensive and multi-dimensional view. China does have a huge economic aggregate, but its per capita GDP stands just above US$8,800, only a quarter of that of the EU. More than 40 percent of Chinese live in the rural areas. Among them, over 30 million, equivalent to the population of a medium-sized country, are living in poverty with a per capita annual income of less than 3,000 RMB yuan. A large number of villages and some remote areas are still struggling with primitive infrastructure. Some of them have only just had access to roads, electricity and the internet. China ranks 86th on the UN list of Human Development Index, 76 places behind the Netherlands. All these speak to the fact that China remains a developing country, and there is still a long way to go before China becomes a high-income country and achieves all-round modernization.


On the other hand, the significant gap between China and developed countries can be turned into huge potential for development. The Chinese economy grew by 6.8 percent in the first half of this year. Growth in the third quarter is projected to moderate somewhat due to factors such as changes in the external environment. Yet we expect the steady momentum of growth to continue and overall economic performance to be maintained within the proper range. Employment, in particular, has remained solid, with over 11 million new urban jobs created in the first three quarters of this year. This has helped to keep surveyed urban unemployment rate at a relatively low level of around 5 percent. Structural adjustments have continued to make headway: consumption has kept growing by over 9 percent; the services sector accounts for a growing share of the economy, consolidating its role as the main engine for growth. High-tech sectors, strategic emerging industries and equipment manufacturing expanded notably faster than general industries. Agricultural production remains strong, with main agricultural products in abundant supply.

What’s more, new growth drivers such as new forms and models of business have been thriving. The number of newly registered enterprises reached five million in the first three quarters of this year, or 18,000 for an average day, bringing the total number of market entities in China to over 100 million. These new growth drivers now contribute over one third to economic growth and more than two thirds to urban job creation. The quality and performance of the Chinese economy has been improving: profits of large industrial companies and service providers maintained double-digit growth, and household income rose largely in tandem with GDP growth.

This being said, we are deeply conscious of the many uncertainties and destabilizing factors confronting the Chinese economy in the context of a complex and fast-changing international environment. Downward pressure on the economy has notably increased, so have the difficulties and challenges facing us. Nevertheless, the Chinese economy enjoys strong resilience and broad space for maneuver, and thanks to years of development and innovation, we have at our disposal a fairly substantial toolkit for macro-control. All these will fully equip us to meet the main targets of development for this year and, through continued unrelenting efforts, to sustain medium-high growth for a long time to come and move to a medium-high level of development.


China will stay committed to advancing reform. Reform is the fundamental driver of China’s development. China will only speed up its market-oriented reforms. We will not slow down the pace of reform, let alone turn back. The Chinese government will continue to streamline administrative approval procedures, provide more efficient services, and slash the time required to start a business, get a permit or go through customs clearance. We will introduce tax cuts on a bigger scale and meaningfully lower fees, including the social security contribution rate. The reform to transform state-owned enterprises (SOEs) into standard companies and joint-stock companies has been basically completed. China’s SOEs, many of which are publicly listed, run their operations in an open and transparent manner. It is entirely up to them to make their own business decisions, and they are responsible for any profits or losses. They do not enjoy any special subsidies.

Continued efforts will be made to deepen the reform of SOEs and state-owned assets, including mixed-ownership reform in a tiered and category-based manner. Foreign investors are welcome to participate in the reforming and restructuring of Chinese SOEs. We will work for greater transparency in government regulations, ordinances and standards at all levels and higher consistency and predictability in policy execution. A level-playing field will be resolutely enforced. All companies registered in China will receive fair and equal treatment.


China will stay committed to greater opening-up. China has comprehensively fulfilled, in some cases outperformed, the commitments it made upon accession to the WTO. A foreign investment management model of pre-establishment national treatment and a negative list has been rolled out. China’s trade in goods now accounts for more than one third of its GDP. And foreign-invested enterprises have contributed about 40 percent to China’s export and 20 percent to tax revenue. China’s economy has deeply integrated into the world economy. Pursuing greater opening-up is a sure choice based on its own development needs. Since early this year, we have introduced an array of new measures in pursuit of greater opening-up, including lowering tariffs for some goods and widening market access in the manufacturing and services industries.

Starting from next month, we will cut import tariffs for more than 1,500 industrial goods, which will bring our overall tariff rate down to 7.5 percent, a lower-middle level by international standards. China will further open its financial services sector. Just as we have lifted foreign ownership caps in the banking sector, we will take similar steps in the insurance and securities sectors in the next three years. By then there will be foreign ventures qualified for full-license, full-ownership operation in the financial sector. China’s pursuit of opening-up in greater breadth and depth will provide more cooperation opportunities to the business communities around the world. In the first eight months of this year, total paid-in foreign direct investment in China grew by over 6 percent. A new round of investment by some multinationals is in the pipelines. Companies from the Netherlands and other European countries are welcome to get a head start in seizing business opportunities in China.


China will stay committed to boosting innovation. Much can be accomplished in China given its huge market, strong supporting industries and abundant human resources. We will foster a more enabling eco-system to spur innovation, intensify support for basic research and applied basic research, encourage corporate R&D spending, and improve incentives for researchers and policies for the commercialization of innovation outcomes. We will facilitate integrated innovation and synergized development of companies of different sizes, industries, universities, research institutes and end users in both online and offline activities.

Stringent IPR protection meets China’s needs for high-quality development and closer cooperation with the rest of the world. In recent years, China has revised nearly 20 IPR-related laws and regulations, handled over 1.4 million cases of IPR infringement, and set up special IPR tribunals. Intellectual property royalty payments by Chinese companies to overseas proprietors have increased by a big margin to reach US$28.6 billion last year, of which one third was made to the EU. China will never allow forced technology transfer or make technology transfer a precondition for foreign investment approval. Mutually beneficial technology transfer and cooperation between business partners in joint ventures and other forms of cooperation will be respected by the government. We will introduce a more rigorous mechanism of punitive compensation for IPR infringements to deter violations, improve judicial services and align China’s innovation protection system with international business rules.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


There is a proverb in the Netherlands that says, “A ship is as strong as its crew.” If we compare China-Netherlands cooperation to a giant ship, business leaders present today would be sailors whose work is vital to the voyage ahead. I trust that all of you “sailors” will brave the waves hand-in-hand and forge ahead to set new records and score greater success in our cooperation.


Thank you.

















Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (1) -Kina-Europe Express Länkar Dig och Mig

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 19. Okt(Greenpost) — Tro det eller inte, det är mycket troligt att en flaska tomatketchep på bordet av en Neapel-familj transporteras av Kina-Europe Express via Urumqi-anpassningscentret, huvudstaden i Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Som journalist från Greenpost from Sweden, tillsammans med 14 journalister från 14 länder i Asien och Europa, har jag varit i Urumqi-inriktningscentralen och bevittnat att Harmony Freight Train sätter sig härifrån till Horgos Port och går vidare till Europa med full frakt i 41 europeiska standardhytter. Det var den 25, augusti, 2018.

Nan Jun, vice generaldirektör för Xinjiang Järnvägs internationella transport Co Ltd sa att “tåget som ska börja nu är 1486-tåget sedan 26 maj 2016 och 654: e sedan 1 januari 2018”.

-Sedan Kinas Järnväg Express började har vi blivit välkomna av våra kunder eftersom vi har ökat vår transportkapacitet väsentligt från en gång i veckan till en gång om dagen och nu tre gånger om dagen. Så våra järnvägslinjer ökar också från 4 linjer till 19 linjer som täcker 23 platser. Hastigheten ökar ytterligare genom att optimera den inhemska transporttiden och genom aktivt samarbete med våra partners utomlands. Vi har förkortat tiden från 66 timmar till 44 timmar och nu tar det bara 40 timmar att anlända till Almaty. Tiden till Tyskland har också förkortats från 16 dagar till 13,5 dagar. Kostnaden minskar också. -sade Nan.

Nan Jun sade att tåget kan nå så långt som Neapel i Italien via Ryssland, Belorus, Polen, Tyskland och Italien. När tåget kom tillbaka kom det med massa från Finland och transporterades till Korla i Xinjiang för att producera gröna produkter. Samtidigt transporterades även andra europeiska produkter tillbaka.

Han sa att årets mål är att nå 1400 gånger och 80 procent av dem kommer att vara från punkt till punkt. De produkter som de skickade ut är inte bara att vara Xinjiang Products, utan även containrar från Yiwu, östra Kinas Zhejiang-provins. Det tar bara en dag att komma hit. Och då kommer det att transporteras till London. Tåget är i internationell standard eftersom tåget som går till Storbritannien, kommer att ändra spåret eftersom det använder olika spår. Urumqi-omgruppering centret gör att de brådskande produkterna går först och andra produkter går efter. Det är här att de kommer att byta spår och byta container först. Kostnaden minskade och effektiviteten ökade.

Kina Railway Express i Urumqi gör Xinjiang till ett kommunikationscentrum för bält- och väg initiativ som förbinder Kina och Centralasien och Europa och blir kärnzonen när det gäller att främja ekonomi och handel med relevanta länder. Detta har varit Xinjiangs bidrag, vilket till och med väsentligt bidrar till världshandeln. Hittills har det funnits 19 järnvägslinjer som förbinder Kina och omvärlden och ungefär hälften av dem via Xinjiang Uygor Autonom Region Nordvästra Kina och hälften av dem via Heilongjiang-provinsen, Nordöstra Kina.

Vissa människor i västvärlden tvivlar på Kinas syfte att bältet och väginitiativet, men för att göra lasttransporter lättare, göra världsaffären lättare att göra och gynna alla involverade, viktigare att tillhandahålla goda varor till alla kunder är det verkliga syftet och detta är bara ett bra exempel på bältet och väginitiativet.

Detta var det första stoppet som kinesiska och utländska journalister har stoppat. Det andra stoppet kommer att vara Xinjiang Software Park. Vänligen håll dig stillad. Följa oss!

Bild och Text  av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Video: Birgit Nilsson Prize winner Nina Stemme: I was a coward when I was 10 or 11

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 12(Greenpost) — Nina Stemme, Birgit Nilsson Prize winner held a press conference today and said she was a coward when she was 10 or 11 years old because she wanted to be a musician then, but she dared not because she was afraid of failure.

Stemme is not only a great singer, she is almost a philosopher because her motto is Hurry slowly.

She is also a kind of linguist and speaks perfect English with perfect voice.

She told us about her childhood and about her experience in voice training. She said after all, it was she who should be on the stage in the end, so she must train herself hard and well.

Nordhaus and Romer share 2018 Economic Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 8,(Greenpost)– Goran Hansson has announced that The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2018 was divided equally between William D. Nordhaus “for integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis” and Paul M. Romer “for integrating technological innovations into long-run macroeconomic analysis.”


At its heart, economics deals with the management of scarce resources. Nature dictates the main constraints on economic growth and our knowledge determines how well we deal with these constraints. This year’s Laureates William Nordhaus and Paul Romer have significantly broadened the scope of economic analysis by constructing models that explain how the market economy interacts with nature and knowledge.

Technological change – Romer demonstrates how knowledge can function as a driver of long-term economic growth. When annual economic growth of a few per cent accumulates over decades, it transforms people’s lives. Previous macroeconomic research had emphasised technological innovation as the primary driver of economic growth, but had not modelled how economic decisions and market conditions determine the creation of new technologies. Paul Romer solved this problem by demonstrating how economic forces govern the willingness of firms to produce new ideas and innovations.

Romer’s solution, which was published in 1990, laid the foundation of what is now called endogenous growth theory. The theory is both conceptual and practical, as it explains how ideas are different to other goods and require specific conditions to thrive in a market. Romer’s theory has generated vast amounts of new research into the regulations and policies that encourage new ideas and long-term prosperity.

Climate change – Nordhaus’ findings deal with interactions between society and nature. Nordhaus decided to work on this topic in the 1970s, as scientists had become increasingly worried about the combustion of fossil fuel resulting in a warmer climate. In the mid-1990s, he became the first person to create an integrated assessment model, i.e. a quantitative model that describes the global interplay between the economy and the climate. His model integrates theories and empirical results from physics, chemistry and economics. Nordhaus’ model is now widely spread and is used to simulate how the economy and the climate co-evolve. It is used to examine the consequences of climate policy interventions, for example carbon taxes.

The contributions of Paul Romer and William Nordhaus are methodological, providing us with fundamental insights into the causes and consequences of technological innovation and climate change. This year’s Laureates do not deliver conclusive answers, but their findings have brought us considerably closer to answering the question of how we can achieve sustained and sustainable global economic growth.

The Laureates

William D. Nordhaus, born 1941 in Albuquerque, USA. Ph.D. in 1967 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, USA.

Paul M. Romer, born 1955 in Denver, USA. Ph.D. in 1983 from University of Chicago, USA. Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, New York, USA.

Dr. Mukwege and sexual crime victim Murad win 2018 Nobel Prize in Peace

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 5(Greenpost)– Berit Reiss Andersen, Chair of The Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced that the Norwergian Nobel Committee has  decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018 to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict, according to a live broadcast of Nobel Prize.

“Both laureates have made a crucial contribution to focusing attention on, and combating, such war crimes. Denis Mukwege is the helper who has devoted his life to defending these victims.” she said. 

Nadia Murad is the witness who tells of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others. Each of them in their own way has helped to give greater visibility to war-time sexual violence, so that the perpetrators can be held accountable for their actions.

The physician Denis Mukwege has spent large parts of his adult life helping the victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since the Panzi Hospital was established in Bukavu in 2008, Dr. Mukwege and his staff have treated thousands of patients who have fallen victim to such assaults. Most of the abuses have been committed in the context of a long-lasting civil war that has cost the lives of more than six million Congolese.

Denis Mukwege is the foremost, most unifying symbol, both nationally and internationally, of the struggle to end sexual violence in war and armed conflicts. His basic principle is that “justice is everyone’s business”. Men and women, officers and soldiers, and local, national and international authorities alike all have a shared responsibility for reporting, and combating, this type of war crime.

The importance of Dr. Mukwege’s enduring, dedicated and selfless efforts in this field cannot be overstated. He has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticised the Congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop the use of sexual violence against women as a strategy and weapon of war.

Nadia Murad is herself a victim of war crimes. She refused to accept the social codes that require women to remain silent and ashamed of the abuses to which they have been subjected. She has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own sufferings and speaking up on behalf of other victims.

Andersen said that Nadia Murad is a member of the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, where she lived with her family in the remote village of Kocho. In August 2014 the Islamic State (IS) launched a brutal, systematic attack on the villages of the Sinjar district, aimed at exterminating the Yazidi population. In Nadia Murad’s village, several hundred people were massacred. The younger women, including underage children, were abducted and held as sex slaves. While a captive of the IS, Nadia Murad was repeatedly subjected to rape and other abuses. Her assaulters threatened to execute her if she did not convert to their hateful, inhuman version of Islam.

She described Nadia Murad as just one of an estimated 3 000 Yazidi girls and women who were victims of rape and other abuses by the IS army. The abuses were systematic, and part of a military strategy. Thus they served as a weapon in the fight against Yazidis and other religious minorities.

After a three-month nightmare Nadia Murad managed to flee. Following her escape, she chose to speak openly about what she had suffered. In 2016, at the age of just 23, she was named the UN’s first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.

“This year marks a decade since the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1820 (2008), which determined that the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict constitutes both a war crime and a threat to international peace and security. This is also set out in the Rome Statute of 1998, which governs the work of the International Criminal Court. The Statute establishes that sexual violence in war and armed conflict is a grave violation of international law.  A more peaceful world can only be achieved if women and their fundamental rights and security are recognised and protected in war.” said Andersen. 

She said this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is firmly embedded in the criteria spelled out in Alfred Nobel’s will. Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad have both put their personal security at risk by courageously combating war crimes and seeking justice for the victims. They have thereby promoted the fraternity of nations through the application of principles of international law.

Dr. Denis Mukwege actually won the Rightlivlihood Prize, dubbed as the Alternative Nobel Prize in Stockholm five years ago.  So it is recognized that his winning is well justified.

This year’s Nobel Peace prize is considered to be fair and all the winners deserve such prize for their contribution to mankind.



北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典华人社团再次集体发声,发表声明强烈抗议瑞典电视台SVT的辱华言行,要求立即停止类似对中国和中国人民的恶意伤害的娱乐节目,并向中国和中国人民诚恳地赔礼道歉,以使中瑞关系和两国人民友谊朝着健康持久的方向发展。








瑞典文,Swedish version.

Rakhmat Akilov sentenced to life imprisonment for terror attack in Stockholm


Stockholm district court today sentenced Rakhmat Akilov to life imprisonment for the terrorism attack on the popular shopping street Drottninggatan, on April 7, 2017. He was convicted of terror-related murder in five cases, attempted murder in 119 cases and causing danger to the public in 24 cases.

In the attack, five people were killed and 14 others wounded. The victims were a British man, a Belgian woman and three Swedes, including an 11-year-old girl.

It was in the early afternoon of Friday April 7, 2017, that Mr Akilov hijacked a beer truck and drove down the pedestrian shopping street that was full of people. He crashed the truck into a department store and tried to ignite an explosive device in an attempt to also end his own life. The device failed, and Mr Akilov fled the scene. He was arrested by Swedish police in a town north of Stockholm the same evening.

Pleaded guilty

Before the attack, Mr Akilov had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State, and he motivated the attack as a terrorist attack in the name of the Islamic State. Rakmat Akilov had said the attack was revenge for Sweden joining a coalition against the Islamic State group.

Mr Akilov, an illegal immigrant from Uzbekistan, had pleaded guilty to five counts of murder and over 100 counts of attempted murder. Life imprisonment was expected, although the defence had pleaded for leniency since Mr Akilov is believed to have cooperated with authorities in the investigation. Life imprisonment in Sweden is minimum 18 years in jail. If the prisoner has behaved well, he can appeal for a fixed termed sentence after 12 years. Since Mr Akilov is a foreign resident, he will be deported after having served his sentence.

source: SVT English

Video:Arnold, Smith and Winter win 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 4(Greenpost)– Goran Hansson, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on Wednesday that the academy of sciences has decided to grant the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with one half to Frances Arnold and the other half jointly to George Smith and Sir Gregory Winter.

For details pls watch the video filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Hansson made the announcement.

Professor Claes Gustafsson gave a brief introduction of the significance of the prize.

Sara Linde gave a explaination why the three laureates won the prize.

Professor Gunnar Von Heijne explained why the three laureates won the prize.

Professor Gunnar Von Heijne further explained why the three laureates won the prize.


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 awards to scientist who finds the power of evolutionwin 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct.3(Greenpost) — Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced the winner of 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Goran Hansson, Permanent Secretary  said the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 with one half to

Frances H. Arnold, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA

“for the directed evolution of enzymes”

and the other half jointly to George P. Smith, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA and Sir Gregory P. Winter, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK

“for the phage display of peptides and antibodies”.

According to a statement, the power of evolution is revealed through the diversity of life. The 2018 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have taken control of evolution and used it for purposes that bring the greatest benefit to humankind. Enzymes produced through directed evolution are used to manufacture everything from biofuels to pharmaceuticals. Antibodies evolved using a method called phage display can combat autoimmune diseases and in some cases cure metastatic cancer.

Since the first seeds of life arose around 3.7 billion years ago, almost every crevice on Earth has filled with different organisms. Life has spread to hot springs, deep oceans and dry deserts, all because evolution has solved a number of chemical problems. Life’s chemical tools – proteins – have been optimised, changed and renewed, creating incredible diversity.

This year’s Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have been inspired by the power of evolution and used the same principles – genetic change and selection – to develop proteins that solve mankind’s chemical problems.

One half of this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to Frances H. Arnold. In 1993, she conducted the first directed evolution of enzymes, which are proteins that catalyse chemical reactions. Since then, she has refined the methods that are now routinely used to develop new catalysts. The uses of Frances Arnold’s enzymes include more environmentally friendly manufacturing of chemical substances, such as pharmaceuticals, and the production of renewable fuels for a greener transport sector.

The other half of this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is shared by George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter. In 1985, George Smith developed an elegant method known as phage display, where a bacteriophage – a virus that infects bacteria – can be used to evolve new proteins. Gregory Winter used phage display for the directed evolution of antibodies, with the aim of producing new pharmaceuticals. The first one based on this method, adalimumab, was approved in 2002 and is used for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Since then, phage display has produced anti-bodies that can neutralise toxins, counteract autoimmune diseases and cure metastatic cancer.

We are in the early days of directed evolution’s revolution which, in many different ways, is bringing and will bring the greatest benefit to humankind.

The Laureates

Frances H. Arnold, born 1956 in Pittsburgh, USA. Ph.D. 1985, University of California, Berkeley, USA. Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA.

George P. Smith, born 1941 in Norwalk, USA. Ph.D. 1970, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.

Sir Gregory P. Winter, born 1951 in Leicester, UK. Ph.D. 1976. University of Cambridge, UK. Research Leader Emeritus, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK.

Prize amount: 9 million Swedish krona, with one half to Frances Arnold and the other half to be shared between George Smith and Gregory Winter.

They will receive their prize from the hands of Swedish King Karl XVI Gustaf on Dec. 10.